
baffle 英 [ˈbæfl] 美 [ˈbæfl]




[verb] totally bewilder or perplex
[动词] 使完全不知所措或困惑


Baffle 一词比较好记,与常见单词 waffle (华夫饼)只隔首字母不同。该词词源不详,最早于17世纪70年代开始用作现在的主要含义指“使困惑、难住”,常意味着因让人完全不知所措、大惑不解,或者说完全无法理解、解释某个事物,而使人感到沮丧和挫败,比如:

  • 那个勤奋的学生从未见过这种题型,一下子就懵了。
    The industrious student was suddenly baffled for he had never met this type of question before.

从将人难住这个概念出发, baffle 还进一步引申表示“阻碍、阻隔”,主要指(似乎)通过挡板来阻止或破坏声、光、气体、液体等的流动,比如:

  • 屋子里充满了恶臭。厚厚的墙壁把街上的各种噪音隔绝了。
    The house was filled with foul odor. The thick walls baffled the street noises.

在这层含义下, baffle 也可以用作名词相应表示控制声、光、气体、液体等的流动的“隔板、挡板、反射板”。


Sick at heart and in body, she turned to the west, the direction of Minnie’s flat, which she had now fixed in mind, and began that wearisome, baffled retreat which the seeker for employment at nightfall too often makes.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


To veterans of international economic affairs, this combative stance is baffling.
Mr. Covey was a bit baffled by his success.



baffle指的是让人感到困惑不解。baffle可能源自与骑士精神有关的语言,它曾表示“公开丢脸”。在中世纪,如果一个骑士做出不光彩的事情,人们就会把他倒挂起来,嘲笑他的不端行为。不过有时候,人们也会以悬挂蒙羞骑士“倒挂金钟”的图片以代替实际行动。这种惩罚即被称为being baffled。


baffle” 这个词的中文解释是 “使困惑” 或 “使难以理解”。

以下是包含 “baffle” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. Completely baffled – 完全困惑
  2. baffle the experts – 令专家困惑
  3. Puzzling and baffling – 令人困惑的
  4. baffle the mind – 令人费解
  5. baffle with complexity – 以复杂性困惑
  6. Utterly baffling – 彻底令人困惑的
  7. baffle the audience – 使观众难以理解
  8. baffle the scientists – 使科学家感到困惑
  9. baffle the researchers – 使研究人员难以理解
  10. baffle the critics – 令评论家困惑
  11. baffle the mind and senses – 令人难以置信
  12. baffle the imagination – 令人难以想象
  13. Perplexing and baffling – 令人困惑的
  14. baffle the competition – 使竞争对手难以理解
  15. baffle the investigators – 使调查人员感到困惑
  16. Continuously baffled – 持续困惑的
  17. baffle the puzzle solvers – 令解谜者感到困惑
  18. baffle the analysts – 使分析人员难以理解
  19. baffle the viewers – 使观众感到困惑
  20. baffle the researchers – 使研究者困惑
  21. baffle the experts’ predictions – 使专家的预测难以理解
  22. baffle the technology – 令技术难以理解
  23. baffle the critics with ambiguity – 以模糊不清困惑评论家
  24. baffle the skeptics – 使怀疑者感到困惑
  25. baffle the audience’s expectations – 使观众期望难以理解
  26. baffle the investigators’ efforts – 使调查人员的努力感到困惑
  27. baffle the mathematical minds – 使数学思维感到困惑
  28. baffle the economic analysts – 使经济分析师感到困惑
  29. baffle the scientific community – 使科学界感到困惑
  30. baffle the physics experts – 使物理学专家困惑
  31. baffle the engineering team – 使工程团队难以理解
  32. baffle the financial advisors – 使财务顾问困惑
  33. baffle the puzzle enthusiasts – 使解谜爱好者感到困惑
  34. baffle the mystery writers – 使推理小说作家感到困惑
  35. baffle the logic – 使逻辑难以理解
  36. baffle the decision-makers – 使决策者困惑
  37. baffle the policy analysts – 使政策分析师感到困惑
  38. baffle the medical professionals – 使医疗专业人员困惑
  39. baffle the puzzle creators – 使谜题创作者感到困惑
  40. baffle the creative minds – 使创意思维感到困惑
  41. baffle the students – 使学生难以理解
  42. baffle the readers – 使读者感到困惑
  43. baffle the game developers – 使游戏开发者困惑
  44. baffle the legal experts – 使法律专家感到困惑
  45. baffle the political analysts – 使政治分析师困惑
  46. baffle the innovation – 使创新难以理解
  47. baffle the cultural critics – 使文化评论家感到困惑
  48. baffle the linguistic experts – 使语言学专家困惑
  49. baffle the art critics – 使艺术评论家感到困惑
  50. baffle the behavioral scientists – 使行为科学家困惑


perplex: make (someone) feel completely baffled
bewilder: cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused
puzzle: cause (someone) to feel confused because they cannot understand or make sense of something
