天啊 杰克 这很简单的
For chrissake, Jack, it’s easy!
交割日一到 你在支票后背书 抬头写”蓝色马蹄贸易公♥司♥”
On settlement day you endorse a cheque to Blue Horseshoe Trading Company.
Then I’ll send you your cut.
什么 不 这是底线 没有人会受害
What? No, that’s the bottom line. Nobody gets hurt.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
股市的情况已很糟了 就连大话投资人都在抱怨
It’s so bad, even the liars are complaining.
但是你不会 你在赚大钱
But not you. You’re making big money.
-你有谁做后台 -你听着
– What’s the bottom line? – Hey, look!
I am sick and tired of playing wet nurse to you!
-马文 你不能靠自己吗 -你真是个混♥蛋♥
– Will you do your own homework, Marv! – What an asshole, man!
That’s a shame.
法兰克 进买♥♥50万股泰达 上限26元 用新帐户
Yeah, Frank. Work 500,000 shares Teldar with a limit of 26. New account.
Don’t fuck it up.
-泰达如何 -你又要来买♥♥
– How’s Teldar doing? – Back again?
-我的胃口很好 -把卖♥♥出的挂牌定价 设在比市价高0.5元
– I’ve got a real appetite. – Bring it five to a half. 2,000 up.
-我要买♥♥些股票 有几股挂牌 -你要买♥♥多少
– I gotta buy stock. What’s offered at a half? – What are we looking at?
-8万股 -挂牌有8万股
– Make me an offer on 80. – 80,000 at a half.
I’ll take it.
各位女士先生 你们的公♥司♥ 已受到戈登·盖柯的包围
Your company, ladies and gentlemen, is under siege from Gordon Gekko.
T.P. is now leveraged to the hilt, like some piss-poor South American country!
你们最好快点看透盖柯先生 他的无♥耻♥企图是想
l strongly recommend you to see through Mr Gekko’s shameless intention here…
变卖♥♥公♥司♥图利 危害股东
..to strip this company, and severely penalise the stockholders.
l strongly recommend you to reject his tender…
用投票来拒绝此投标出价 好让管理阶层重组公♥司♥的股票
..by voting for management’s restructuring of the stock.
康威先生 谢谢您给我这个 说话的机会
Well, I appreciate the opportunity you’re giving me, Mr Cromwell,…
..as the single largest shareholder in Teldar Paper, to speak.
We are not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality.
美国 美国已成为次等的强权
America… America has become a second-rate power.
它的贸易赤字和财政赤字 彷佛是一场恶梦
lts trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nightmare proportions.
想当初在那段自♥由♥市场的日子 我们还是顶尖的是工业强权
ln the days of the free market, when our country was a top industrial power,…
..there was accountability to the stockholder.
卡内基 梅隆及其后人 会确保这个工业帝国的稳固
The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that buiIt this great empire, made sure of it…
..because it was their money at stake.
对如今的管理阶层而言 公♥司♥的好坏与他们无关
Today, management has no stake in the company!
这上面所有在座的人 只拥有不到3%的公♥司♥股票
All together, these men sitting up here own less than 3% of the company.
康威先生的百万年薪 放在哪里
And where does Mr Cromwell put his $1,000,000 salary?
他买♥♥的可不是泰达股票 他只拥有不到1%
Not in Teldar stock. He owns less than 1%.
拥有公♥司♥的是你们 没错 你们才是股东
You own the company. That’s right, you, the stockholder.
你们忠心耿耿 却被这些官僚拿来践踏
And you are all being royally screwed over by these bureaucrats,…
他们中餐花公♥司♥的钱吃牛排 没事就有狩猎和钓鱼之旅
..with their steak lunches, their fishing trips,
他们有公♥司♥专机 还有金降落伞规则保护
their corporate jets and golden parachutes.
岂有此理 你太过份了 盖柯
This is an outrage! You’re out of line, Gekko!
泰达纸业 康威先生 泰达纸业共有33位副总裁
Teldar Paper, Mr Cromwell, has 33 different vice presidents,…
..each earning over $200,000 a year.
我花了2个月的时间 分♥析♥这些人到底在做什么
Now, I have spent the last two months analysing what all these guys do.
And I still can’t figure it out.
我唯一知道的一件事就是 我们的泰达在去年赔了1亿1千万
One thing I do know is that our paper company lost $110m last year.
And I’ll bet half of that was spent in
all the paperwork between all these vice presidents!
The new law of evolution in corporate America…
..seems to be… survival of the unfittest.
而我的看法是你要不就做对 要不就是被消灭
Well, in my book you either do it right, or you get eliminated.
ln the last seven deals that I have been involved with there were 2.5m stockholders…
..who have made a pre-tax profit of $12 billion.
Thank you.
I am not a destroyer of companies.
I am a liberator of them!
各位女士先生 重点就在于 贪婪 抱歉我找不到更好的字
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word,…
..is good.
贪婪是对的 贪婪是有用的
Greed is right. Greed works.
贪婪可以理清一切 披荆斩棘直捣演化的精髓
Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
贪婪就是一切形式之所在 对于生活要贪婪 对于爱情和知识
Greed, in all of its forms …greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge…
..has marked the upward surge of mankind.
你们记住我的话 贪婪 不仅能挽救泰达纸业
And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper,…
..but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.
Thank you very much.
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Buy me 20 June eurodollar CDs,…
20笔3月黄金 卖♥♥出10笔9月份的德国马克 对 再联络 宝贝
..20 March gold and sell 10 September Deutschmarks. Right. Talk at ya, babe.
巴德我很不想承认 但你真是个天才
Ah, Buddy, Buddy, I hate to tell you this, but you are a genius!
黛玲 我刚才灵光一现
Darien! Lightning has struck.
想出了一个绝佳的点子 蓝星航♥空♥公♥司♥
The light bulb has been invented. Bluestar Airlines.
爱迪生 达芬奇 爱因斯坦 他们全都在注视着我
Edison, da Vinci, Einstein. They’re all watching me.
Ever hear of the 60-hour work week?
你再过两小时就要去上班了 我也因睡眠不足而快发疯了
You’ve gotta go to work soon. I’m getting psychotic from a lack of REM sleep.
I’m not gonna broker the rest of my life.
黛玲 我要当龙头 用意大利06世纪的说法就是 企业巨子
l am gonna be a giant, an entrepreneur in the ltalian 16th-century sense of the word.
呼风唤雨 左右大局 我就要飞上枝头当凤♥凰♥了
A mover, a shaker. I’m shooting for the stars, Darien.
You’re coming along for the ride.
蓝星是颗未琢过的宝石 戈登
Bluestar is an unpolished gem, Gordon.
一般人把它当垃圾 蹩脚的管理阶层已被价位战压得喘不过气
A half-assed management being decimated by a price war they cannot win.
不过单凭蓝星在瓜迪亚机场的登机门 就能让我们解套
But the gates at La Guardia alone can bail us out.
若蓝星的股还值钱就能冲到1股10元 接收蓝星时机已经成熟
If it’s worth a dime, it’s worth 10 bucks a share. They’re ripe to fall!
巴德 你真是让我悲喜交加
Mixed emotions, Buddy.
这就像怀曼开着我的玛莎拉蒂 冲下了悬崖
Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff… in my new Maserati!
Guys like me have had their asses hung in a sling with the airlines!
-油价随时会涨 工会的人又难搞 -可是戈登 你忘了一件事
– Fuel could go up. Unions are killers. – Yeah, but aren’t you forgetting one thing?
资本准备金 这公♥司♥有7500万退休金放在超额筹资的基金户头
Capital reserves. This company has 75 million cash in an overfunded pension.
That buys us a lot of credibility.
最棒的是 你拥有的蓝星股票 已经快到2%了
And the beauty is, you already own close to 2% of this sucker.
保险公♥司♥已经心生退却 你要怎么做
The insurance people are balking on the logging trucks. What do you want to do?
你去告诉那些没骨气的混♥蛋♥ 他们不承保 我们就自己动手
Tell those assholes we’ll self-insure if they don’t write it.
我们一旦开除一半的管理阶层 我不相信不会造成影响
l can’t believe we can fire half the management and nothing changes!
戈登 我从未求过你任何事
Gordon, what I want, and I’ve never asked you for anything,…
..is to be your copilot on this one.
我要拿下这家航♥空♥公♥司♥ 让它起死回生 正常运作
I wanna take this airline, turn it around and make it work.
It’s gonna make us a fortune.
我有个想开航♥空♥公♥司♥的营业员 我花了2年
I got a stockbroker who wants an airline. It’ll take two years to
不知头痛几百回 才让泰达起死回生
turn Teldar Paper around.
何苦去搞一家小航♥空♥公♥司♥ 我身边的疯子已经够多了
What do I need a dink airline for? I’m up to my ass in more nuts than a fruitcake!
戈登 我在蓝星工作过 我有关系 在内部有朋友
I’ve worked at Bluestar. I know my way around. I have friends there, inside.
What do you mean?
3个工会 就占了蓝星43%的预算
The three unions. It’s 43% of Bluestar’s operating budget.
驾驶组员的时薪是850 这就是隐藏价值
The hourly cost of a flight crew is 850 an hour. That’s the real hidden value, GG.
若你能协商成功 把驾驶组员的时薪裁至 350到400元
If you can negotiate that out, get a crew down to 350, 400 an hour,…
这家航♥空♥公♥司♥会继德州航♥空♥后 成为最赚钱的公♥司♥
..this airline’ll be the hottest thing since Texas Air.
-你凭什么觉得你能做到 -我能和这些人谈 他们信任我
– What makes you think you can? – I can talk to these people. They trust me.
My father can be a big help in getting cuts.
好 苏珊 打电♥话♥给白金汉 叫他研究一下
All right. Susan, get Buckingham on the phone. Tell him to look into it.
So the falcon’s heard the falconer, huh?
-爸 你好 -儿子 抱歉迟到了
– Hi, Dad. – Sorry I’m late. Son
没关系 你又盛装出席了
That’s OK. Overdressed as usual.
进来吧 大家都到了 你不来就不能开始
Come on in. Everybody’s here. I couldn’t start the show without you.
Well, I’ll be a lousy Republican!
我也替很多共和党装♥修♥过 我是黛玲 嗨
I decorate for Democrats, too. Lots of them. I’m Darien Taylor.
-巴德常跟我提起你 -你别相信他的话
– Bud’s told me all about you. – Don’t believe a word.
我从未打过他 也没把他关在衣柜里
I never beat him or locked him in a closet.
-我忘了告诉你衣柜的事 -我想他长大后还算成材啦
– I forgot about the closet. – He turned out OK.
巴德是天生的骗子 不过他是个好孩子
Bud’s a born liar, otherwise he’s a good kid.
我希望你能常过来 找个不那么正式的场合
I hope you come here more often, under less formal circumstances.
Thank you.
-爸 我想你认识威杜肯 -是呀 你好吗
– Dad, you know Duncan Wilmore. – Sure. How are ya?
驾驶工会 空服员代表东尼
Pilots’ union. Toni Carpenter, flight attendants’.
I’d like you to meet Mr Gekko.
福先生 你好
Mr Fox, pleasure to meet you.
他的律师 索先生
His attorney, Mr Salt.
你有巴德这种儿子一定很自豪 他的前途无量
I’d be proud to have a son like Buddy. Got a hell of a career in front of him.
很高兴你这样想 我以为这是非正式的聚会 你的律师在这干嘛
I’m glad you think so. I thought this was inf. What’s your attorney doing here?
哈洛 你不介意的话 就去附近绕个几百圈
Harold, you don’t mind walking around the block, do you?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
