Home 喜剧电影 曼哈顿(1979)



第一章 他崇拜纽约城
Chapter one: He adored New York City.
他无以复加地将其偶像化 啊 不 还是这样…
He idolized it all out of proportion. Uh, no, make that…
他无以复加地将其浪漫化 这样好多了
he romanticized it all out of proportion… better.
对他来说 无论处于哪个季节 这座城市总是展现出…
To him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed…
黑白的色调 并和着乔治·格什温的伟大曲调而律动
in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin.
啊 不 还是从新来一遍
Uh, no, let me start this over.
第一章 他对曼哈顿的感觉…
Chapter one: He was too romantic…
过于浪漫 就像他对其他事物一样
about Manhattan as he was about everything else.
他在行色匆匆的人群和 熙来攘往的交通中如鱼得水
He thrived on the hustle bustle of the crowds and the traffic.
对他来说 纽约意味着美丽的女人
To him, New York meant beautiful women
and street-smart guys…
who seemed to know all the angles.
不 不好 有点傻冒… 太傻冒了 不是我的风格
Nah, no, corny… too corny for my taste.
让我试着把它整得更深邃一点 第一章
Let me try and make it more profound. Chapter one:
他崇拜纽约城 对他来说 它就像一个隐喻
He adored New York City. To him, it was a metaphor…
for the decay of contemporary culture.
与当代文化一样 个性人格的缺失…
The same lack of individual integrity…
不仅导致了芸芸众生的 不思进取和随波逐流
that caused so many people to take the easy way out…
而且正迅速地 将他的梦中之城变成…
was rapidly turning the town of his dreams in…
不 这样也太说教了 还是面对现实吧
No, it’s gonna be too preachy. Let’s face it,
I wanna sell some books here.
第一章 他崇拜纽约城
Chapter one: He adored New York City…
尽管对他来说 它就像一个隐喻 象征着当代文化的衰败
although to him, it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture.
它的存在是多么地艰难 在这样一个已经被毒品
How hard it was to exist in a society desensitized…
喧闹的音乐 电视 犯罪 和垃圾弄得麻木不仁的社会中
by drugs, loud music, television, crime, garbage.
太愤怒 我可不想这么愤怒
Too angry. I don’t wanna be angry.
第一章 他与他所爱的城市一样 既坚韧又浪漫
Chapter one: He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved.
在他的黑框眼镜之后 盘绕着的是丛林猫般的性能力
Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat.
这个我喜欢 纽约是他的城市
I love this. New York was his town.
And it always would be.
我认为艺术的本质 是给人们提供…
I think the essence of art is to provide…
某种拨云见日的本领 你知道 这样…
a kind of working through the situation for people, you know, so that…
你就可以触及那些你自己 都未曾意识到的情感 真的
you can get in touch with feelings you didn’t know you had, really.
Talent is luck.
I think the important thing in life is courage.
They’ve had this argument for 20 years.
Listen to this example I’m gonna give.
If the four of us are walking home over the bridge…
and then there was a person drowning in the water…
我们当中会有人 有胆量潜入冰冷的水中
would one of us have the nerve to dive into the icy water…
and save the person there from drowning?
That’s a key question.
当然我不会游泳 所以我没什么可选择的
I, of course, can’t swim, so I never have to face it.
Which of us would do it?
-你想再来一点吗? -不用了
-You want a little more? -No.
Don’t be mad.
-感觉好极了 -你又不抽烟!
-That is so great. -You don’t smoke.
我知道我不抽烟 我不吸进去 因为那样会致癌
I know I don’t smoke. I don’t inhale because it gives you cancer…
but I look so incredibly handsome with a cigarette…
that I can’t not hold one.
我知道的 你喜欢我的姿势吗? 我知道
I know this. You like the way I look? I know.
-又骨头轻了 -一下就抓住你的心 对吧?
-Provocative. -I’m getting through to you, right?
You’ll have to excuse me.
天呐 她真是漂亮
Jesus, she’s gorgeous.
But she’s 17.
我四十二了 她才十七岁
I’m 42, and she’s 17.
我比她父亲都老 你能相信吗?
I’m older than her father. Do you believe that?
我和这样一位姑娘约会 我可以盖过她老爸
I’m dating a girl wherein I can beat up her father.
That’s the first time that phenomenon ever occurred in my life.
He’s drunk.
你喝醉了 你知道 你不应该喝酒
You’re drunk. You know, you should never drink.
-我有没有跟你说过我的前妻… -哪个? 蒂娜?
-Did I tell you that my ex-wife… -Who? Tina?
my second ex-wife…
她正在写一本书 关于我俩的婚姻和分手的?
is writing a book about our marriage and the breakup?
-真是太恶趣了 -真的很让人郁闷
-That’s really tacky. -It’s really depressing.
你知道 她会把所有细节都和盘托出
You know, she’s gonna give all those details out…
我所有小小的癖性 我所有的怪癖和嗜好
all my little idiosyncrasies and my quirks and mannerisms…
尽管我没什么见不得人的东西 因为 你知道…
not that I have anything to hide because, you know…
可是的确也有那么几段令人恶心的 而我又深感后悔的小片刻
but there’s are a few disgusting little moments that I regret.
都是些八卦而已 八卦成了每日报纸中新的色情读物
It’s just gossip. Gossip is the new pornography in the daily newspapers.
I know.
-You should never let yourself drink.
我们该走了 因为我明天还有门考试
We should go. I have an exam tomorrow.
是吗? 这孩子得早起…
Do you? The kid’s gotta get up and…
她有家庭作业要做 我居然和一个要做家庭作业的女孩约会
She’s got homework. I’m dating a girl who does homework.
怎么回事? 你这是怎么啦? 你在想什么呢?
What is it? What’s the matter with you? Where are you now?
Your mind is like a million miles away someplace.
是啊 我想告诉你件事
Yeah, I have something I wanna talk to you about.
I just didn’t know quite how to get into it.
我… 大约七八个星期之前 我去参加了一个晚宴
I… About seven or eight weeks ago, I went to this dinner party…
and I met a woman there…
我… 我可能有点陷进去了
and I got kind of involved with her.
-你开玩笑? -一开始并不经意 你知道
-You’re kidding? -It started out very casually.
We had lunch a couple of times,
可现在 你知道 快变得无法收手了
and now, it’s getting out of hand.
我不知道该如何是好 我是说 我… 很害怕
And I don’t know what to do about it. I mean, I’m… it’s scary.
怎么… 她是谁? 具体过程是怎么样的?
What… Who is she? What are the details?
唔 她是个记者
Well, she’s a journalist.
-她很… -她也结婚了吗?
-She’s very… -Is she married?
不 不 没有 她很漂亮
No, no, no. She’s very beautiful.
她很… 你知道 有点神经质
She’s very, you know, kind of nervous,
紧张兮兮的 不可捉摸
high-strung, elusive.
太好了 听上去棒极了
Great, it sounds wonderful.
噢 她是很棒 我是说 她老是萦绕在我心头
Oh, she is wonderful. She’s on my mind all the time.
你想跟我说什么? 考虑到你的婚姻…
What are you telling me? That you’re marriage is…
我是说 这有多严重?
I mean, how serious is it?
我不知道 我… 可这的确有点严重
I don’t know. I’m… But it’s pretty serious.
But you haven’t said anything to Emily?
没有! 天呐 当然没有!
God, no.
太奇怪了 我很震惊 因为在我认识的所有人当中
It’s amazing. I’m stunned, because of all the people that I know…
我一直很确定地以为 你和埃米莉的婚姻是最最完美的
I always thought for sure that you and Emily had one of the best marriages.
我们是很完美 你知道 我是说 我爱她
We do. You know, I mean, I love her.
-是啊 可是你却和… -我知道 我知道
-Yeah, but you’re seeing… -I know it, I know.
可是我只是 我是说 在我们结婚的这么多年中
I just, I mean, in all the years that we’ve been married…
我和其他女人只发生过 一两次微不足道的瓜葛
I’ve had one or two very minor things with other women.
我是说 很微不… 听着 我一点也不喜欢那样
I mean, very… Listen, I hate the whole idea of it.
当我那样做时 我感觉我恨自己
I hate myself when I’m doing this sort of thing.
是啊 我不知道
Well, I don’t know.
可这一次 你知道 这一次全然不同
But this is not like that.
太可怕了 我… 你知道 听着
This is terrible. I, you know, listen…
You shouldn’t ask me for advice.
When it comes to relationships with women…
I’m the winner of the August Strindberg Award.
可我不认为十七岁还太年轻 再说 她是个聪明的姑娘
Well, I don’t think 17 is too young. Beside that, she’s a bright girl.
是啊 我不会和你争辩 我也认为她很棒
Well, you get no argument from me. I think she’s terrific.
他有可能做得更出格 他以前做过出格得多的事
He could do a lot worse. He has done a lot worse.
I just think he’s wasting his life.
He writes that crap for television.
耶尔 你有没有再考虑一下 我们要孩子的事?
Have you ever thought anymore about having kids?
噢 天呐 孩子!
Oh, my God, kids.
你看 我要完成这本关于奥尼尔的书
I gotta get this O’Neill book finished.
It’s never gonna get done.
我还要筹钱办这本杂♥志♥ 孩子!
I’ve gotta get the money together to get this magazine started. Kids.
可是我们一直在说 要在康涅狄格找个地方
Well, we always talk about getting a place in Connecticut.
-你可以到那里接着干 -康涅狄格
-You could do it there. -Connecticut.
-是的 -我无法去康涅狄格
-Yeah. -I can’t go to Connecticut.
这不现实 你看 我所有的东西都在这儿
It’s not practical. Look, all my stuff’s here.
我的工作在这儿 现在可不是时候
My work’s here. It’s just the wrong time.
艾萨克怎么办? 我是说 我们不能抛弃他 你知道?