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《跑调天后 Florence Foster Jenkins》详细剧情

《跑调天后 Florence Foster Jenkins》详细剧情

The true story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the legendary New York heiress and socialite who obsessively pursued her dream of becoming a great opera singer. The voice she heard in her head was beautiful, but to everyone else it was hilariously awful. Her “husband” and manager, St Clair Bayfield, an aristocratic English actor, was determined to protect his beloved Florence from the truth. But when Florence decided to give a public concert at Carnegie Hall in 1944, St Clair knew he faced his greatest challenge.

弗洛伦斯·福斯特·詹金斯的真实故事,这位传奇的纽约女继承人和社交名媛痴迷于追求成为一名伟大歌剧歌手的梦想。她脑子里听到的声音很美,但对其他人来说,却非常可怕。她的“丈夫”兼经理、英国贵族演员圣克莱尔·贝菲尔德(St Clair Bayfield)决心保护他心爱的弗洛伦斯不受真相的影响。但当1944年佛罗伦萨决定在卡内基音乐厅举办一场公开音乐会时,圣克莱尔知道自己面临着最大的挑战。


New York纽约; 缩写词为NY
heiress女继承人; 嗣女
socialite社会名流; 社交名流; 上流社会名人
obsessively过分地; 使人着迷地
dream of梦见; 梦想,渴望; 考虑,会做得出