老天 很难想像有幸存者
God, can you imagine surviving something like that? Writing the dates on the side of the car.
瓦列霍两起凶杀案 那帕一起 为什么在那帕?
We got two Vallejo killings, now there’s one in Napa. Why Napa?
他为什么在瓦列霍以外的地方做案? 我的老天ue4d1
What the hell is he doing out of Vallejo? Sweet mother of Christ
What are you drawing?
湖边的大学生 这是他描述黄道带的打扮
Kid at the lake. This is what he said the Zodiac was wearing.
-天哪 果然是怪里怪气的 -保罗 你在做什么?
God, that’s a hell of a get-up. -Paul, what are you doing?
海曼 我写完了 我现在要把它打出来
Hyman, I wrote it. It’s done. Now I just got to type it up.
没打完不算 我们还要审稿
Type it up? It’s not finished until you type it up. We’ve got to read it.
-那是什么? -湖边的黄道带
-What’s that? -That’s the Zodiac at the lake.
那小子是什么来头? 他怪怪的 好像嗑了药…
What’s the story with the kid? He seems a little touched or medicated or…
小葛吗? 他是乖乖牌
Graysmith? Yeah, what is it? He’s a fucking boy scout.
不抽烟 不喝酒 不讲脏话
He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t curse.
他回来了 人类比任何猛兽更危险
And he’s back. I knew it. Man is the most dangerous animal of all.
I knew that I heard that from somewhere. The Most Dangerous Game.
It’s a movie about a Count who hunts people for sport.
猎杀人类 最危险的游戏
People. The Most Dangerous Game.
-那是谁? -瑟若夫公爵
-Who’s that? -That’s Count Zaroff.
瑟若夫? 字头是Z?
Zaroff? With a Z?
And that will be all for the news on the 20.
We’ve got curfews in effect tonight for the following counties,
那帕 索拉诺 康特拉·卡斯塔 阿♥拉♥米达 马林 圣·马刁ue4d1
Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Marin, and San Mateo.
(两星期后 加州 旧金山 1969年10月11日)
So please, everyone, stay safe.
旧金山的维克叩应 你不怕黄道带?
Vic in San Francisco, you’re on the line. You’re not scared of the Zodiac?
谁会怕他 他只杀乡下小孩
Heck no, he’s only shooting those farm kids.
What scares me is those hippies out in the Haight
with their free love and weird clothes.
We’ve got Alfred from Vacaville.
刚才那位先生在做人身攻击 死者不只是乡下小孩
You know, I think that was really offensive. It’s not just farm kids.
These are nice, clean-cut young people.
Hey, nobody’s downplaying the loss of human life here, Alfred.
Well, that last guy was.
We have good solid communities out here in the North Bay.
Unlike in the city where you have Satanists running around.
说得好 黄道带崇拜撒旦吗?
Well, you bring up a good question. Is the Zodiac a Satanist?
奥克兰的安柏 你认为呢?
Amber from Oakland, what do you think?
不晓得 不过印在报上的密♥码♥ 不像是基♥督♥教符号♥
I don’t really know, but I thought that code they printed didn’t look very Christian.
But I think the bigger problem is that the papers shouldn’t have printed
anything that the Zodiac has been doing.
That they’re just printing all that stuff to sell more newspapers.
不过黄道带也说不刊登的话 他就会杀更多人
Well, the Zodiac did demand they print his letters or he’d kill more people.
登不登他照样会杀人 至少我个人认为是这样
Yeah, but he would have done it anyway, whether they printed it or not, I think.
很有趣的观点 你认为接下来他会怎么做?
An interesting point. So, what do you think he’ll do next?
-旧金山警局 -有人在计程车里打架
-San Francisco Police Department. -Yes. There’s a fight in a cab!
What is your location?
华盛顿街3398号♥ 樱桃街转角
3398 Washington, at the corner of Cherry.
有人喝醉了 他好像在抢劫
One’s drunk and we think he’s robbing him.
-歹徒还在犯案吗? -是的 拜托你们快点
-Is the crime still in progress? -Yes, please hurry.
天哪 你看!
Oh, my God, look!
不管你是谁 你欠我一座新台灯
Whoever this is, you owe me a new lamp.
Cabbie’s been shot three blocks from the Presidio.
凶手又不是我 我老婆可以担♥保♥我整晚都陪着她
Well, it wasn’t me. I’ve been with my bride all night. She can vouch.
Go put on the Folgers.
You’ll pick me up?
Let me just describe the lamp you’re gonna buy me.
-我才刚上♥床♥耶 -嫌犯是个黑人男性
-I just got to sleep. -Suspect’s Negro, male adult.
华特封锁现场 维持秩序
Walt’s on scene, locked up the cab and secured the crowd.
说真的 我已经睡到手都麻了
Seriously, dead asleep. I lost feeling in my arm and everything.
You ever try Japanese food?
-什么意思 像是照烧吗? -不 像是生海胆?
-What do you mean, like teriyaki? -No, like the urchin.
-生鱼片? -我正在吃东西耶
-Raw fish. -I’m eating here, Bill.
-我一直想试试看 -那你为什么不试?
-I always wanted to try it. -So, why don’t you?
Haven’t got around to it.
晚安两位 今晚真是笨贼一箩筐
Evening, gents. What a lovely night for a botched robbery.
这礼拜第三起 一定是趁收假前捞一笔
Yeah, third this week. Must be end of summer rush.
I got foot patrols going through the park, dogs are on the way.
被害人是保罗史坦 死亡时间是十点十分
The victim’s name is Paul Stine. Dousette pronounced him at 10:10.
Suspect fired one shot
司机的钱包 钥匙不见了
to the back of the head. Driver’s wallet and car keys are missing.
How’d you know his name?
Leroy, there, came down from Yellow Cab to ID him.
Neighborhood’s pretty highend for this kind of thing,
so I already set up transpo for the cab.
-验尸官来了 -有任何目击者吗?
-Coroner’s here. -Any witnesses?
Kids who called it in saw the suspect from that window.
-他们有听见枪声吗? -没有
-Did they hear a shot? -No.
他们以为嫌犯喝醉 跑到前座去殴打驾驶
They first saw him in the front seat, thought he was a drunk fighting with the driver.
Oldest kid ran downstairs to get a better look from the dining room,
她形容嫌犯为男性白人 戴眼镜
described him as a white male, glasses,
平头 健壮结实 穿深色夹克
crewcut, stocky, and wearing a dark jacket.
等等 不是说嫌犯是黑人吗?
Wait, I thought someone said he was black.
That’s the description that went out to radio cars.
-我们已经更正了 -那好
-We already corrected it. -Oh, well, that’s good.
-你们还需要帮忙吗? -不了 走吧
-You guys need anything else? -No. Get out of here.
谢啦 生日快乐
Thanks. Happy Birthday.
Wait, it’s your birthday?
-是啊 -棒呆了 生日快乐!
-Yep. -That’s great. Happy birthday.
-谢了 尸体还是现场? -今天你生日 尸体交给我
-Thanks. Body or scene? -It’s your birthday, I’ll take the body.
大卫 他把车里擦得很干净 这里有些血迹
Dave, looks like he wiped the cab down pretty good. We got some blood over here.
-指纹呢? -可能有 回局里再采指纹
-Prints? -Could very well be. We’ll dust it at the Hall.
奇怪的是 还找到手套
The odd thing is, we also got gloves.
-嫌犯的吗? -手套上有血迹
-Suspect’s? -There’s blood on them.
彼得 好了吗?
Hey, Pete?
You through over there, can I get in there?
-谁动了他? -史都华
-Who rolled him? -Stewarts.
I got a single 9mm casing.
是啊 鲁格手♥枪♥
Yeah, Luger.
Nothing from the crowd.
Okay. I’m your shooter, Negro male adult,
who also happens to be a stocky, crew-cut Caucasian.
我叫了车子 给他这个住址
I flag a cab. I give him this address.
我有给他住址吗? 车资记录呢?
Did I give him this address? Who’s got the fare book?
Right here.
华盛顿和枫树街口 东边的那条街口
Washington and Maple. That’s one block east.
光线和这边差不多 假设我看见有人正在遛狗
Lighting’s the same over here, so maybe I see someone walking their dog.
你不希望有任何目击者 所以叫他多开一条街再停车
You don’t want any witnesses so you tell him to go down a block. He pulls over.
我很聪明 等他排到停车挡
I wait for him to put it in park because I’m smart
and I don’t want him hitting the accelerator when I shoot him. May I?
停车 排档 砰!
He stops, puts it in park, boom.
我从右边开枪 他倒向右边?
I shoot him on the right side, he slumps right?
Maybe you’ve got your hand on his collar when you shoot.
不管怎样 我在前座 留下了大量血迹
All right. So, either way, I just dumped a quart of blood in the front seat.
-你为什么要到前座? -为了拿钱
-So, why do you get in the front seat? -For the money.
他挂了 你只要伸手拿钱包就行
But he’s dead. You could just reach over the seat, pull out his wallet.
You don’t have to go anywhere near the blood.
So, why’d he get in the front seat?
-因为我是个笨蛋 -但你不是笨蛋
-I’m an idiot. -But you’re not an idiot.
You waited for him to put it in park.
-谢了 -不客气
-Right. Thank you. -Yeah, sure.
-我能看看吗? -可以
-Can I see that? -Yeah.
我真笨 为了8块2毛钱杀人
I am an idiot. I just killed a man for $8.25.
他是今晚第三名乘客 谁有卡♥通♥动物饼干?
It’s his third fare of the night. Does anyone have any animal crackers?
-卡♥通♥动物饼干? -在车上
-Animal crackers? -They’re in the car.
I’m saving those for later.
-你是记者吗? -不是 我是旧金山警局的陶希警探
-Are you a reporter? -No, I’m Inspector Dave Toschi, SFPD.
Sir, I was wondering if I’d be able to talk to your children,
-最好是单独问话? -他们才刚看到一个人被杀
-One at a time and preferably alone? -They just saw a man murdered.
