肃静 出庭人等全体起立
Silence. Be upstanding in court.
All persons who have anything to do before my lords
the queen’s justices of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery
谨享有审理 判决和收监的权限
for the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court
所有相关人等请准时出庭 天佑女王
draw near and give your attendance. God save the queen.
What a beautiful day.
我一直盼着 咱们出院回家这天能出太阳
I’ve been hoping for a bit of sun for our homecoming.
能欣赏到阳光 忍♥受那么多大雾天也值了
It’s worth having the fog just to appreciate the sunshine.
Is there a draught?
Shall I roll up the window?
Roll up your mouth. You talk too much.
要是知道你这么啰嗦 我宁可昏迷着永远不醒过来
If I’d known how much you talked I’d never have come out of my coma.
-这东西简直有一吨♥重 -好啦 好啦
-This thing weighs a ton. -Now now.
咱们卧床不起都两个月了 咱们最好小心点
We’ve been flat on our back for two months we’d better be careful.
在1928年的 舞台剧《不在场证明》中
太棒了 太棒了
Lovely lovely.
在伦敦的律师学院区工作 生活一定棒极了
It must be perfectly lovely to live and work in the Inns of Court.
How lucky you lawyers are.
I almost married a lawyer.
I was in attendance for his appendectomy
他刚能坐起来 我们就订婚了
and we became engaged as soon as he could sit up.
后来就恶化成了腹膜炎 他就这么撒手而去了
And then peritonitis set in and he went like that.
He certainly was a lucky lawyer.
Teeny-weeny steps now. Remember we had a teeny-weeny heart attack.
哦 闭嘴
Oh shut up!
威廉姆斯 我的手杖
Williams my cane.
Here he comes!
下午好 非常感谢你们 所有人都回去工作
Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Everybody back to work.
威尔弗莱德爵士 如果你不介意的话
Sir Wilfrid if you don’t mind
I’d like to read you a poem to welcome you back.
非常感人 你可以在下班后 用你自己的时间来朗诵
Very touching. You can recite it after office hours in your own time.
都回去工作吧 你这是怎么了
Now back to work. What’s the matter with you?
没什么 我只是高兴 看到您又恢复了老样子
Nothing. I’m just happy that you’re your old self again.
再有人这么多愁善感 我立马就回医院去
Any more sentimentality around here I shall go back to the hospital!
他们不会收他的 知道吗 他不算是正常出院
They won’t take him back. He wasn’t really discharged you know
he was expelled for
conduct unbecoming a cardiac patient.
把这放到水里去 大嘴婆 进来吧 卡特
Put these in water blabbermouth! Come on in Carter.
瞧瞧这个房♥间 难看 过时 陈腐
Look at this room. It’s ugly old and musty.
可是我真没想到 我竟会如此想念这里
But I never knew I could miss anything so much.
Missed you too you musty old buzzard.
哦 谢谢您 先生
Oh thank you sir.
我不是一个迷信的人 爵士
I’m not a religious man
不过当他们把您送去医院以后 我跑出去点了一支蜡烛
but when they carted you off I went out and lit a candle.
是吗 谢谢你 卡特
Why thank you Carter.
实际上 先生 我是为自己点的
Actually sir I was lighting it for myself.
我跟了您37年了 如果您有什么事的话
If anything happened to you what would happen
to me after 37 years?
37年 有那么久了
37 years! Has it been all that long?
是啊 先生 现在是1952年
Yes sir. This is 1952
that was in October 1915.
The Shepherd’s Bush murder.
那个药剂师被控把氰化物 放进了他叔父的牙膏
The chemist accused of putting cyanide in his uncle’s toothpaste.
我负责的第一个谋杀案 当时我比被告更害怕
My first murder trial. I was more frightened than the defendant.
First time I rose to make an objection
我的假发还掉下来了 我的假发呢
my wig fell off. Where’s my wig?
Right here.
-我以我的生命来守护它 -希望大小还合适
-I’ve guarded it with me life. -I hope it still fits.
在那家可恶的医院里 我的体重掉了30磅
I lost 30lbs in that wretched hospital.
不过 我想我的 脑袋应该没缩水
Still I suppose my head isn’t any smaller.
What’s all this?
We’ve put it in mothballs.
樟脑丸 难道我还不能重新开业
Mothballs? Am I not to practise again?
当然可以 那些法律顾问们 快把我们的房♥门砸破了
Of course. The solicitors have been breaking down our doors.
-我这儿有几个挺好的辩护状 -那还差不多
-I’ve got some interesting briefs for you. -That’s better.
一个离婚案 一个税务申诉案
Divorce case a tax appeal
and an important marine insurance claim.
-都是容易打理而且报酬不错的案子 -不卡特
-Nice smooth matters with excellent fees. -No Carter.
我很抱歉 先生 不过您不可以接任何刑事案件
I’m sorry but you’re not to undertake any criminal cases.
Your doctors have…
医生 他们已经剥夺了我
Doctors! They’ve deprived me of
接触酒精 烟草和女人的权利
alcohol tobacco female companionship.
他们就容不得 我做任何有意思的事
If only they’d let me do something worthwhile!
对不起 威尔弗莱德爵士
Sorry sir.
最好找个大一点的盒子 多找点樟脑丸 把我也放进去
Might as well get a bigger box more mothballs put me away too.
-两点半啦爵士咱们该午睡了 -哦 出去
-2.30 Sir Wilfrid. Time for our little nap! -Oh get out!
乖 该睡觉啦 咱们最好上楼去 脱掉衣服躺下来
Beddy-bye. We’d better go upstairs now get undressed and lie down.
-咱们 听着真恶心 -请上楼去吧
-We? What a nauseating prospect. -Upstairs please.
你知道吗 当我 躺在病床上的时候
Are you aware that while on my sickbed
曾经很严肃地考虑过 找一根你的橡皮管把你勒死
I seriously considered strangling you with one of your own rubber tubes.
然后我会承认自己的罪行 并担任自己的辩护律师
I would then have admitted the crime retained myself for the defence.
法官大人 各位陪审员 我在此
My lord members of the jury
I hereby enter a plea of justifiable homicide.
整整四个月 这个所谓的仁慈天使监视 窥探
For four months this alleged angel of mercy has pored probed
针♥刺♥ 管制 霸占了我无助的病体
punctured pillaged and plundered my helpless body
并且坚持不懈地把我 当成小孩子说话 让我饱受折磨
while tormenting my mind with a steady drip of baby talk.
来吧 做个乖孩子 哦 不
Come along now like a good boy. Oh no.
把你的手拿开 否则我就用手杖打你
Take your hands off me or I’ll strike you with my cane.
-你不会的 你会弄断你的雪茄 -雪茄什么雪茄
-You wouldn’t it might break your cigars. -What cigars?
-你藏在你手杖里的雪茄呗 -手杖
-The ones you’re smuggling in your cane. -Cane?
你应该为此下监狱 你可没有搜查证
You could be jailed for this. You had no search warrant.
在医院里他把雪茄和 白兰地藏得到处都是
In hospital he’d hide cigars and brandy all over the place.
We called him Wilfrid the fox.
-这些我都没收了 -我就留一支行吗
-I’m confiscating these. -Can’t I have just one?
不行 上楼
No. Upstairs.
就在饭后吸两口 拜托了
A few puffs after meals? Please.
I’ll do it.
某个月黑风高之夜 当她转过身去
Some dark night when her back is turned I’ll snatch her thermometer
我会抓起她的体温计插♥进♥ 她的肩胛骨 我可是当真的
and plunge it between her shoulder blades. So help me I will.
不 不 先生 您不用走上去
Oh no sir. You mustn’t walk up.
我们为您安装了一部设备在这儿 是一部电梯 先生
We’ve installed something for you here. It’s a lift.
电梯 我讨厌你们把我 当成一个没用的病人
A lift? I’m sick of this plot to make me a helpless invalid.
我觉得这个主意妙极了 咱们来试试看怎么样
I think it’s a splendid idea. Let’s try it shall we?
走开 我自己来试
Out of there. I’ll try it.
这是我的电梯 有心脏病的人是我
It’s my lift because it was my heart attack.
在这儿 按这个按钮就是上楼 按这个就是下楼
Here you are. Simply press this button for up and this one for down.
卡特 我警告你 万一这玩意儿散架了
Carter I warn you if this contraption should collapse
出庭律师大人从栏杆上 摔下去那可有得瞧…
if the barrister should fall off the bannister…
太妙了 我多少年都 没这么顺溜地上过楼了
Remarkable. Smoothest flight I’ve had in years.
-起来吧 -再来一次我要熟悉一下操作
-Upsy-daisy! -Once more to get the feel of the controls.
下午好 卡特 我们可以见威尔弗莱德爵士吗
Good afternoon. Is it possible to see Sir Wilfrid?
抱歉 我没有预约 但是事情很紧急
I didn’t make an appointment but this is urgent.
如果是辩护状的话 梅休先生 我很抱歉
If it’s about a brief I’m sorry but we’re full.
Sir Wilfrid has all that he can handle.
我想他一定会 接这个辩护状
I’m sure he’ll want this brief.
Serious criminal matter.
绝对不行 梅休先生 威尔弗莱德爵士还在康复期间
Absolutely not Mr Mayhew. Sir Wilfrid is still convalescent.
他不能接任何 刺♥激♥性的案子
He can’t accept anything of an overstimulating nature.
他们给我定了很多清规戒律 你好啊 梅休
Put me on a diet of bland civil suits. Hello Mayhew.
你好 威尔弗莱德 听说你身体不好我很难过
Hello. Distressing news about your health.
是很惨 你最好找个 动脉年轻一点儿的家伙
It’s tragic. You’d better get a man with younger arteries.
你只要能给我们几分钟就行了 这位是伦纳德·沃尔先生
If you could just give us a few minutes. This is Mr Leonard Vole.
-他面临的状况恐怕是糟糕透了 -你好啊沃尔先生
-He’s in rather a ghastly mess I’m afraid. -How do you do Mr Vole?
是啊 梅休先生说 我的状况很糟糕
Well according to Mr Mayhew I’m not doing at all well.
威尔弗莱德爵士 威尔弗莱德爵士
Sir Wilfrid! Sir Wilfrid!
-你又在闲逛了 -哦 闭嘴
-You’re dawdling again! -Oh shut up!
对不起 梅休 等你有
Sorry Mayhew. Try me again
when you’ve something not too stimulating.
比方某只迷路的 小狗咬了邮差什么的
Like a postman bitten by a stray dog.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
