You walk here?
好了 转过来
Alright, good. Turn around.
Legs out.
The bag.
Gotta still hit the farmers’ market.
-几点了 -差不多10点
-What time is it? -10:00-ish.
It’s 10:00?
我得去接孩子 托尼在哪
I gotta pick up the kid. Where’s Tony?
Tony and I were out late last night.
不过别担心 他会过来的
But don’t worry, he’s gonna be here.
-交给你了 -行
-You got this? -Yes.
他不会偷懒的 我也是
He’s not gonna flake. Neither am I.
-是 厨师长 -醒醒
-Yes, Chef. -Wake up.
We got a critic coming today.
Why you think I slept here for, bro?
快点上锅炖汤 鸡蛋也早该准备好了
Let’s get going on the soup. We’re behind on the egg prep.
别忘了处理牛排 你还醉着不
And get the mise on the steak. You still shitfaced?
-我很好 我很好 厨师长 -行吧
-No, I’m good. I’m good, Chef. -Alright.
去帮马汀处理一下 那头猪到了
Help Martin with the pig. We got the pig.
Hey, pal.
系好安全带 抱歉我迟到了
Buckle up, buddy. Sorry I’m late.
I’m used to it.
听着 伙计 我想我们今天看不成电影了
Listen, pal, I don’t think we have time to catch a movie today.
Is it ’cause you’re getting reviewed?
-没错 你怎么知道的 -妈妈告诉我的
-Yeah, how’d you know about that? -Mom told me.
What’d she say?
She said you might be a little worried.
-她说我会担心 -嗯
-She said I was worried? -Yeah.
看来妈妈也不怎么了解我啊 对不
Well, Mom doesn’t know me that well, OK?
-她看你看得可准了 -真的
-She’s pretty spot-on about you. -Oh, yeah?
You know what Mommy thinks I should be doing?
-做什么 -开个流动餐车
-What? -That I should get a food truck.
-我喜欢流动餐车 -我也喜欢
-I like food trucks. -Yeah, I like food trucks.
Who doesn’t like food trucks?
可你能想象我开餐车的样子吗 我是个厨师长
Can you picture me driving a food truck? I’m a chef.
-我在餐厅里工作 -好吧
-I work in a restaurant. -OK.
听着 我得去一趟农贸市场买♥♥些材料
Listen, I gotta go to the farmers’ market, pick up some ingredients.
好吧 我能一起去吗
OK. Can I come?
I thought I’d drop you off at the restaurant.
-茉莉在那儿 -不要 我想跟你一起去
-Molly’s there. -No, I wanna go with you.
-你不会看到什么都来问我吧 -不会
-You’re not gonna ask me for everything you see? -No.
我不是带你去买♥♥吃的 我是去买♥♥原料
It’s not about you eating, it’s about me buying groceries.
-我知道啦 -行 好吧
-I know. -OK. Good.
-你有紫萝卜和白萝卜吗 -只有胡萝卜
-You got the purple and white? -Just orange.
只有胡萝卜 好吧 给我拿六捆
Just orange? Alright, give me six bunches of those.
-或者八捆小的 -老爸
-Or eight of the small. -Dad.
等会儿 小子 还有这些小萝卜
Hang on a second, buddy.
我只要顶上的叶子 好吗
And on the radishes here, I use the tops, OK?
-只要顶上连着的叶子 -老爸
-I need consistent tops. -Dad.
被我说中了吧 这些要六个 再看看还有啥
Is that what’s happening? Six of these. Let’s see what we got.
-老爸 -你到底想干嘛 波西
-Dad. -What do you want, Percy?
-我能买♥♥些爆米花吗 -老爸在工作呢 好吗
-Can I please have kettle corn? -Daddy’s working, OK?
不行 你不能买♥♥爆米
No, you’re not gonna get kettle…
-要不来个水果 -我不爱吃水果
-Why don’t you get a piece of fruit? -I don’t want fruit.
你怎么会想吃爆米花 你知道爆米花是什么吗
How can you even ask for kettle corn? You know what it is?
-不知道 -那就是些碳水化合物裹一层糖
-No. -It’s carbs covered with sugar, OK?
Look at this piece of fruit.
Huh? It’s beautiful.
How could you even want kettle corn
with gorgeous fruit like this in front of you?
Why don’t you have a piece of fruit?
So apparently they’re sending a big reviewer
who’s also some huge food blogger.
-你知道美食博主是什么吗 -知道
-You know what a food blogger is? -Yeah.
A guy who writes about food on the internet.
I know what a food blogger is.
这人很有名 好多那些有名的人
Well, this guy’s a big one, and a lot of these big guys,
they don’t like me.
他们针对我 因为我刚起步时风评很好
They got it in for me because I got good write-ups when I started out.
-他们对你怀恨在心 -没错
-They’re haters. -Exactly.
We didn’t have that word when I was growing up.
There was no word for hater.
你顶多会说某些人 嫉妒你
The most you would say is that somebody was, like, jealous,
which didn’t really capture it.
那个卖♥♥香肠的来了 你尝过辣熏肠吗
The sausage guy’s here. You ever try andouille sausage?
-没 -它是辣的
-No. -It’s spicy.
-你爱吃辣吗 -不
-You like spicy? -No.
也没那么辣 过来
It’s not so spicy. Come on.
这东西来自新奥尔良 你知道新奥尔良吗
That’s from New Orleans. You ever heard of New Orleans?
-知道 -真的
-Yeah. -Yeah?
It’s part of the United States.
It’s part of the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon.
没错 那是
Yeah. Um, that was…
我指的是 现在 那是好久以前的事了
I mean, like, now. That was a long time ago.
-1803年 -管它咧
-1803. -Whatever.
我说的是食物 文化 对吧
Talking about the food, the culture, you know?
Like this andouille sausage.
贝奈特饼为法国传统食物 在美国新奥尔良州很常见
还有贝奈特饼 你听说过不
Beignets. You ever hear of that?
We can get it here.
Not the same.
当你在这里品尝时 这种美味会让你想起
When you have it here, it’s good because it reminds you of,
like, a whole world of memories that you have of being there.
这就像 我跟你说 这就像一个截然不同的世界
‘Cause it’s like…I’m telling you, it’s like a whole different world.
-我们什么时候去一次吧 -必须的
-We should go there sometime. -Definitely.
-真的 -嗯
-For real? -Yeah.
I mean, not now.
-不过 -什么时候
-But, like… -When?
我不知道 我有 我的日程满当当的
I don’t know. I got… Everything’s very full for me.
-还有评论家要来 -等评论完了以后
-I got this reviewer coming. -After the review?
好啊 等评论完以后 没问题
Yeah, after review. That’d be good.
I’m off school next month.
下个月 行啊 我们可以下个月去
Next month? Yeah. We could go next month.
-太棒了 -或者随便什么时候 如果你
-Awesome. -Or whatever. Or, like, if you’re…
如果不 我问问你妈
If it doesn’t… I’ll ask Mom.
如果下个月不行 我们就迟些再去
If it doesn’t work out next month, we’ll go later.
-不过我们肯定会去的 -我已经问了 她说没问题
-But we’ll definitely check it out. -I already did. She’s cool with it.
You asked her already?
你哪来的手♥机♥ 你怎么会有手♥机♥的
Where’d you get a phone? How come you have a phone already?
Everybody your age have phones?
大眼睛 给那儿浇上酱汁
Yo, Popeye, get the sauce on there, OK?
这是谁的培根 这也要我看着吗
Whose bacon is this, huh? I gotta watch this too?
等我弄明白是谁的 你就等着被火♥辣♥帅哥爆菊吧
When I find out who it is, grab your ankles, ’cause here comes papi chulo.
准备到哪儿了 告诉我 伙计们 现在怎么样了
Where we at? Talk to me, people. How we doing?
汤正在炖 猪肉切好了 培根没问题
The stock’s simmering, the pig’s broken down, bacon are fine.
汤正在炖 已经在浓缩了
The stock is simmering. That means reducing.
好的 大伙儿 今晚是个大日子
Good. Guys, big night tonight.
You all know what’s happening?
好的 他一来就通知我
Yeah? OK, let me know as soon as he’s here.
I want people having fun at all the tables around.
给你们的漂亮朋友打电♥话♥ 让他们过来
Call your pretty friends, bring ’em in.
Tell ’em the tickets are on me.
高脚杯都乱七八糟了 大伙儿都出去
The stemware looks crooked. Let’s get out there.
别逼我拿出尺子来打人 谢谢
Don’t make me get the fucking ruler out. Thank you.
-厨师长 -我买♥♥的都是好东西
-Oh, Chef. -I got the good shit.
-看到了么 马汀 -瞧瞧这个 简直是优质典范
-You see this, Martin? -Look at that. That’s a specimen.
-迷你胡萝卜 -我给你买♥♥了咖喱面团和
-Baby carrots. -I got you curry paste with…
-知道了 知道了 -凯尔
-Copy that. Copy that. -Carl.
现在没空 拜托
Not right now, please.
