

[adjective] having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion
[形容词] 具有或表现出通过欺骗或逃避来达到目的的技巧的


Cunning 不仅是一个与熟词 can (懂得、知道)的现在分词 canning 十分形似的单词,同时也源于后者。该词最早出现于14世纪初,原用来表示“学识渊博的、熟练的、拥有知识的”。

这个含义后来主要用来形容人或手艺“灵巧的、熟练的”,或者形容工艺、作品等“精巧的、巧妙制成的”,常指作品在渊博或深奥的知识下经过完美制作而成,表现出了高度的建造或创造技巧,强调在设计、发明或制作过程中的独创性和巧妙性。在这个概念下 cunning 也可以用作名词表示“灵巧、熟练”。比如:

  • “那是一篇构思巧妙的侦探作品。”“我也这么认为。”
    “It was a cunning piece of detective work.” “My sentiments exactly.”

等到了14世纪末后, cunning 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“狡猾的、狡诈的、诡诈的”,常作贬义词使用,主要指熟练使用知识、技能等来通过欺骗或逃避达到某个狡诈的目的,包括规避(circumvent)某个规则、限制等,常暗示着一种诡诈的才智、扭曲的道德感和近乎恶毒(vicious)的精明。在这个概念下 cunning 也可以用作名词表示“狡猾、狡诈、诡诈”。比如:

  • 他不得不与一个冷静、聪明而又狡猾的对手斗智。
    He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.
  • 他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。但他却用了卑鄙的欺诈手段来获取他想得到的东西。
    He is a nimble and versatile wit. But he used low cunning to get what he wanted.


I have had to use every ounce of cunning I possess, so that my hand would not be detectable in your success.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第四本《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)。


  • Perhaps the most cunning Disney trick is to take fairy tales in the public domain and reinvent them as corporate property.
  • Detectives who grill suspects in Homicide (TV series) do it with verbal cunning, not strong-arm bullying.


  1. Cunning fox (狡猾的狐狸) – A sly and clever fox known for its deceptive tactics.
    • Example: The cunning fox outwitted the hunters by leading them on a wild goose chase.
  2. Cunning plan (狡猾的计划) – A clever and deceptive strategy or scheme.
    • Example: He devised a cunning plan to trick his opponents and gain an advantage.
  3. Cunning smile (狡猾的微笑) – A sly and knowing smile that suggests hidden intentions or mischief.
    • Example: He wore a cunning smile as he revealed his surprise gift to her.
  4. Cunning mind (狡猾的头脑) – A sharp and crafty intellect that is skilled at deception and manipulation.
    • Example: The detective admired the cunning mind of the criminal mastermind he was pursuing.
  5. Cunning disguise (狡猾的伪装) – A clever and deceptive appearance or costume used to conceal one’s true identity.
    • Example: The spy wore a cunning disguise to infiltrate the enemy’s headquarters undetected.
  6. Cunning tactics (狡猾的战术) – Clever and strategic maneuvers employed to gain an advantage in a situation.
    • Example: The team used cunning tactics to outmaneuver their opponents and secure victory.
  7. Cunning manipulation (狡猾的操控) – Deceptive and crafty behavior aimed at influencing others for personal gain.
    • Example: The cunning politician was skilled at manipulation and could sway public opinion effortlessly.
  8. Cunning predator (狡猾的捕食者) – A clever and resourceful predator that employs various strategies to capture its prey.
    • Example: The cheetah is known for its cunning hunting techniques, allowing it to catch fast-moving prey.
  9. Cunning observation (狡猾的观察) – A shrewd and astute observation that reveals hidden motives or intentions.
    • Example: Her cunning observation of his body language indicated that he was hiding something.
  10. Cunning negotiation (狡猾的谈判) – Skillful and strategic negotiation tactics aimed at securing favorable terms.
    • Example: The cunning negotiator used subtle persuasion and tactics to get the best deal for his client.
  11. Cunning competitor (狡猾的竞争对手) – A shrewd and crafty competitor who employs clever strategies to gain an edge.
    • Example: The cunning competitor always stayed one step ahead of his rivals, anticipating their moves.
  12. Cunning scheme (狡猾的阴谋) – A devious and cunning plan intended to deceive or defraud others.
    • Example: The criminals hatched a cunning scheme to rob the bank without raising suspicion.
  13. Cunning evasion (狡猾的回避) – Clever and artful avoidance of a difficult or uncomfortable situation.
    • Example: The cunning evasion of the question raised suspicions about his involvement in the scandal.
  14. Cunning escape (狡猾的逃脱) – A clever and skillful getaway or evasion from a pursuer or captor.
    • Example: The prisoner devised a cunning escape plan, managing to elude the guards and flee the prison.
  15. Cunning thief (狡猾的小偷) – A sly and skillful thief who employs clever tactics to steal without being caught.
    • Example: The cunning thief managed to snatch the purse without the victim noticing.
  16. Cunning strategy (狡猾的策略) – A clever and deceptive plan formulated to achieve a specific goal.
    • Example: The cunning strategy involved luring the enemy into a trap and then launching a surprise attack.
  17. Cunning manipulation (狡猾的操纵) – Skillful and deceptive control or influence over others for personal gain.
    • Example: The cunning manipulator exploited people’s weaknesses to get what he wanted.
  18. Cunning move (狡猾的举动) – A clever and calculated action or maneuver aimed at achieving an advantage.
    • Example: Her cunning move in the game caught her opponent off guard and secured her victory.
  19. Cunning deception (狡猾的欺骗) – The act of tricking or misleading someone through crafty and deceitful means.
    • Example: The magician’s performance relied on cunning deception and misdirection to amaze the audience.
  20. Cunning instinct (狡猾的直觉) – A shrewd and intuitive awareness or understanding of people and situations.
    • Example: The detective’s cunning instinct helped him solve the complex case.


ingenious: (of a person) clever, original, and inventive
sly: having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature
devious: showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
