-当然 -我来
– Of course. – I’ll take that.
No offence.
None taken.
没关系 巴德也常这样
That’s OK, Gordon. Bud does it all the time.
Look, I got no illusions about winning a popularity contest with any of you.
I got roasted the other night.
我一个朋友问到 “我们干嘛表扬这个人 其他人都死光了吗”
A friend asked “Why are we honouring this man? Did we run out of human beings?”
我的意思是 最受欢迎的人 未必能把工作做好
It’s not always the most popular guy who gets the job done.
你们亏损了2 3千万 股利全无
You’ve got losses of $20-30 million, dividends cut to zero,…
..and you’re being squeezed to death by the majors.
现在的管理层 也许不是最烂的人♥渣♥ 但他们把你们逼上绝境
The management maynot be the worst scum but they put u on this kamikaze course
不用多久 人人都得求自保了
..and pretty soon everybody is gonna be scrambling for parachutes.
Only there’s not enough to go around.
管理阶层能自保 你们不行
Management has them. You don’t.
若他们动用破产保护♥法♥ 我想他们会这样做
If they throw Bluestar to Chapter 11, which I think they will,…
你们就得解散工会 合约失效 回家吃自己
..they’ll use the bankruptcy laws to break your unions, and throw you off the property.
得了吧 恕我冒犯 盖先生 谁能保证你不会也这样做
Oh, come on! With all due respect, what’s to prevent you from doing the same thing?
Cos I got a way around all this,…
有钱大家赚的方案 航♥空♥公♥司♥也能转亏为盈
..where we can all make money and make the airline profitable.
So what do you say we cut to the chase?
我要求全面合理裁薪20% 月工作时数增加7小时
I’m asking for a modest 20% across-the-board wage cut, and 7 more hrs a month.
What kind of time frame?
给我1年时间 若还在赔钱 裁薪就继续
A year. If we’re still losing money, the reduction stands.
但若开始赚钱 我就放出优♥惠♥
If we’re in the black, I’ll return part of the givebacks,
薪水恢复原来的水准 还有
pay goes back to current levels,…
..and we initiate an employee profit-sharing programme with stock.
-大家一起做航♥空♥公♥司♥的股东 -你准备将它书面化吗
– You’ll own part of the airline. – Will you put it in writing?
I’ll have a letter of agreement drafted up in two days.
你的市场策略呢 你要如何转亏为盈
What’s your marketing strategy? How will you return us to profitability?
这我们就让巴德来回答 巴德
Why don’t I give Buddy an opportunity to answer that? Buddy?
谢谢 戈登
Thank you, Gordon.
首先 我要各位知道 我的大门永远为诸位敞开
First, I want you all to know that my door will always be open,…
因为我从我父亲那边得知 蓝星能够运作 全要归功各位
..because I know from my dad it’s you guys that keep Bluestar flying.
What I’ve come up with here is a basic three-point plan.
第1 我们要现代化 我们的电脑软体屁都不是 这需要更新
One: we modernise. Our computer software is dogshit. We update it.
我们要精算出 每个位子的英里数成本
We squeeze every dollar out of each mile flown.
若有人愿意出379元买♥♥机票 就不必卖♥♥他79元
Don’t sell a seat to a guy for 79 bucks when he’s willing to pay 379.
Effective inventory management will increase our load factor by 5-20%.
That translates to approximately $50-200 million in revenues.
意思是我们可以在价位战上 打败大航♥空♥公♥司♥
The point being, we can beat the majors at a price war.
第2 打广♥告♥是很重要的 要更加积极以打击大公♥司♥
Two: advertising. More, and aggressive. We attack the majors.
第3 扩张 我们将航线扩展至亚特兰大 北卡罗莱纳和圣路易
Three: expansion. We expand our hubs to Atlanta, North Carolina and St Louis.
And we reorganise all of our feeder schedules.
我们得要有大格局 我们要跟大公♥司♥争地盘
We gotta think big, guys. We’re going after the majors.
牌都摊在桌上了 各位 你们怎么说
Well, cards on the table, guys. What do you say?
如果你说的全是真的 那就可以商量
Well, if you mean what you say, I think we’re probably in the ballpark.
-我可以拿给我的人看看 -很好
– I guess I can take it to my people. – Good.
你只描绘出了个大概 我想要知道全盘的详细规划
You’ve sketched broad strokes. I’d like to see the fine print.
但到目前为止 我觉得不错
But I like what I hear so far.
我想人若是活得够久 什么事都会看见 世界真是无奇不有
I guess if a man lives long enough he gets to see everything and I do mean everything.
What else you got in your bag of tricks, Mr Gekko?
老实说 卡尔
Frankly, Carl,
我能想到的都提出来了 但若你还有建议我洗耳恭听
I can’t see giving much more, but, if you have any suggestions, I’ll listen.
“There came into Egypt a Pharaoh who did not know.”
-不好意思 那是成语吗 -不 这是预言
– I beg your pardon. ls that a proverb? – No, a prophecy.
富人自开天辟地之时 便是如此对待穷♥人♥
The rich have been doing it to the poor since time began.
金字塔和帝国大厦最大的差别 只在于埃及人不允许工会存在
The only difference is the Egyptians didn’t allow unions.
我看穿了这种人 贪婪两字
I know what this guy’s all about…greed.
He don’t care about Bluestar or the unions.
他只想趁机捞一笔 不留活口
He’s in for the buck. He don’t take prisoners.
爸 你别急
Wait a minute, Dad.
当然 最值得做的事就是赚钱
Sure. What’s worth doing is worth doing for money.
赔钱的生意没有人想做 但这笔交易是有钱大家赚
It’s a bad bargain if nobody gains. And if we do this deal, everybody gains.
我儿子是在这家航♥空♥公♥司♥做过 3个暑假的行李员和运货工
Course, my son worked as a baggage handler and freight loader for three summers.
以这样的资历而言 他当然可以经营一家航♥空♥公♥司♥
With those qualifications, he can run an airline!
无所谓 若你不想和我们打交道
Fine. Stay with the present management…
尽管去和人♥渣♥管理阶层瞎搅和 直到你们和航♥空♥公♥司♥被整垮
..dedicated to running you and your airline into the ground.
那个人♥渣♥30年前以一架飞机 建立了这家公♥司♥ 从无到有
That scum buiIt the company up with one plane and made something out of nothing.
如果那是人♥渣♥的话 我宁愿跟人♥渣♥ 也不跟鼠辈
If that’s a scum, I’ll take it over a rat any day.
你们都知道我的立场了 晚安
You know where I stand. Good night, all.
Excuse me.
爸 恭喜你了 你成功地让我大出洋相 你自己就更别提了
Congratulations, Dad! You did a greatjob embarrassing me, not to mention yourself!
你少搬弄”工人站起来”那套 我从小到大已经听多了
Save the “workers unite” speech. I heard it too much growing up!
-是吗 -是 你会被解雇 没有别条路
– Oh, yeah? – You’ll get axed. No two ways about it.
You and the whole shitty airline are going down the tubes!
今天若不是盖柯 也会有别人想来动脑筋
And if it isn’t Gekko, it’s gonna be some other killer!
儿子 他在利用你
He’s using you, kid.
他把你死死地掌握住了 但你却盲目到看不出来
He’s got your prick in his pocket, but you’re too blind to see it.
不 我看到的是一个老机工
No. I see ajealous old machinist…
..who can’t stand the fact that his son’s more successful than he is!
你看到的这个人 从不以皮夹厚薄来衡量成功
What you see is a guy who never measured a man’s success by the size of his wallet!
That’s cos u never had the guts to go out into the world and stake ur own claim!
若你是这样觉得 我这个父亲还做得真逊
Boy, if that’s the way you feel, I must’ve done a really lousy job as a father.
就算我被解雇 我人还在
As far as being axed, I’m still around,…
只要我人还在的一天 我就对我代表的工会有责任
..and I have a responsibility to the union membership I represent.
你的责任是对手下据实以报 而不是诉说你个人的主观意见
Your responsibility is to present the facts, not opinions, to your men.
你这样会毁了他们的生活 就让工会的会员自己去决定
You’ll destroy their lives. Let them decide for themselves.
若我的人明早来问我怎么回事 我要是说谎就不得好死
My men will want to know what’s going on, and I won’t lie to them!
对 你的人那些可恶的人
Oh, yeah, your men! Your fuckin’ men!
我一生中 你的人都能指望你
All my life your men have been able to count on you!
Why have you never been there for me?!
What if you’re wrong?
万一哪天太阳不从东边升起 万一有一次你的指南针不灵了呢
What if one day the sun didn’t rise in the east, and for once ur compass’s off?
你愿意毁掉自己人的前途吗 我的前途
Would you be willing to wreck your men’s future? My future?
爸 换个角度思考 实际一点 我求你 我这是在求你
Dad, think for a change. Be practical. I’m asking you. I’m fuckin’ begging you!
我从不拿人手短 也绝不吃人嘴软
I don’t go to sleep with no whore and I don’t wake up with no whore.
这是我生活的原则 我不知道你是怎么了
That’s how I live with myself. I don’t know how you do it.
我希望是我误会了这个家伙 不过我会让大伙自己决定
I hope I’m wrong about this guy… but I’ll let the men decide for themselves.
That much I promise you.
老大 我想你该看看这个 看来杰史证券有个人
You should look at this, Chief. A guy at Jackson Steinem…
..buying large chunks of Teldar Paper for an offshore account.
So, what’s the problema?
-你知道这是怎么回事吗 -什么
– Do you know what the fuck the problem is? – What?
-你不知道 -我不知道
– You don’t know? – I don’t know.
我接到证管会一通奇怪的电♥话♥ 他们要看我的记录
I get a strange call from the SEC. They asked to see my records.
-巴德 这可是这很严重的 -罗杰 你别紧张
– This is heavy, Bud. – Hey, hey, hey, relax! Relax, Roger.
你的名字没有在我的纪录上 他们追查不到我的
You’re 82M in the account numbers and I’m the invisible man.
巴德 这是对你有利
Well, that’s good for you, Bud.
证管会总是在找把柄 盖柯也老是被他们调查
They’re always looking for red flags. Gekko’s always getting checked by ’em.
They never come up with anything, Rog.
Hey… we’re invulnerable on this one.
好你听着 我只是想喘口气
I just wanna slow down, Bud.
All right?
别找我吃午饭 别打电♥话♥ 我们暂停生意的往来 好吗
No more lunches, no calls, all right? We suspend our business, all right?
全都依你 罗杰 没事的
Whatever you want, Rog. It’s cool.
抱歉 罗杰 能进来开会吗 顺便把成本报告带过来
Excuse me. Hey, Rog, can you come back in? Bring the cost report.
We’re starting again.
盖柯要我们研究蓝星的交易 我们在正在评估时间表
Gekko’s asked us into the Bluestar deal. We’re reviewing timetables.
-你要来吗 -他没跟我说这件事
– You wanna come? – He didn’t tell me about that.
你只是航♥空♥公♥司♥的总裁而已 哪里懂什么 对吧
You’re only the president of the company. What the hell do you know anyway, right?
-各位 蓝星的新老大 -福巴德
– Guys, new chief of Bluestar – Bud Fox.
-你好 -巴德 你好
– Hi. – Hello, Bud.
各位 还等什么 变卖♥♥的时候到了
Guys, what’s the problem? It’s time to kill.
盖柯有12%的股票 持续上涨中
Gekko’s got 12% of the stock and climbing.
Plus he’s got the unions in his back pocket.
大家都会疯狂买♥♥进蓝星 到下星期 人人手上都有蓝星
Everybody knows the stock’s in play. By next week the street will own Bluestar.
Is the bank financing in place?
Or are we gonna sit around and have more of these ridiculous meetings?
我们公♥司♥几周前就已承诺 给你们25%的长♥期♥债券融♥资♥
Our firm committed weeks ago 25% of the total long-term debt structure.
Unless you guys sign this piece of paper right now,…

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
