我们经过的时候 我听见他对他的妻子说
When we passed him, I heard him say to his wife…
这就是若斯多女伯爵 她要嫁给安德鲁王子了
“That’s the Countess Rostov, the one who’s going to marry Bolkonsky.
Lucky man.”
-他说 安德鲁真幸运 -是的
-He said, “Lucky man?” -Lucky man.
I must write that to Andre.
He can pass it on to his horrible old father.
-波朱可夫女伯爵到了 -波朱可夫
-Countess Bezukhov has arrived. -Bezukhov?
我喜欢她的 我去看看她
One of my favorites. I must call on her.
波朱可夫女伯爵 你回来莫斯科了
Countess Bezukhov! You’re back in Moscow.
真高兴看见你 没有你 这个城市都黯然失色
I’m delighted to see you. The city hasn’t been the same without you.
我今天带着两个女孩来看戏 你看
I’ve brought my two girls with me, as you can see.
Magnificent woman.
Yes. You can understand how men must fall in love with her.
多勒夫 看见那个包厢的女孩了吗
Dolokhov, see the girl in that box?
哦 她很可爱 但是
Yes. She’s lovely, but…
就你 安多乐 她不是你要的那种类型
For you? Anatole, she’s not exactly your type.
若斯多公爵 能让你女儿过来陪我吗
Count Rostov, may I borrow your lovely daughter…
to sit with me through the next act?
哦 女伯爵 好的 娜塔莎 亲爱的 我们过去
Oh, Countess, how charming. Natasha, my dear, come along.
-这不好看吗 -好看
-Isn’t it exciting? -Yes.
她真美丽 你可不要把她放在乡下埋没了
Enchanting. You mustn’t bury her in the country again.
你真好心 娜塔莎 坐吧
Oh, you’re too kind. Natasha, sit down.
Now we can tear all our friends to pieces.
You realize that everyone in the theater is talking about you…
你是如此可爱 你的婚姻又是如此荣耀
how lovely you are and the brilliant match you’ve made.
-你也知道了吗 -这是这个季度的热门消息
-You know about that? -It’s the news of the season.
Prince Andre Bolkonsky?
Why, every woman here tonight is jealous of you at this moment.
Why, Anatole!
我可以介绍我的弟弟给你吗 这是娜塔莎女伯爵
May I present my brother? Countess Natasha Rostov.
My brother is the center of fashion in Moscow.
就是说他吃的多 喝的多
That means that he eats and drinks too much…
and plays for too high stakes.
He also sees the worst and most amusing people.
You simply must get him to tell you all there is to do this season.
-女伯爵 -王子 你不记得我了
-Countess! -Prince, you’ve been neglecting me.
-我以为你死了 -死了
-I was convinced you were dead. -Dead?
-我以为你死了 -死了
-I was convinced you were dead. -Dead?
When I saw you the first time at the ball…
When was it, six, seven weeks ago?
我想 这个女孩好漂亮啊 我当时就是这样想的
I thought, “What a pretty girl.” That’s all I thought.
但今晚 你也感觉到了吗
But tonight…But you felt it too, hmm?
-我觉得 -当我们的眼睛碰到一起时
-I felt…-When our eyes met?
不要看上去好像犯了错一样 为什么要感到羞耻呢
Don’t look guilty. What’s there to be ashamed of?
你喜欢这部戏吗 很好看 不是吗
Are you enjoying the opera? It’s very good, isn’t it?
这部 我没注意
Oh, is it? I haven’t noticed.
I haven’t looked at the stage tonight.
I must see you again.
你一定要来我姐姐家 尽快
You must come to my sister’s house…very soon.
I think…
我想我母亲在乡下 我要去陪她
I think my mother’s in the country. I may go up to be with her.
She’s enchanting.
走吧 安多乐 你搞得我们看不下去了
Go away, Anatole. You will distract us.
All right.
You’ll come.
I’ll take this as a pledge.
我弟弟很好玩 不是吗
My brother is very amusing, isn’t he?
How lovely she is.
当我看见你的时候 我不这样认为
I don’t think so…when I look at you.
来 娜塔莎
Natasha, come.
You’re enchanting.
从我的一眼看见你起 我就把你奉为神灵
From the moment I saw you, I never ceased worshipping you.
I do hope you don’t think us too informal, Count.
哦 女伯爵
Oh, Countess!
I’m madly in love with you.
演出成功了 整个戏院
The success was triumphant. The whole theater…
-爸爸 我们走吧 -亲爱的 我们现在还不能走
-Papa, we must leave. -My dear, we can’t go now.
就好像是一颗硕大的心脏 因激动而搏动
It was like one big heart, palpitating with emotion.
His Majesty the king was so moved…
that tears were streaming down his face.
My cloak, please.
我不能这样 你知道我不可以这样的
I can’t. You know I can’t.
“Dearest Natasha…
我的命运已经终结 除非你能爱我 否则我只能去死了
My fate has been sealed…to be loved by you or die.
I know your parents won’t giVe you to me…
这其中的原因 我以后自会告诉你的
for secret reasons I will reveal only to you.
但如果你爱我 你只需答应我
But if you love me, you need only say the word yes…
and no human power can hinder us.
You’re back.
今晚过得怎样 玩得开心吗
How was your evening? Did you amuse yourself?
你不辞而别 我帮你找了个借口
Yes. I made excuses for you.
我为你担心呢 你的头痛怎样了 好些了吗
I was worried about you. How’s your headache? Better?
-宋雅 你看了这封信吧 -嗯
-Sonya, you read that letter. -Yes.
真高兴你读了它 我本来就想告诉你的
I’m glad you read it. I couldn’t keep it from you any longer.
-你知道我们彼此都相爱 -但是安多乐并不爱你
-You know we love one another. -But Anatole Kuragine.
-如果你知道我有多么开心的话 -你想过安德鲁吗
-If only you knew how happy I am. -And Andre?
-你不知道什么是爱情 -你是在拒绝安德鲁吗
-You don’t know what love is. -Then you are refusing Andre?
你什么都不懂 别说些傻话 听我说
You don’t understand anything. Don’t talk nonsense. Listen.
你爱一个男人这么久 突然
How is it that you loved a man for so many months, and suddenly…
到底怎么了 你只看见过安多乐三次
Why? You’ve only seen Anatole three times.
我以前从没有爱过谁 我知道这很难理解
I’ve never loved anyone before. I know it’s hard to understand.
我听说过这种事情 你一定也是这样
I’ve heard it’s happened that way. You must have too.
It’s only now I feel such love.
我一看见他 就觉得他是我的主人
As soon as I saw him, I felt he was my master…
我只是他的奴仆 不能说服自己不去爱他
and I his slave, and I couldn’t help loving him.
对 他的奴仆 无论他说什么 我只能去做
Yes, his slave! Whatever he commands, I must do!
-我该怎么去做 宋雅 -如果他爱你
-What can I do, Sonya? -If he loves you…
为什么他不光明正大的来这里 来看你父亲
why doesn’t he come honestly to the house, to your father…
ask for your engagement to Andre to be broken off?
-为什么要神神密密 -我不知道 这不要紧的
-Why all this secrecy? -I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.
无论他是出于什么原因 一定是为我好的
Whatever his reasons, they are good ones.
我想说我没有办法 我爱他
I told you I have no will. I love him!
我不会任由你这样下去的 我要说出去
Then I won’t let it come to that. I shall tell.
宋雅 你什么意思 我知道你不会告诉别人的
Sonya, what do you mean? You wouldn’t tell anyone!
别折磨我 没有他我活不下去了
Don’t torture me! I can’t live without him!
娜塔莎 你在说什么 想想父亲和尼古拉斯吧
Natasha, what are you saying? Think about Father and Nicholas.
I don’t love anyone but him.
走吧 宋雅
Go, Sonya.
我不想和你争吵 走吧
I don’t want to quarrel with you. Go away!
安多乐 你想带她去哪里
Anatole, where do you mean to take her?
她家里会发现她在波兰出现 到时会不得不答应我的
Her family will find out about that girl in Poland you had to marry.
-如果你被抓住 要判刑的 -这值得
-If you’re caught, it’ll mean jail. -It will be worth it…
哪怕只和她在一起 一个月都值得
even if it is for one month or one week with that girl.
There are some things in life it’s impossible not to have.
-这是你要的司机 王子殿下 -来 喝一杯
-The driver you sent for, Prince. -Come here. Have a drink.
-你要走远路了 你一定要赶得快些 -叫马特纳来
-You’ve got to drive far and fast. -Call Matrevna.
-叫她把她的外套带来 -我们可以走了吗 先生
-Tell her to bring the cloak. -We go again, sir?
-是私奔 -哦 我可喜欢这样的工作
-Elopement. -Oh, I like a job like that!
年轻 浪漫 激动人心
Youth, romance, excitement!
There’s a priest of a sort waiting for us at Tver.
不管是谁拦住你 驾马踩过去
Run down anyone who tries to stop you.
There is a man for you!
-你找我 -拿着这个
-You want me? -Now, you take this.
听我说 我知道该如何做
Listen to me. I know something about this game.
你会发现那个女孩在发抖 不知所措
You find the girl shivering and having forgotten everything.
等她到了冷风里后 你将她包起
You wrap her up, for the minute she gets into the cold night air…
there will be a stampede back to the house for furs.
这时候她父亲醒来了 妈妈在尖叫 在哭泣 在自责
Papa awakened, Mama screaming, tears, recriminations…
内心在斗争 等等此类
challenges, etcetera.
