

[noun] the last part of a piece of music, a performance, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting
[名词] 一段音乐、一场演出或某个公共活动的最后部分,尤指特别戏剧性或激动人心的时候


Finale 一词与熟词 final 同源,都源自于拉丁语 finalis (属于或关于结束的,最终的)。其中, finale 于1783年经意大利语 finale (最终的)的名词用法进入英语后,先是用作音乐术语表示音乐的“终曲、末乐章”,进而也用来表示戏剧、演出、公共活动等的“终场、最后一幕、最后一场”,比如:

  • 成千上万人顶着酷热聚集观看表演。在高潮性的大结局中所有的歌手都登上了舞台。
    Thousands gathered in the sweltering heat to watch the performance. All the singers came on stage during the grand finale.

无论是音乐还是演出,常常会把高潮部分放在结尾处,因而才会有所谓的压轴节目一说。从这个概念出发, finale 很自然地就被用来泛指一连串事件、活动等的最具戏剧性、高潮性或者说最为激动人心的“结尾、结束、结局”,比如:

  • 我们喜欢这家时髦餐厅的饭菜。那顿美餐以新鲜水果为最后一道佳肴。
    We enjoyed our meal at the chic restaurant. Fresh fruit made a grand finale to that delicious meal.
  • 这位代表黑人青年希望的政治家被他自己党内的成员投票表决赶下台。对于原本辉煌的政治生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的结局。
    The politician who embodied the hopes of black youth was ousted from office by a vote from members of his own party. It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular political career.


Silence all round marked the termination of his finale.

出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。


  • In America this gave producers 20-odd or 40-odd minutes to play with after setting aside time for ads; of the 173 episodes of “Seinfeld”, a sitcom that ran from 1989 to 1998, all but the two-episode finale were 22 or 23 minutes long.
  • In the finale of the most recent contest, a Ukrainian singer took first prize.


Finale 是一个名词,表示一部作品、表演或活动的最后部分或结尾。以下是关于”finale”的一些短语和用法:

  1. Grand finale – 盛大的结尾
  2. The finale of the concert – 音乐会的结尾部分
  3. Season finale – 季终结局
  4. Dramatic finale – 戏剧性的结尾
  5. The finale of the show – 节目的最后部分
  6. Closing finale – 结束的结尾部分
  7. The grand finale of the fireworks display – 烟花表演的盛大结尾
  8. Emotional finale – 情感充沛的结尾
  9. The finale of a series – 系列的最后部分
  10. The finale of a competition – 比赛的最后阶段
  11. The finale of a movie – 电影的结尾部分
  12. Spectacular finale – 壮观的结尾
  13. The finale of a play – 戏剧的最后部分
  14. The grand finale of a parade – 游行的盛大结尾
  15. Epic finale – 史诗般的结尾
  16. The finale of a TV series – 电视系列剧的结尾
  17. The finale of a dance performance – 舞蹈表演的结尾部分
  18. The finale of a sports event – 体育赛事的最后阶段
  19. The finale of a book – 书籍的结尾部分
  20. The grand finale of a circus show – 马戏团表演的盛大结尾


climax: the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex
culmination: the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time
coda: the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
