Oh, no, not her.
We always get the worst end of it with her.
恩 如果她这次需要我们帮她忙 我们不会再被愚弄了
Well, if she wants us to work for her this time, we won’t be made fools of.
You look just like Mum.
你闭嘴 我不会同他一起过去 我告诉你 我不会
Shut up, you! I ain’t going through with this, I tell you. I ain’t!
Here he comes now!
-走 加斯帕 -走
-Go on, Jasper. Go on. -Go! Go on, go!
下午好 亲爱的 有什么我可以…
Afternoon, love! Something I can…
嘿 那边
Hello, there.
Something I can do for a pretty young lady like yourself?
当然可以 调皮鬼
Of course you can, you naughty man.
-你可以将这卡车送我 -什么
-You can just give me this truck! -What?
他们都在里面 加斯帕 前进 开始
They’re all inside, Jasper! Go ahead and start it up!
Whatever in the world?

嘿 他在哪
Hey, where’s he going?
-卡尼恩 -卡尼恩
-Kanine Krunchies! -Kanine Krunchies!
-那是谁 -嘿 那是卡尼恩
-What’s that? -Hey, Kanine Krunchies!
已经进入状态了 加斯帕
It worked, Jasper.
就像做梦 贺瑞斯 我的兄弟 就像在做梦
Like a dream, Horace, me lad, like a dream!
你 我应该知道你是一个可怕的人
You! I should have known it was you terrible men!
Now let those puppies go right now
or I’m going to knock the stupid out of both of you!
嘿 小姐 我们不想伤害你们中的任何一个
Here now, lady, we don’t want to have to hurt you none,
Calm down.
我想她疯了 得了
She’s… She’s mad, I say. Come on!
对 就是这个 我受够了
Right. That’s it, then. I’ve had just about enough of this!
哦 不要
Oh, no!
好了 那应该给你才对
There now. That ought to hold you right proper.
-加斯帕 -什么
-Jasper? -What?
Can we just go back to jail, now?
Your muse has returned!
我只是个失败者 你轻视我
But I am a failure. You should despise me.
哦 扔掉那湿毯子 看我给你带什么来了
Stop being such a wet blanket and come see what I’ve brought for you!
A gift? For me?
How very Christmas morning with the twinkle lights of you.
The gift of inspiration!
那当然 这只是些可爱的小动物
Well, of course, these are only just about the most adorable little puppies
I’ve ever seen in my whole life!
Look at these cute little darlings!
哦 是一条绒毛狗 小调皮鬼
Fuzzy wuzzy little puppy poo. Poo poo, little puppy poo.
见过吗 看过吗 他给了我一个深深的吻
Did you see that? Did you see that? He gave me a little kissy!
I’m going to kiss him back now.
He’s having a wobbly.
And you mean for me to do a painting of them, don’t you?
真是个可爱的主意 让我觉得好笑
That’s an absolutely lovely idea! It makes me smile a lot.
“Painting of them,” he says.
不 不 亲爱的 我不想拿这些小动物做艺术品
No, no, no, darling. I don’t want you to make art of the puppies.
I want you to make art with the puppies.
Use their coats as canvases.
Create a masterpiece in a new medium.
你我压倒整个艺术世界 用我们冷酷的创意
Together, you and I will stun the art world with our ruthless originality!
But that means…
How could you do such a thing to the cute little puppies?
-毒晕他们 -用水淹他们
-Poison them. -Drown them.
Bash them in the head!
那可能有点古怪吧 但我不是那种人
I may be eccentric, but I am not a sicko!
-什么 -你不会碰到任何一个斑点
-What? -And You’ll not hurt one spot
on these innocent little creatures’ heads,
not as long as I have anything to say about it!
我想你是一个有先见之明的人 有人会理解我的用心
I thought you were a man of vision, someone who understood my passions,
Who understood the complexity that is Cruella!
Does no one get the point?
哦 拉斯 你真让我失望
Lars, you’re such a disappointment.
恩 如果我没有出杰作
Well, if I can’t have a masterpiece,
at least I’ll finally have a fabulous Dalmatian coat.
那也差不多 不同意吗
That’s almost as good, don’t you agree?
你怎么了 小姐
What’s gotten into you, girl?
骗子吗 多少个
Kidnapped? How many?

Wretched dogs.

站稳了 伙计
Steady, lads!
I just can’t understand it.
我们不在这 成天都是主角
We’ve been out here doing hero stuff all day
没有一个摄影师 看来够细心
and none of these London photographers seem to care.
Why do you want photographers around?
啊 骗子 有要事跟你说
Kid. Look, I got something to tell you.
Something I guess I should’ve told you a long time ago.
哦 我不知道怎么来说 但事实是…
I don’t know how to say this, but the truth is…
桑德波特 听 肯定有急事
Thunderbolt, listen! There’s an emergency!
Sounds like a kidnapping!
被关在仓库 真可恶的女人 101号♥达尔提亚人
Being held in a warehouse, a devil woman, 101 Dalmatians.
真巧 你是来自101号♥的其中一员
Hey, what a coincidence! You come from a family of 101, too!
等等 怎么了 小朋友
Wait, what’s the matter, kid?
那是我家人 有他们好看的
That is my family. Cruella must have them again!
-残酷 -可恶的女人
-Cruella? -The devil woman!
She’s the one who kidnapped us before.
哦 太可怕了 我怎么办
This is awful. What am I going to do?
等一下 桑德波特 你会帮我们 是吧
Wait a second. Thunderbolt! You’ll help us, won’t you?
是的 哦 小朋友 那就是我想要告诉你的
Yes. Well, kid, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.
你知道了 我不是一个真正的…
You see, I’m not really a…
当然 我会帮你 傻瓜
Of course, I’ll help you, Patch.
对 闻名世界的雷声
Yeah, the world-famous Thunderbolt
rescues the world-famous 101 Dalmatians.
对 我来说个故事 新故事
Sounds like a good story to me! Newsworthy, even.
得了 我会让他们知道 我就是这样
Come on. We’ll let them know I’m on my way.
这些恶棍不久后会来奉承我们 那是因为我们神力的雷公
The villains will soon cringe in fear! Mighty Thunderbolt is here!
那太好了 我听到了模糊的吠声
It’s just wonderful! I heard it through the Twilight Bark!
-说来听听 -好吧
-tell all! -Well,
Thunderbolt is going to save those little Dalmatian puppies!
-他们被绑♥架♥了吗 -对
-The ones that were kidnapped? -That’s right!
Isn’t he just a dream?
More like a nightmare!
What if Blunderbolt gets lucky and succeeds?
如果他们听到了风声 我就再也杀不了他
If the press got wind of that, I’d never be rid of him!
-看 那肯定是个仓库 -我们到那边去
-Look, that must be the warehouse. -Let’s try over there.
-你觉得你能到那吗 -没问题
-Hey, do you think you can reach that? -No problem.
雷公 老兄
Thunderbolt, old pal.
-闪电吗 -在闪电 你在那干什么
-Lightning? -Lightning! What are you doing here?
我听到就来了 觉得你可能需要帮忙
I came as soon as I heard. Thought you might need a bit of help.
-谢谢你 小朋友 -没事
-Thanks for coming, little buddy. -Wouldn’t miss it.
加斯帕 那是什么
What’s that supposed to be?
别管我们 加斯帕 我想那不错
Leave us alone, Jasper. I think it’s kind of pretty.
-什么计划 -看见那些卫士了吗
-So, what’s the plan, kid? -See those guards?
I think you can sneak past them.
Remember the end of episode 39, “Flight from the Forbidden Fort”?
我跑 跳 弹跳的那节
The one where I ran, jumped and sprang?
不 躲…最后胜利
No, no. Sneaked, evaded and triumphed.
当然 明白了
Oh, yeah, of course. I get it.
Hey, you’re a pretty smart kid.
好计划 掩人耳目 但我们没必要这么做
That’s a good plan, stealthy. But we don’t need any of that!
This is Thunderbolt!
桑德波特出现时 恶人都很害怕
Villains always cringe in fear whenever Thunderbolt is here!
So true.
我们需要从正面攻击 难度多大
What we need is a fulI frontaI assault! How hard can it be?
是的 难度多大 跟我来
That’s right! How hard can it be? Follow me!
我就在你身后 拍档
I’m right behind you, pal.
好似是你 除了你的头发不是这样
Sort of looks like you, except you don’t have that much hair.
是帕奇 他把桑德波特带来了
