Run for your life; It’s free advice. Take it or leave it
为了你的人生赶紧跑吧 这是免费建议 好自为之
What’re you doing here?
We’ll hand these gifts to the couple
I’ll do that for you. It’s my sister’s wedding
我会为你转交的 这是我姐姐的婚礼
Sir, what’s the sum total of your daughters?
院长 你总共有几个女儿啊
Empty. No gift cheques
空的 没有支票
Forgot the cheques, Raju .Farhan?
忘放支票了吧 莱俱 法涵
We didn’t invite you, you must be from the groom’s side
我们没邀请你们 你们肯定是新郎那边的客人吧
No sir, we’re here as the emissaries of science
不是的 院长 我们是作为科学的使者来这里的
How? Can you explain?
什么使者 你能解释一下吗
Dad, he explains superbly. I’m sure he’ll give us a demo
爸 他口才很好 我肯定他会给我们解释清楚
Won’t you?
Well, Delhi has plenty of power cuts that.
是这样的 德里经常停电.
disrupt wedding celebrations
So I thought of making an inverter that.
draws power from guests’ cars
I see
So where’s the inverter?
Sir, the design is ready
院长 设计已经完成了
Where’s the design, Farhan?
设计在哪呢 法涵
I gave you the design – I gave it to Raju
我把设计给你了 我又给莱俱了
Raju, design?
莱俱 设计图呢
Never mind the design. I’ll make the inverter and show you
别管那设计了 我会做好给你看的
You can only invent stories, not an inverter
你只会编故事 不会造变流器
I’ll make one, I promise
我会造一个的 我保证
And I’ll name it after you. After all, it was invented.
而且我会用您的名字命名 毕竟这是在
at your daughter’s wedding. So it’ll be an honor.
您女儿的婚礼上发明的 很荣幸
Farhan, Raju. I’ll see you in my office tomorrow
法涵 莱俱 明天来我的办公室见我
Sir, what was the cost per plate? We’ll reimburse you
院长 每盘多少钱 我们将偿还您
.in installments
We’ll never crash a wedding again – Not even my own
我们保证再也不去婚宴上蹭了 即使是我自己的婚礼也不
In fact, I won’t even marry. Nor will he
事实上 我不结婚了 他也不结
Uh. right. No marriage
哦 对 不结婚
Your parents shouldn’t have married either
The world would have to feed two less idiots
Pay attention
This is Ranchhoddas’s father’s monthly income
Couple of zeroes less, and it’s still a sizeable income
去掉两个零后 仍是笔可观的收入
But erase another zero, and I would worry a little
但是再擦掉一个零 我就有点担心了
Isn’t that your father’s income, Farhan?
这不就是你父亲的月收入吗 法涵
Yes, sir
是的 院长
Now take away another zero.
and that’s your family income, Raju Rastogi
就是你的家庭收入 莱俱·拉斯托吉
Big reason to worry
Take my advice and shift into Chatur Ramalingam’s room
接受我的建议 搬到查图尔·若马里甘的房♥间
Exams are here. Stay with Rancho and you’re sure to fail
马上要考试了 和兰彻混一起你们肯定不及格
Want a shave? – No, sir
要刮胡子吗 不用 院长
Then get lost!
Raju, don’t worry. This is Virus’s move to split us. Divide and rule
莱俱 别担心 这是病毒想要分离我们 分而治之
I have to worry
He grades us, and I need good grades for a good job
他给我们打分 我需要个好分数换个工作
Unlike you, I don’t have a rich dad I can live off
不像你 我没有有钱的老爸可依靠
Shut up, Raju
闭嘴 莱俱
Must we follow all his hogwash? ‘Aal izz well’
我们非得听他的废话吗 All is well 一切顺利
I won’t be his flunky. like you
我不会当他的奴才的 像你那样
You’re crossing the line – No, I’m drawing one
你在超越我的底线 不 我在划清界线
I have a family to support
Dad’s medicines swallow up mom’s pension
My sis can’t marry because they want a car in dowry
我姐嫁不出去 因为男方要辆车当嫁妆
Mom hasn’t bought a single saree in five years
妈妈五年 都没买♥♥过一件纱丽服
Now don’t get your mom’s wardrobe into the debate
By the way, how many sarees per annum is reasonable?
顺便问问 通常一年买♥♥几件纱丽服算正常
Hey. no wisecracks about mom
嗨 别拿我妈开玩笑了
We’ll study with all our heart, but not just for grades
我们会全心全意去学习 但不只是为了成绩
To quote a Wise One: Study to be accomplished, not affluent
引用一位智者的话 学习是为了完善人生 而非享乐人生
Follow excellence. And success will chase you, pants down;
追求卓越 成功就会在不经意间追上你
Which Wise One says this? His Holiness Guru Ranchhoddas?
谁说的 神圣的领袖兰彻达斯的至理名言
Go rot in the bogs;
Raju, don’t stress. We’ll top our class. Nothing is impossible
莱俱 别紧张 我们会名列前茅的 一切皆有可能
Oh yeah?
噢 是吗
Shove this back into the tube
Raju got onto another train
His travails with Chatur began. Yes, I mean travails, not travels
他和查图尔的苦行开始了 没错 我说的就是苦行 不是旅行
Chatur was called ‘Silencer’
To sharpen his memory, he popped pills from a local quack
为加强记忆 他找江湖郎中买♥♥些药丸
And then let off silent. but lethal farts
I didn’t do it. Raju?
不是我放的 莱俱是你吧
He always blamed others for the output
每次放屁 他总是怪到别人头上
Silencer crammed 18 hours a day
On exam eve, he would distract others
考试前夜 他就想办法搅乱其他人
His belief: There are only two ways of topping
他认为 得第一的路只有两条
Elevate your own grades or shrink your opponents’ grades
提高自己的成绩 或是降低对手的成绩
Rancho decided to subdue Silencer and rescue Raju.
with one master plan
Our Director has unceasingly served. ‘Served’ means.
我们的主任不知疲倦的奉献于 奉献 就是说
Damn the meaning, I’ll memorize it
别管他说什么 我记住就行了
Chatur was the introductory speaker at the Teachers’ Day function
Hello. Hold on. Chatur, call for you
你好 稍等 查图尔 你的电♥话♥
Please collect the printout. I’ll be right back
麻烦你帮我打印出来 我马上回来
Oh. the things I have to do.
哦 我要做的是
Mr. Dubey, the Director was remembering you
杜贝先生 院长惦记着您呢
Really? – Yes. Just now
真的吗 是啊 就刚才
I’ll see him right away. Give this to Chatur
我马上去见他 把这个给查图尔
Hello. Hello – Hello, Mr. Ramalingam?
喂 你好 喂 若马里甘先生吗
I’m calling from the police station
Are you from Uganda? – Yes sir
你是不是来自乌干达 是的 警官
Your life is in danger – What? . How?
你的生命受到威胁 什么 怎么会呢
Listen carefully, or else.
仔细听好 否则
you’ll get killed as you step out of the college gate
Why? What happened?
为什么 怎么可能
While Chatur was kept engaged
Rancho altered a few words in his speech, for eg.
兰彻在他的演讲稿上替换了几个词 例如
‘served’ became ‘screwed’
奉献 改成了搞
Yes sir?
院长 您好
Who are you? Dubey. Librarian
你是谁 我是杜贝 图书管♥理♥员♥
I’m permanent staff, sir
我是永久编制人员 院长
Hold on a moment. The chief is on the other line
稍等片刻 帮你转给警长
Excuse me, sir
对不起 警官
Yes. so where was I?
啊 刚才说到哪里了
You said I may die. outside the gate
是你说的 我一出校门就会死
Right. As you get out of the gate, you’ll see a traffic signal
是啊 你一出校门 就会看到交通信♥号♥♥灯
Traffic signal. Ok
交通信♥号♥♥灯 记下了
When it turns red, all the cars will halt
当红灯亮的时候 所有车都会停下
Ok. Then?
嗯 嗯 然后呢
Then cross the road with great caution
Because son, in rush hour if a car hits you, you’re dead
因为孩子 高峰期被车撞到你 你就死定了
What nonsense! I know that
废话吗 这个我知道啊
You know that? Excellent. Then you’re safe my boy
你知道这个 太好了 那你是安全的 我的孩子
From the librarian, Silencer
哎 沉默者 图书管♥理♥员♥让我给你的
You don’t call me that, Chanchad
不许那样叫我 钱查德
Hey. The Director said he didn’t call for me
嗨 院长说根本没找我
Who said ‘called’? I just said he ‘remembered’ you
我说找你了么 我刚才说的是他说起 你
Remembered? Rascals;
Distinguished Mr. Chairperson
欢迎我们的嘉宾 教♥育♥部♥长
Chief guest, the Honorable Minister of Education
