I have here a certificate
stating that Leonard Stephen Vole is a blood donor
at the North London Hospital.
And that his blood is group O.
谢谢你 警巡
Thank you Inspector.
警巡 既然手腕上的伤口 被认定是由这把小刀造成的
Inspector granted that the cut on the wrist was caused by that knife
有没有任何迹象表明 这究竟是一场事故
is there anything to show whether it was an accident
or done deliberately after the murder to account
for the bloodstains?
-哦 真是的 法官大人 -我收回这个问题
-Oh really my lord! -I withdraw the question.
你可以离开证人席了 警巡
You may stand down.
-传珍妮特·麦肯锡 -珍妮特·麦肯锡
-Call Janet McKenzie. -Janet McKenzie.
-珍妮特·麦肯锡 -珍妮特·麦肯锡
-Janet McKenzie. -Janet McKenzie.
我向万能的上帝起誓 我提供的证词将是事实
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence…
完完全全的事实 除了事实别无其它
…the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
卡特 卡特 药片 药片
Carter. Carter. Pill. Pill.
-你是珍妮特·麦肯锡 -对 就是我
-Your name is Janet McKenzie? -Aye that’s my name.
-你是什么时候来伦敦的 -有年头了28年前
-When did you first come to London? -That was many years ago. 28 years ago.
-你住在哪里 -现在可怜的弗伦奇太太死了
-Where do you live? -Now that Mrs French poor soul is dead
我搬到我侄女家住 格伦尼斯特街19号♥
I’ve moved in with my niece at 19 Glenister Road.
你是已故的埃米莉·弗伦奇 太太的陪伴兼女管家
You were companion-housekeeper to the late Mrs Emily French?
我是她的管家没错 但绝对不是什么陪伴
I was her housekeeper! I’ve no opinion of companions
陪伴都是些没用的懒骨头 一点正经家务都不肯干
poor feckless bodies afraid of a bit of honest domestic work.
是啊 我的意思是 你们已经具有一种朋友关系
I meant you were on friendly terms not altogether
those of mistress and servant.
对 十年前我就 开始为她做事 照顾她
Aye. Ten years I was with her and looked after her.
她了解我 也信任我
She knew me and she trusted me.
有很多次 我都 避免了她做出蠢事
Many’s the time I prevented her doing a foolish thing.
Please tell us in your own words
about the events of the evening of October 14.
那天是星期五 是我外出的日子
It was a Friday and my night out.
我要去我侄女家 在格伦尼斯特街
I was going to see my niece at Glenister Road
走过去大概五分钟 我是七点半离开家的
which is about five minutes’ walk. I left the house at half past seven.
我答应过把她喜欢 一款衣服的图样带给她
I promised to take her a dress pattern that she admired.
-啊 哦 这个有必要说吗 -问得好
-Och is this thing necessary? -An excellent question.
不过 既然我们已经动用了 纳税人提供的可观费用
However it has been installed at considerable expense to the taxpayers
我们还是物尽其用吧 请说下去
so let us take advantage of it. Please continue.
嗯 我走到我侄女家的时候 我发现我忘了拿图样
Well when I got to my niece’s I found I’d left the pattern behind.
所以晚饭后我又 跑回去拿 反正路不远
So after supper I slipped back to get it as it was no distance.
I got back to the house at 25 past 9.
我自己开门 准备 上楼去我自己的房♥间
I let myself in and went upstairs to my room.
As I passed the sitting room
I heard the prisoner in there talking to Mrs French.
不 那不是我 那不是我在说话
No it wasn’t me! It wasn’t my voice!
Talking and laughing they were.
不过那不关我的事 所以我就跑上楼去拿我的图样
But it was no business of mine so I went upstairs to fetch my pattern.
嗯 让我们把时间 再界定得准确一些
Now let us be very exact as to the time.
你说你回到家 的时候是21:25
You say that you re-entered the house at 25 past 9?
对 图样是放在我房♥间里的
Aye. The pattern was on a shelf in my room
next to my clock
so I saw the time.
-那时就是21:25 -请说下去吧
-And it was 25 past 9. -Go on please.
I went back to my niece.
啊哦 她看到图样高兴极了 真…
Och she was delighted with the pattern. Si…
真是高兴极了 我一直 待到22:40
Simply delighted. I stayed until 20 to 11
然后道晚安 回家
then I said good night and I come home.
我走进客厅 想看看女主人在上♥床♥前
I went into the sitting room to see if the mistress wanted anything
before she went to bed.
结果 我看到她已经死了 东西都七零八落地散在地上
And there she was dead. And everything tossed hither and thither.
当时你是否真的觉得 那是入室抢劫犯干的
Did you really think that a burglary had been committed?
法官大人 我必须提出反对
My lord I must protest!
我不允许证人回答 这个问题 梅耶斯先生
I will not allow that question to be answered Mr Myers.
麦肯锡小姐 你是否知道
Miss McKenzie were you aware that Leonard Vole
was a married man?
完全不知道 女主人也不知道
No indeed. And neither was the mistress.
-珍妮特 -法官大人 我必须反对
-Janet! -My lord I must object.
What Mrs French knew or did not know
is pure conjecture on Janet McKenzie’s part.
我换个说法吧 在你看来
Let me put it this way. You formed the opinion
弗伦奇太太认为 伦纳德·沃尔是个单身汉
that Mrs French thought Leonard Vole was a single man?
-你有没有什么佐证来支持你的观点 -她借来的书
-Have you any facts to support this? -The books that she ordered.
A life of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts
and the one about Disraeli and his wife.
Both of them about women
嫁给了比自己小很多的男人 哦
that married men years younger than themselves. Oh!
-我知道她在想什么 -恐怕我不敢苟同
-I knew what she was thinking. -I’m afraid we cannot admit that.
各位陪审员 一个读 迪斯雷利传记的女人
Members of the jury it is possible for a woman to read The Life of Disraeli
未必就是在盘算着 嫁给比自己小的男人
without contemplating marriage with a man younger than herself.
麦肯锡小姐 你是否知道
Were you aware of the arrangements
Mrs French made to dispose of her money?
她废除了她的老遗嘱 重新立了一份新的
She had her old will revoked and a new one drawn up.
我听到她给她的法律顾问 斯多克斯先生打电♥话♥了
I heard her calling Mr Stokes her solicitor.
他一直在场 我是说 犯人
He was there at the time. The prisoner I mean.
你听到弗伦奇太太 在跟犯人讨论她的遗嘱
You heard Mrs French and the prisoner discussing her new will?
是的 她告诉他 所有财产都会留给他
Yes. He was to have all her money she told him
因为她没有近亲 也没有别人比他更重要了
as she had no near relations nor anybody that meant to her what he did.
-那是什么时候的事 -10月8日
-When did this take place? -On October 8.
One week to the day before she was murdered.
谢谢你 我的问话完毕
Thank you. That concludes my examination.
还没好呢 麦肯锡小姐
Not just yet Miss McKenzie.
Would you…? Thank you.
麦肯锡小姐 你的 证词中提到了两份遗嘱
Miss McKenzie you have given evidence about two wills.
In the old will that which was revoked
应得到弗伦奇太太 大部分财产的人是你 对吗
were you not to receive the bulk of Mrs French’s estate?
对 是这样
That’s so.
然而在新的遗嘱里 除了一小笔遗赠是留给你的之外
Whereas in the new will except for a bequest to you of a small annuity
最大的受益人变成了 犯人-伦纳德·沃尔
the principal beneficiary is the prisoner Leonard Vole.
他摸到哪怕一便士 都是道义的沦丧
It’ll be a wicked injustice if he ever touches a penny of that money.
我完全能够理解 你为什么要敌视犯人
It is entirely understandable that you are antagonistic to the prisoner.
I’m not antagonistic to him.
他是个无能而诡计多端的无赖 但是我并没有敌视他
He’s a shiftless scheming rascal. But I’m not antagonistic to him.
I suggest you formed this opinion
because his friendship with Mrs French cost you the bulk of her estate.
-我从来都不喜欢他 -你的直率值得欣赏
-I’ve never liked him. -Your candour is refreshing.
那么 你说10月14日晚上
Now. On the night of October 14
you say you heard the prisoner and Mrs French talking together.
-你听到他们在说什么 -我没有听他们具体在说什么
-What did you hear them say? -I didn’t hear what they actually said.
You mean you only heard the voices?
-低沉的说话声 -他们在笑
-The murmur of voices? -They were laughing.
为什么你说那个男人 的声音是伦纳德·沃尔的
What makes you say the man’s voice was Leonard Vole’s?
-我很熟悉他的声音 -门是关着的对吗
-I know his voice well enough. -The door was closed was it not?
-对没错 -你急着回去拿图样
-Aye that’s so. -You were in a hurry to get the pattern
所以你想必是 匆匆地走过了那扇房♥门
so you probably walked quickly past the closed door
而你却一口咬定 你听见的是伦纳德·沃尔的声音
yet you are sure you heard Leonard Vole’s voice?
我从门口经过的时间足够 我听清楚我听到的是什么
I was there long enough to hear what I heard.
好啦 麦肯锡小姐 我想
Come I’m sure
you don’t wish to suggest to the jury that you were eavesdropping.
屋里那个人就是他 还能是谁
It was him in there. Who else could it have been?
What you mean is
你希望 那是他 这就是你的思路
that you wanted it to be him. That’s the way your mind worked.
好了 告诉我 弗伦奇太太
Now tell me did Mrs French
sometimes watch television in the evening?
是的 她很喜欢 谈话节目 或者好的电视剧
Yes. She was fond of a talk or a good play.
那么 当晚你回家走过 那扇房♥门的时候
Wasn’t it possible when you returned home and passed the door
会不会听见的是 电视机里的声音
what you really heard was the television
恰好是一个男人和 一个女人在有说有笑
and a man and woman’s voices and laughter?
那天晚上正好播了一部 电视剧 叫做《情人之跃》
There was a play called Lover’s Leap on the television that night.
-肯定不是电视 -哦 为什么
-It was not the television. -Oh why not?
因为那个星期电视机 送出去修理了 这就是为什么
Because the television was away being repaired that week that’s why.
肃静 肃静

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
