♪ Putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street ♪
♪ 缠绵走天涯 ♪
♪ People are crazy and times are strange ♪
♪ 人心不古 世易时移 ♪
♪ I’m locked in tight I’m out of range ♪
♪ 命运的枷锁紧锁我身 命运的烙印铭刻我心 ♪
♪ I used to care but things have changed ♪
♪ 我曾经在乎一切 可是已时过境迁 ♪
♪ I hurt easy I just don’t show it ♪
♪ 我要维持坚强的姿态 ♪
♪ You can hurt someone and not even know it ♪
♪ 天翻地覆也在所不惜 ♪
♪ The next 60 seconds could be like an eternity ♪
♪ 睁开双眼看吧 ♪
♪ Gonna get low down Gonna fly high ♪
♪ 期待远方就是乐土 ♪
♪ All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie ♪
♪ 竟然被欺骗包裹 ♪
♪ I’m in love with a woman who don’t even appeal to me ♪
♪ 爱之花业已调零 ♪
♪ Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy They jumped in the lake ♪
♪ 甜言蜜语随之石沉大海 ♪
♪ I’m not that eager to make a mistake ♪
♪ 我缠绵悱恻 ♪
♪ People are crazy and times are strange ♪
♪ 人心不古 世易时移 ♪
♪ I’m locked in tight I’m out of range ♪
♪ 命运的枷锁紧锁我身 命运的烙印铭刻我心 ♪
♪ I used to care but things have changed ♪
♪ 我曾经在乎一切 可是已时过境迁 ♪
