I used to think a wedding was a simple affair.
男孩和女孩约会 彼此相爱 男孩买♥♥戒指
Boy and girl meet. They fall in love. He buys a ring.
女孩买♥♥婚纱 他们说 我愿意
She buys a dress. They say, “I do.”
结果我错了 那只是结婚
I was wrong. That’s getting married.
A wedding is an entirely different proposition.
我知道 我刚经历过一次婚礼
I know. I’ve just been through one.
不是我的 而是我女儿
Not my own, my daughter’s
安妮·班克斯 麦肯兹的
Annie Banks MacKenzie.
That’s her married name MacKenzie.
I’ll be honest with you.
When I bought this house 17 years ago, it cost less than this blessed event…
in which Annie Banks became Annie Banks-MacKenzie.
I’m told that one day I’ll look back on all this…
with great affection and nostalgia.
I hope so.
You fathers will understand.
You have a little girl…
an adorable little girl who looks up to you…
and adores you in a way you could never have imagined.
I remember how her little hand used to fit inside mine…
常常喜欢坐在我的大腿上 依偎在我的胸前
how she used to lover to sit on my lap and lean her head against my chest.
She said I was her hero.
Then the day comes when she wants to get her ears pierced…
and wants you to drop her off a block before the movie theater.
接下来的你也知道了 她抹眼影膏 穿高跟鞋
Next thing you know, she’s wearing eye shadow and high heels.
从那一刻起 你会感到持续不断的惊慌
From that moment on you’re in a constant state of panic.
You worry about her going out with the wrong kind of guys…
the kind of guys who only want one thing.
And you know exactly what that one thing is…
because it’s the same thing you wanted when you were their age.
Then she gets a little older…
and you quit worrying about her meeting the wrong guy…
and you worry about her meeting the right guy.
那是最恐怖的事情 因为
And that’s the biggest fear of all because…
then you lose her.
当你意识到这点之前 你穿着粘着米粒的晚礼服
And before you know it, you’re sitting all alone in a big, empty house…
wearing rice on your tux,
空荡荡的房♥子里 想知道你的生活怎么了
wondering what happened to your life.
仅仅六个月前 这样的事情发生了
It was just six months ago that it happened here.
仅仅六个月前 暴风雨来时
Just six months ago that the storm broke.
Annie had been studying for her masters in architecture…
for the past semester in Rome.
我记得当时我在工作 正穿过工厂
I remember I was at work, walking through the factory.
我开了家叫做”伙伴”的公♥司♥ 制♥造♥运动鞋
I own a company called Sidekicks. We manufacture athletic shoes.
不管怎样 我记得我那天是多么的全神贯注
Anyway, I remember how preoccupied I was that day.
-对不起 班克斯先生 -我的错 格丽斯
-I’m sorry, Mr Banks. -My fault, Grace.
安妮从没有离家那么远 她应该随时会到家的
Annie had never been that far away from home, and she was due back any minute.
I couldn’t wait to see the kid.
乔治 她下飞机了
George, she landed.
我女儿在国外学习 坐了11个小时的飞机
My daughter has been studying abroad, been flying for 11 hours.
我并不是担心她在天上 你也有孩子 胡安
I’m not wild about her being in the air. You have kids, Juan.
你应该理解 他们在地上会更好些
You understand. It’s-It’s better when they’re on the ground.
I’ve always been a concerned parent.
我在车座上 安全带
I’m big on car seats,
就寝时间 晚钟声 时都很紧张
seat belts, bedtimes, curfews…
到达某个地方的时候我会打电♥话♥ 跑步时绝不带锋利的物品
calling when you get somewhere, never running with a sharp object.
-嗨 乔治 -怎么说呢 我只是一个父亲
-Hi, George. -What can I say? I’m a father.
-担心跟着地域而生 -尼娜在飞机场那接她吗
-Worrying comes with the territory. -Is Nina picking her up at the airport?
-嗯 -你准备去见她们吗
-Yeah. -And you’re gonna meet them?
嗯 嗯 我马上回家
Yeah. Yeah, I’m going home right now.
我 嗯 我的钥匙在
I, uh… My keys are…
-在这 -噢 耶 不好意思
-Here. -Oh, yeah. Sorry.
-这个签字 -好的
-And sign this. -Okay.
-帽子 -好的 谢谢 现在 噢
-Hat. -Okay, thanks. Now… Oh!
-好了 再见 -带她过来啊
-Okay. Bye. -Bring her by.
I left work early because I had a little something
to pick up for Annie’s homecoming.
We live in a small town in Southern California called San Marino.
我喜欢这个镇 不只是因为这个地方
I love this town, and not just because it’s the kind of place…
where people still smile at each other…
but because it hasn’t changed much in the past 25 years.
And since I’m not a guy who’s big on change,
this town fits me like a glove.
I got Annie’s ten-speed all cleaned up and polished.
新的座位 新的轮胎 我都等不及要展示给她看了
New seats, new tyres. I couldn’t wait to show it to her.
这是我们的房♥子 枫车道24号♥
This is our house. 24 Maple Drive.
我们买♥♥它的时候 安妮还在上文法学校
Annie was just in grammar school when we bought it.
几年之后 我们得到了一个令人惊喜地包裹
A few years later, we got a surprise package…
our son Matt.
我喜欢这房♥子 我喜欢教孩子们
I love this house. I love that I taught my kids…
to ride their bikes in the driveway.
I love that I slept with them in tents in the backyard.
I love that we carved our initials in the tree out front.
This house is warm in the winter, cool in the summer…
and looks spectacular with Christmas lights.
这是座伟大的房♥子 我绝不会搬走
It’s a great house, and I never want to move.
But the think I think I like best about this house…
are the voices I hear when I walk through the door.
-嘿 嗨 -这么早就出去了 -嗨
-Hey. Hi. -You got out early. -Hi.
-她在哪 -噢 她在 嗯 拆包裹呢
-Where is she? -Oh, she’s, uh, unpacking.
她看起来 看起来那么令人难以置信
She looks… She looks so fabulous, just fabulous. Different.
难以置信 与众不同
just fabulous. Different.
-管它呢 她也等不及见你 -与众不同
-Anyway, she can’t wait to see you. -Different.
-你好 爸爸 -嘿
-Ciao, Papa. -Hey.
Annie brought me this candy bar all the way from Rome.
Let’s not get it on our American furniture.
马蒂 最好的陀螺
Matty. The high tops.
-嘿 谢谢 -嘿 别客气
-Hey, grazie. -Hey, you’re welcome.
-你说的与众不同是啥意思 -噢
-What do you mean, different? -Oh.
-安妮 -嗨 爸爸
-Annie. -Hi, Dad.
嘿 嘿 嘿
Hey, hey, hey!
-天啊 我好想你 -你看起来容光焕发
-God, I missed you. -You look all lit up inside.
噢 我也感到容光焕发
Oh, I feel all lit up inside.
亲爱的 也许我们也该去罗马过几个月
Maybe we should go to Rome for a few months, honey.
噢 你们会喜欢罗马的
Oh, you two would love it.
It’s the most romantic place on Earth.
You smell pretty good too.
噢 你喜欢吗 这是别人送的
Oh, you like it? It was a present.
难道她看起来不令人难以置信吗 我几乎都认不出她了
Doesn’t she look incredible? I almost didn’t recognize her.
来吧 正餐已经准备好了 亲爱的 过来吃吗
Come on. Dinner’s on the stove. Honey, you wanna come?
噢 妈 我在佛罗伦萨吃过这种意大利面食
Oh, Mom, I had this pasta in Florence.
I forget what it’s called.
好啦 既然我们现在欢聚一堂
All right. Now that we’re all back under one roof…
we have some very important items to discuss.
第一件事 谁想看周四湖人队的比赛
First on the list: Who wants to go to the Laker game on Thursday?
-噢 -我 当然要去
-Oh. -Me. Definitely yes.
好 带上你那紧凑的日程表
Okay, and with your busy schedule too.
亲爱的 我去不了 那晚我要去列货物清单
Honey, I can’t. I have inventory to do that night.
-喔 -噢 星期三 当然要去
-Aw. -Uh, Thursday, sure. Absolutely.
-好的 -马蒂 你能用餐叉吃吗
-Okay. -Matty, could you use your fork?
第二条 保罗·西蒙将要来广场
Number two: Paul Simon is coming to the Forum…
and I think I can get us great seats.
呣 耶 好的
Um, yeah, sure.
好的 保罗·西蒙的回答是”呣 耶 好的”
All right. Paul Simon’s an “um, yeah, sure…”
which I believe translates to a yes?
-好的 我呆会给那人打个电♥话♥ -嗯 亲爱的
-All right. I’ll call that guy. -Um, honey?
Could you please get that bottle of wine in the fridge for me?
-当然 -爸 等等 呃 我不知道
-Sure. -Dad, wait. Um, I don’t know.
-你不想见保罗·西蒙 -不 我想 只是 呃
-You don’t want to see Paul Simon? -No, I-I do. It’s just, um…
