Home Tang poems Wang Changling Poem: Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower – 王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》

Wang Changling Poem: Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower – 王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》

Wang Changling – 王昌龄








[1] 芙蓉楼:故址在今江苏省镇江市的西北角。

[2] 辛渐:王昌龄的朋友。这首诗是王昌龄在芙蓉楼送别辛渐去洛阳时所作。

[3] 寒雨:秋雨。

[4] 连江:满江。

[5] 夜入吴:夜晚秋雨入镇江。镇江属吴地,故说“夜入吴”。

[6] 平明:天刚亮。

[7] 客:指辛渐。

[8] 楚山:指辛渐将行经的楚地。

Wang Changling – 王昌龄

Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower

Wang Changling

A cold rain dissolved in East Stream invades the night;

At dawn you’ll leave the lonely Southern hills in haze.

If my friends in the North should ask if I’m all right,

Tell them I’m free from blame as ice in crystal vase.

The poet speaks of his innocence at parting with his friend.

Wang Changling – 王昌龄



The poem “Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower” is a group poem by Wang Changling, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, written when the author was relegated to the post of prefect of Jiangning (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu Province). The first poem is about the farewell of Xin Jian at the riverside the next morning; the second poem is about the farewell of Xin Jian at Furong Tower on the first night. The second poem is about the farewell of Xin Jian at Furong Tower on the first night.