There was no one like Hal.
我们在一个派对上认识的 立刻就迷倒我了
He met me at a party and swept me off my feet.
“Blue Moon” was playing.
-你知道”蓝月亮”吗 -当然
-You know “Blue Moon?” -Sure.
I still remember that. Oh.
And one more year and I would have graduated.
但我为跟他结婚从布朗退学了 反正在学校能学到什么呢
But I quit BU to marry him. I mean, what was I learning at school anyway?
I mean, can you picture me as an anthropologist?
Is that a joke?
性生活一直很棒 他比我大九岁
The sex was always great. Well, he was nine years older than me.
他曾经大发横财 后来赔了
He’d already made and lost a fortune.
但他又赚回来了 而且更多 是多得多
But then he made it back, and more. I mean, much more.
天啊 他太有活力了
God, he was dynamic.
Taught me everything I know about real lovemaking,
not that I care to get too graphic.
相信我 他们给我用过六种药物
Believe me when I tell you. They tried six medications on me.
Cocktails, they like to call them.
The only cocktail that helped was a Stoli martini.
I never trusted doctors.
Doctors put both my parents in early graves.
I have never been to San Francisco.
但从没去过旧金山 我听说那很漂亮
And Hal and I traveled everywhere. I hear it’s beautiful.
我会跟我妹妹金洁住在一起 她离婚了
I’ll be staying with my sister, Ginger. She’s divorced.
她不是我的亲身妹妹 是收养的 我们都是收养的
Biologically, she’s not my sister. She’s adopted. We’re both adopted.
我受不了她的前夫 他过去常打她
I couldn’t stand her ex-husband. He used to hit her.
那是我的 威登的箱子
That’s mine. The Vuitton.
My plan is to start a new life out here. Hm.
Put everything behind me and start fresh.
一路向北 是霍勒斯·格里利说的吗 “一路向北”
Go West. Was it Horace Greeley who said that? “Go West.”
哦 我家人来了 很高兴跟你聊天
Oh, there’s my family. It was really nice talking to you.
我会给你电♥话♥的 一起吃午饭什么的
Oh, I’ll call you, maybe for lunch.
I don’t have your number.
-你跟谁聊天呢 -我们在飞机上是邻座
-Who’s that woman you were talking to? -I was sitting next to her on the plane.
She was talking to herself.
我以为她给我说话呢 我说”什么”
I thought she said something to me. I said, “What?”
But she couldn’t stop babbling about her life.
Where…? Where am I exactly?
You said 305 South Van Ness.
-你能等等 帮我拿箱子吗 -当然
-Can you wait, help me with my bags? -Sure.
Where she is?
She expected me.
The plane was on time.
-Yes, I’m… I’m… -You all right?
没事 我有时会无法深呼吸
I’m fine. I just sometimes get where I can’t take a deep breath
一旦那样 我会慌乱 然后把事情弄得更糟
and when I can, it makes me panic and it makes it even worse.
-可以给我点私人空间吗 -当然 当然
-Could I have some privacy? -Sure, sure.
喂 金洁
Hello, Ginger?
是的 我到了 我就在门前
Yes, I’m here. I’m right in front of the place.
It is 305?
呃 好吧 多久
Ugh. Well, how long?
什么 在哪
What? Where is it?
我看到了 好的 好的
No, no, I see it. Okay. Oh, okay.
拜托能快点吗 我妹妹把钥匙放酒吧里了
Just… would you please hurry? My sister left the keys in the bar.
-能等下吗 -当然
-Can you wait? -Sure.
Is that it?
Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
祝您今天愉快 再见
Have a great day, all right? Bye-bye.
-感觉如何 -爱死了
-So, what do you think? -I love it.
壁炉一定要能用 我不喜欢它只是装饰
Make sure the fireplaces work. I don’t like it when they’re for show.
It’s so light and airy and the ceilings are so high.
屋檐低怎么呼吸啊 还有风景
How can anyone breathe with a low ceiling? The view.
-您说要第五大道的 -中♥央♥公园 好极了
-You told me you wanted Fifth Avenue. -Central Park. Superb.
Oh, this space is perfect.
We hardly have to do a thing.
-你不该这么宠我的 -为什么
-You shouldn’t spoil me so. -Well, why not?
我还能宠谁呢 我告诉你了吗
Who else am I gonna spoil? Did I tell you my news?
-什么 -丹尼要和我们住在一起
-What? -Danny is gonna be living with us.
哦 亲爱的 真是太棒了
Oh, honey. Oh, that’s great news.
I worked it out with his mom, her lawyers.
Oh, he’ll be so much happier when he’s with us full-time.
生日快乐 丹尼
Happy birthday, Danny.
学校里的孩子说我们很有钱 而且你给慈善机构捐钱
Kids at school say we’re really rich and that you give money to charity.
当然了 你这辈子要记得
Sure I do. You gotta remember as you go through life
to share what you earn with the less fortunate.
Not everyone is as lucky as we are.
-多明戈 -在 夫人
-Domingo? -Yes, ma’am.
-再来一瓶玛格尔葡萄酒 -好的
-Another bottle of the Margaux. -Sure.
Excuse me.
-会很完美的 -不会让我破产吗
-It would look perfect. -Wouldn’t wash me out?
当然不会 他才不会…
No, not at all. Not the way he…
哦 他真是太贴心了
Oh, isn’t he sweet?
This song was playing when Hal and I first met.
-我爱上了茉莉这个名字 -太浪漫了
-I fell in love with the name Jasmine. -Oh, so romantic.
我改名字了 金妮特太俗了
I changed it. Yeah, Jeanette had no panache.
This song was playing when we first met.
你听过吗 我们在马萨葡萄园岛的派对上遇见的
You know it? Yeah, we met at a party at Martha’s Vineyard.
“Blue Moon.”
快点 孩子们
Come on, boys.
好了 快走了 奥吉 我得回家了 有人等着呢
Okay, let’s go, Augie. I gotta get home. Someone’s waiting.
We helped Dad move the furniture today.
是吗 你就是这么照顾孩子们的
Oh, really? That’s your idea of taking the boys?
Letting them help you lug somebody’s furniture upstairs?
-他们很喜欢 很好的锻炼 -是吗
-They loved it. Great exercise. -Yeah?
-他们…我们吃的香肠和豆子 -好
-They… We ate franks and beans. -Yeah.
-别担心 -我们走 强尼 快
-Relax. -Let’s go, Johnny, come on.
-快点 我们走 快 -着什么急啊
-Come on. Let’s go. Come on. -What’s the rush?
着急什么 金洁 有约会吗
What’s the rush, Ginger? You got a date?
It’s none of your business.
-碰巧是金妮特来了 所以…-金妮特
-It happens to be Jeanette, so… -Jeanette?
茉莉 她来镇上干什么
Jasmine? What the hell is she doing in town?
她要和我住一段时间 直到她重新振作
She’s coming to live with me for a while till she gets back on her feet.
-她过得很不好 -嗯哼
-She’s had a bad time. -Yeah. Uh-huh.
有钱的时候 她不想跟你有半毛钱关系
When she had money, she wanted nothing to do with you.
现在她破产了 就要搬过来
Now that she’s broke, she’s moving in.
她不只是破产了 她简直一团糟
She’s not just broke. She’s screwed up.
而且这跟你没半毛钱关系 她是我的家人
And it’s none of your damn business. She’s family.
-她偷了我们的钱 -好吧
-She stole our money. -Okay.
懂吗 我们有机会转运的 那是我们一辈子的机会
Understand? We could have been set. That was our whole chance in life.
最后说一遍 奥吉 他才是骗子 不是她 行吗
For the last time, Augie, he was the crook, not her, okay?
What the hell did she know about finance?
放屁 别站着说话不腰疼 她跟那家伙结婚好几年
Bull shit. Don’t stand there and tell me that. She’s married to a guy for years,
up to his ass in phony real estate and bank fraud.
You want to tell me she knew nothing about it?
相信我 她知道的 金洁 好吗 她绝对知道
Believe me, she knew, Ginger. Okay? She knew.
But when all those diamonds and minks were flying in,
-她选择假装没看见 -不是这样的 奥吉
-she just looked the other way. -I don’t think so, Augie.
你说过的 你对我说”她是个骗子 肯定知道的”
You said it. You said to me, “She’s a phony and had to know.”
茉莉 你的乡间别♥墅♥太美了
Jasmine, your country house is so beautiful.
-对吧 -抱歉 但我们需要一个明确的答复
-See? -I’m sorry, but we need an answer on this.
我跟你说 你把企业的名字换一个
I told you, you change the name of the corporation.
-在全球创新模式下运作 -我们不知能否对此达成协议
-Operate under Global innovations. -I don’t know if we can agree with that.
I think we can, actually.
-在阿姆斯特丹支付账户 -阿姆斯特丹
-Pay out of the accounts in Amsterdam. -Amsterdam.
反正据我所知 他们总是比司法部快一步
Whenever I hear them, they’re one step ahead of the Justice Department.
Just hope your house is not bugged.
哦 我从不关心豪尔生意上的事
Oh, I never pay attention to Hal’s business affairs.
I have no head for that sort of thing.
