Dave? Hey. Hi. Paul Avery.
-我可以搭你的便车去? -保罗 不行
-Can I catch a ride with you gents when we get there? -Not a good idea, Paul.
He’s gonna make me take a cab when we’re going to the same place.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing PSA.
好吧 好吧
Fair enough. Fair enough.
请注意 吸烟区在最后六排
Remember, smoking is in the last six aisles only.
Enjoy your flight.
(两小时后 加州 河滨市)
-克劳斯? 你好 -嗯
-Cross? Hi. -Yeah.
-我是侦探大卫 托希奇 旧金山警局 -你好?
-Detective David Toschi, SFPD. -How are you doing?
好 谢谢你们的协助
Great. Thanks for having us down today.
没问题 我听说你给我们带来了些资料
Not at all. I hear you have some files for us.
我给你看我的 你给我看你的
I’ll show you mine. You show me yours.
-旧金山是吧? -是的 旧金山
-Frisco huh? -That’s right. San Francisco.
-纳巴市的肯 那罗 -肯
-Ken Narlow from Napa. -Ken.
-司法部的梅尔 尼克莱 -梅尔
-Mel Nicolai, Justice. -Mel.
Here’s what we know.
Cheri Jo Bates attended Riverside Community College.
1966年10月30日那晚 她在图书馆念书
She studies in the library the night of October 30th, 1966.
She leaves with an unidentified male at closing, 9:00 p.m.
隔天她被发现在停车场 被刺杀身亡
Her body’s found the next morning in a parking lot, stabbed to death.
Her car is disabled.
有人把点火器的线路切断 电池不起作用
Someone cut the coil in the distributor, the battery died.
就有人过来 假意帮忙
The someone comes back, offers to help.
-就像凯瑟琳·琼斯那样 -谁?
-Like Kathleen Johns. -Who?
莫德斯托郊区的一个女的 可能是黄道带的受害者
A woman outside of Modesto, might be a Zodiac victim.
可能 可能是 我这里有她的一些资料
Might. Might be. I have her comp right here in this file.
11月29日 案发一个月后
A typewritten confession was sent to the Riverside Press Enterprise
on November 29th, a month after Bates’s murder.
They ran it.
我没有病 我只是疯了 但游戏不会终止
I’m not sick. I am insane. But that will not stop the game.
This letter should be published for all to read.
他要公开 他说这是游戏 这可能就是黄道带
He wants to be published. He calls it a game. I mean, this could be our boy.
半年后 警方 父亲和报社
Six months later, the police, the girl’s father, and the paper,
they all received these.
双倍邮资 黄道带的习惯
Double postage, just like Zodiac.
These are what Sherwood Morrill matched the Zodiac letters?
除了这些还有这块桌面 唐
These and the desktop. Don.
几个月后工友在校园的仓库 发现这块桌面
This was found a couple of months later by a janitor in RCC storage.
(切 清洁 如果血液鲜红/清洁 血液泼洒在她的新洋装)
Sherwood got a handwriting match off wood?
Who etches in their own handwriting?
老实说 我看不出笔迹很像
To be honest with you, our letters and your letters, I don’t see it.
How did Paul Avery get his hands on the exemplars?
是我给他的 前几天打电♥话♥聊了一个钟头
I gave them to him. We talked on the phone the other day for about an hour.
-我告诉他你会来 -你跟他说我们要碰面?
-And I told him you were gonna be here. -You told him we were meeting?
对 我也说这不是黄道带
Yeah. I also told him we don’t think this is Zodiac.
等等 你不觉得这是黄道带?
Okay, wait a minute. You don’t think this is Zodiac?
We got a guy we like for it.
虽然没有足够的证据 不过我很确定凶手就是他
We don’t have enough to pin it on him yet, but we’re pretty sure it’s him.
既然你认为不是黄道带 那干嘛把证物交给艾瑞?
If you don’t think this is Zodiac, then why give anything to Avery?
-我只是想合作 -你合作的方式是ue4d1
-I’m trying to cooperate. -Oh, that’s how you cooperate?
By giving information to reporters?
我不懂笔迹 但莫瑞尔很确定
Look, I don’t know about the handwriting, but Sherwood says it’s a match, right?
就假设你的嫌犯杀了贝特兹 他打了一封自白书
So, let’s just say that your guy did Cheri Jo. He types the confession.
黄道带在报纸上看到 然后再写信抢功劳
Zodiac reads it in the paper, and he writes a letter taking credit for it.
-他干过这种事 -现在你有我们所有的证据
-Now, that’s something he’s done before. -Look, now you have everything we have.
But, in my opinion, you guys came south for nothing.
完了 大家 真的完了
FUBAR, gentlemen, FUBAR.
不管怎么说 可能还是黄道带
I don’t care what he says. This still could be Z.
The problem is the entire state already thinks it is.
Well, there’s your press agent. Talk to him about it.
I come in peace. I don’t want any trouble.
我懒得理你 保罗 只是尽我的职务
I really don’t want to talk to you right now, Paul. Not now. Just trying to do my job.
是吗? 你害我办不了案
Oh, really? Well, now I can’t do mine.
We’re already screwed with the amount of tips
we got on this thing,and you just freaked out the entire state.
那帕 瓦列霍 司法部 都怀疑我的能力
I have got Napa, Vallejo, and DOJ looking at me sideways
and Riverside’s telling me I’m on a snipe hunt!
Jesus. Hey, Cheri Jo Bates was a gift. I gave that to you.
You and Armstrong never would have found her.
他可能不是黄道带 你在乎吗?
This may not be Zodiac. Does that matter to you?
matter that Riverside may not be able to make a case against their suspect because of you?
Tell it to Sherwood. I’m out here, beating the bushes, trying to draw him out.
-我们在同一阵线耶 -谁跟你同一阵线?
-We’re in this together. -No, we’re not in anything together, Paul,
Because I’m not interested in upping my circulation.
他写信给我 威胁我的性命
Oh, boy. He wrote me. He threatened my life.
神探 你查了一年半还抓不到人
Hey, Bullitt! Been a year-and-a-half, you gonna catch this fucking guy or not?
-去你的 -非常乐意接受
-Go fuck yourself. -Happily.
你应该先告知我的 保罗
You should have called me, Paul.
Thank you.
(黄道带命案获得新证物 与河滨市命案有关)
-你看到吗? -看到了
-Did you see this? -Unfortunately, yes.
Here comes every lunatic in California.
-我就是黄道带 -你是怎么杀害被害人的?
-I’m the Zodiac. -And how did you kill your victims?
用枪 不 用铁捶
With a gun. No, with a hammer.
All I’m authorized to tell you is that he’s still under government employment.
-谁准许你告诉我这些? -我只能说这么多
-And who authorized you to tell me this? -That’s all I’m authorized to say.
Only a little rat bastard like Andre
could have done something like cut off all the victims’ hands.
Zodiac didn’t cut off any of the victims’ hands.
-你确定吗? -是的
-Are you sure? -Yes, sir.
Travis and I worked here side by side for 10 years.
His foot gets crushed in an accident and the killings begin.
-我不知道 -你是警♥察♥耶 想也知道
-I don’t know. -You’re a cop, man. Do the math.
Have you considered the killer might be Paul Avery?
He was drinking Coors, getting a load on.
然后聊到猎杀人类 就像那本书一样
Starts talking about hunting people. Like that book.
在枪管绑一支手电筒 就能在黑暗中行凶
Says how you can put a light at the end of a gun to use as a sight in the dark.
He said that?
(六个月后 加州 托伦斯 1971年7月26日)
对啊 所以我就问他 你打算如何脱罪?
So I asked him, How would you get away with it?
然后他说很简单 因为我没有杀人动机
And he said, It would be easy ’cause there’d be no real motive to the thing.
他又说他会写信给警方 自称黄道带恶整警方
Then he said he’d write letters to the police and call himself Zodiac to mess with them.
-李喜欢恶整别人 -你确定他有说黄道带?
-Leigh liked messing with people. –You’re positive he said Zodiac?
对 我跟他说这称号♥很蠢
Yeah. I thought it was a stupid name. So I told him.
He got up all upset and said, I don’t care what you think.
我想了很久 我要用这称号♥
I’ve thought about it a long time and that’s the name I’m gonna use.
Did you feel like he’d been thinking about it a long time?
He was raw about losing his job at the school.
He talked about shooting out the tires of a school bus
对那些 可爱的小孩 下手
and picking off the little darlings.
-他真的说了这些话? -就是这些话才让我记忆深刻的
-He actually used those words? -That’s what made me remember.
后来我跟老婆说我不想再见到他了 我就没再见过他
Afterwards, I told my wife I didn’t wanna see him again. And I haven’t since.
还有一件事 李喜欢潜水
Other thing is, Leigh’s into skin diving.
I know he’s been up to that lake a bunch of times.
瑞莎湖 你跟他去过吗?
Lake Berryessa? Did you ever go with him?
几次吧 我们也到附近的布达溪钓鱼
Couple times. We went fishing by Putah Creek near there.
Tell him when you put it together.
大约是一年前 在报上开始报导黄道带
About a year ago, in the paper, there was a story about the Zodiac.
我就回想起来了 我试着打给地方警♥察♥
And it all comes back. I tried to call the local cops.
-他们不理他 以为他疯了 -你确定
-They blew him off. Thought he was a nut. -And you’re sure
the conversation you had about Zodiac
took place on January 1st, 1968?
It couldn’t have been any later.
我1月20日要在洛杉矶开始新工作 我得搬家
I started a new job in L.A. on January 20th. I had to move.
-我觉得不是他 这家伙… -亚瑟李艾伦?
-This is my problem. This guy… -Arthur Leigh Allen?
This guy, Leigh, just lays out his
entire evil plan to a fishing buddy on New Year’s Day?
