I was working on some of my photographs, things…
如果不是她启发我 我不会想到这些的
…I wouldn’t have done if she hadn’t inspired me.
And it happened very naturally for both of us.
You weren’t nervous?
不 感觉充满爱意而且柔和
No, it was very loving and gentle.
你很享受吗 我很享受
Did you enjoy it? I did.
It was just the one time?
对 我的意思是 就那么发生了 明白吗
Yeah. I mean, it just happened, you know?
I’m not planning on making a habit out of it, necessarily.
But if you enjoyed it….
对 那时很享受
I did, I did at the time.
你跟琼·安东尼奥说了吗 当然 没什么好隐瞒的
Did you tell Juan Antonio? Of course. There’s nothing to hide.
Would you say, then, you are a bisexual?
不 我觉得没必要下任何定义吧 我就是我
No…I see no reason to label everything. I’m me!
那之后我跟琼·安东尼奥上♥床♥了 而且很享受
I’ve slept with Juan Antonio since and enjoyed that experience very much.
It’s a great story.
对 这故事 很棒
That’s a…great story.
听着 我不拿自己当法官 所以
Look, I don’t set myself up as a judge, so….
What are you thinking?
我也不知道 时间过得多快啊
Oh, I don’t know. How quickly time passes
Summer’s almost over.
We’re going home soon.
I thought you were still dwelling on…
…your friend’s little tale of lust in the darkroom.
And speaking of darkrooms….
Come here.
接下来的几周里 克莉丝汀娜越来越确认 自己是块干摄影的料了
Over the next weeks, Cristina became more and more sure of herself as a photographer.
她一有什么疑虑 琼·安东尼奥和玛利亚·爱莲娜 都会帮忙出主意并支持她
Both Juan Antonio and Maria Elena contributed ideas and support when she had doubts.
多亏他们的鼓励 摄影已经成为她一个很多产的兴趣了
Thanks to their encouragement, photography was becoming a productive interest in her life.
如今 她 琼·安东尼奥和玛利亚·爱莲娜 成了情人
By now, she and Juan Antonio and Maria Elena had become lovers.
一切都很平衡 很和拍
Everything seemed perfectly balanced, perfectly in tune.
玛利亚·爱莲娜很平静 很放松
Maria Elena was calm and relaxed.
Juan Antonio was going through a very creative period with his painting.
只有克莉丝汀娜 在夏天结束前最后的一段时间里
It was only Cristina, as the last days of summer expired…
…who began to experience an old, familiar stirring…
是她所恐惧的与日俱增的焦躁 只是这次更加强烈
…a growing restlessness that she dreaded, but recognized only too well.
突然间 理智战胜了情感
Suddenly, thoughts started taking precedence over feelings.
关于生命 爱情的想法和疑问
Thoughts and questions about life and love.
不管她多么努力地避免产生这些想法 都无法把它们从脑海中抹去
And, as much as she tried to resist these ideas, she could not get them from her mind.
终于 她下定了决心
Finally summoning her resolve…
某天晚饭后 她宣布了一个令所有人震惊的消息
…one evening after dinner, she made an announcement that surprised everyone.
我不想过我父母的那种生活 也不想要我来这儿之前的那种生活
I don’t want what my parents had. I don’t want what I had before I came here.
我知道 但我也知道不能一直像现在这样活下去
I know that. But I know I can’t live like this forever.
Did I tell you or not?
那你想要什么样的 我想要不同的生活
What do you want? I want something different.
我不知道 但不是这种
I don’t know. Not this.
不会有答案的 克莉丝汀娜
There is no answer, Cristina.
你还不明白吗 她已经得到她想要的了
Don’t you understand? She’s gotten what she wanted.
她现在想要其他的 这种生活不能满足她了
She wants something else. This isn’t enough for her.
这像是病态的 什么都不能永远满足她
It’s like an illness. Nothing will ever be enough for her
别心烦 说英语好吧 我听不懂你的话
Don’t get so upset. And speak English. I can’t understand you.
This girl will never be satisfied with anything.
说英语 好让她能知道你在说什么
Speak English so she can understand us.
我就知道你会利用我们 我早就知道 你果然就利用了我们
I knew you would use us. I knew you would use us. And you used us.
I knew it.
我早就知道 早就知道
I knew it! I knew it.
说英语 求你了 让她能听明白
Speak English, please, so she can understand.
习惯性不满足症 你得的就是这种病 习惯性不满足症
Chronic dissatisfaction, that’s what you have. Chronic dissatisfaction.
大病 很严重的病
Big sickness. Big sickness.
不是那样的 玛利亚·爱莲娜 不是那样的
That’s not it, Maria Elena. That’s not it.
仅仅是 看着我
It’s simply that…. Look at me.
Do you know how much we love you?
知道 我也爱你们两个
Yeah. And I love you both.
不 你不爱 你不爱 被宠的 被宠成这样 可我也没办法
No, you don’t! It has nothing to do with that!
我就知道 早知道 早就知道
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.
别说了 求你了
Shut up now, please.
别说了 很简单 她还没有遇到对的人
Shut up now. It’s simply that she hasn’t met the right person yet.
她遇到对的人之后 不是你或我
When she does find the right person…not you or me…
…this whole thing about finding peace and happiness will pass.
不是那样的 好吧 好吧
That’s not it. Okay, fine.
你要去哪儿 克莉丝汀娜
Where will you go, Cristina?
我会 会离开这儿几周
I just have to get out of here for a few weeks…
…and clear my head.
都是我的问题 跟你们没有关系
This is all my problem. It has nothing to do with you.
Come here.
Let’s be…
感谢所有经历过的美好时光 好吗
…thankful for all the good times that we’ve spent together. All right?
记着对方 带着尊重 好吗
And remember each other with respect…
还有爱和感情 好吗
…and love and affection.
Cristina told all that had happened to Vicky…
…and said she was going to France for a few weeks to think things out.
她会回来接她 然后一起回纽约
She would return to pick her up, so they could go back to New York together.
就是说这么长时间以来 一直想着琼·安东尼奥
So it’s been Juan Antonio all this time?
我什么也不会做的 忘了我说的吧
I’m not going to do anything. Forget I said…
我只是想跟人说说 而你我最近走得比较近
I just needed to tell someone and we’ve become close.
为什么不付诸行动呢 现在行动
Why don’t you act on it? Act now?
什么 跟那么好的道格分手
What, break up with Doug, who’s a really sweet guy…
跟真心娶我的人分手 我图什么呢
…who married me in good faith, for…for what?
For a bohemian Spanish painter with a passionate tie…
她根本不会分享我的感觉 如果他说了的话
…to an exwife who probably doesn’t even share my feelings, if he ever did?
开什么玩笑 但这个梦很让人激动
Who am I kidding? But the dream is exciting.
如果我是你 我绝不会浪费一秒钟 我会去的
If I were you, I wouldn’t waste another minute. I’d get on it.
Get on what?
You’re in love with him.
总要做点什么 否则时过境迁你会后悔的 维琪
Do something, or the years will pass by and you will be sorry, Vicky.
不 不 你说什么呢
No, no. What are you saying?
我不能赌上一切 如果没有琼·安东尼奥
I can’t risk everything. If Juan Antonio had never existed…
…I’d be fine with Doug.
仅仅是融洽而已 对 正如计划的那样
Just fine? Yeah, as I planned.
你想要我再怎么直接点说呢 我一看到道格就想起马克
How blunt do you want me to be? When I look at Doug, I see Mark.
You’re using me to rewrite your own history.
Despite Vicky’s protestations…
茱蒂还是疯狂地寻找撮合 她和琼·安东尼奥的机会
…Judy was possessed with finding a way to bring her and Juan Antonio together…
还说动她在艺术圈子 颇有地位的一个朋友加百列
…and prevailed upon her friend, Gabriella, who was a figure in the art world…
举办一个聚会 当然 邀请了维琪和琼·安东尼奥
…to throw a party and invite Vicky and Juan Antonio.
同时 正如预料到的 没有了克莉丝汀娜
Meanwhile, as predicted, without Cristina…
琼·安东尼奥和玛利亚·爱莲娜之间 又回到了毁灭性的关系中
…the relationship between Juan Antonio and Maria Elena had gone back to its old destructiveness.
我把所有的时间都花在你身上 宠着你 照顾你身体上的疼痛和精神上的恐惧
I devote all my time to you…pampering you, nursing your tics and phobias.
我的作品越来越差 那不是我的错
My work suffers. It’s not my fault.
你的作品一文不值 或者你变得不成熟 都不是我的错
It’s not my fault that your work has gone to shit and that you don’t mature.
Do you know what it is like for me to see…
…that you will never realize your full potential?
让我自己呆着 让我自己呆着 求你
Leave me alone. Leave me alone, please!
正如双方一致同意且发生过的一样 玛利亚·爱莲娜收拾行囊
As had happened before by mutual consent, Maria Elena packed her things…
…and moved out of Juan Antonio’s house.
He gets in very close.
他喜欢近距离说话 他就是这样
He’s a close talker. He’s a close talker.
That’s probably why he’s so successful.
我在来的路上跟她说过 事实上我
I was telling her in the car ride over here that I’m very….
我相信对我来说 他会是条很好的门路
I think he’ll be a great contact for me.
我去看看有什么吃的 谁想要点儿什么吗
I’m going to check out the food. Does anyone want anything?
He gets in your face.
他是会凑近些 但不是
He’ll get a little close, but not…
I’m surprised to see you.
以我对你的了解 我以为你不喜欢聚会
As am I to see you. I didn’t think you liked parties.
加百列执意要我来 她可是老朋友
Yeah, I will. Gabriella insisted I come and she’s an old friend.
