


negative [‘negətɪv] adj. 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的  n. 否定;负数;底片  v. 否定;拒绝
negative 消极的 ←相对词→ positive 积极的
eg. Being positive is always better than being negative in face of difficulty.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



  1. negative attitude – 消极态度
  2. negative impact – 负面影响
  3. negative feedback – 负面反馈
  4. negative thinking – 悲观思维
  5. negative emotions – 消极情绪
  6. negative consequences – 负面后果
  7. negative perception – 负面观念
  8. negative mindset – 消极心态
  9. negative behavior – 消极行为
  10. negative outlook – 悲观看法
  11. negative self-talk – 自我负面言论
  12. negative vibes – 负能量
  13. negative impact on health – 对健康的负面影响
  14. negative influence – 负面影响力
  15. negative thoughts – 消极的想法
  16. negative attitude towards change – 对变化持消极态度
  17. negative consequences of procrastination – 拖延的负面后果
  18. negative cycle – 负面循环
  19. negative perception of oneself – 对自己的消极看法
  20. negative self-image – 负面自我形象
  21. negative impact on relationships – 对人际关系的负面影响
  22. negative thinking patterns – 消极思维模式
  23. negative self-esteem – 负面自尊心
  24. negative energy – 负能量
  25. negative mindset – 消极心态
  26. negative consequences of gossip – 闲言碎语的负面后果
  27. negative impact on productivity – 对生产力的负面影响
  28. negative influence of peer pressure – 同辈压力的负面影响
  29. negative emotions can be detrimental to one’s well-being – 消极情绪对个人幸福有害
  30. negative perception of failure – 对失败的消极看法
  31. negative impact on mental health – 对心理健康的负面影响
  32. negative reaction – 负面反应
  33. negative self-talk – 自我负面言论
  34. negative impact on self-confidence – 对自信心的负面影响
  35. negative consequences of addiction – 上瘾的负面后果
  36. negative view of the world – 对世界的负面看法
  37. negative impact on decision-making – 对决策的负面影响
  38. negative attitude towards challenges – 对挑战持消极态度
  39. negative impact on motivation – 对动力的负面影响
  40. negative self-perception – 对自我的负面认知
  41. negative impact on personal growth – 对个人成长的负面影响
  42. negative consequences of dishonesty – 不诚实的负面后果
  43. negative mindset can hinder progress – 消极心态可以阻碍进展
  44. negative beliefs – 消极信念
  45. negative impact on self-worth – 对自我价值的负面影响
  46. negative influence on decision-making – 对决策的负面影响
  47. negative perception of challenges – 对挑战的消极看法
  48. negative impact on personal relationships – 对个人关系的负面影响
  49. negative consequences of dishonesty – 不诚实的负面后果
  50. negative mindset can hinder progress – 消极心态可以阻碍进展
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
