


dip [dɪp] v. 浸,泡,蘸;下沉;舀取;把……伸入  n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿
dip 浸 ←音似词→ deep 深的
eg. On a hot summer day, Jack dipped his legs into deep water.  
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Take a dip – 游泳
  2. dip your toes – 浸泡脚趾
  3. dipping sauce – 蘸酱
  4. Double-dip – 双重蘸酱
  5. dip a brush – 浸泡刷子
  6. dip a chip – 蘸取薯片
  7. dip into savings – 动用储蓄
  8. dip a biscuit – 浸泡饼干
  9. dip your hand – 浸泡手部
  10. dipping temperature – 浸泡温度
  11. dip a cloth – 浸泡布料
  12. dip your finger – 浸泡手指
  13. dipping dye – 浸泡染料
  14. dip your bread – 浸泡面包
  15. dipping point – 浸泡点
  16. dip a vegetable – 浸泡蔬菜
  17. dip your pen – 浸泡笔尖
  18. dipping time – 浸泡时间
  19. dip a sponge – 浸泡海绵
  20. dip your brush – 浸泡刷毛
  21. dip a cloth in water – 将布浸入水中
  22. dip your hand in the pool – 把手浸入池水中
  23. dip a cookie in milk – 把饼干浸入牛奶中
  24. dip your feet in the ocean – 把脚浸入海洋中
  25. dip a carrot in dressing – 把胡萝卜浸入调味汁中
  26. dip your finger in paint – 把手指浸入油漆中
  27. dip a sponge in soapy water – 把海绵浸入肥皂水中
  28. dip a brush into the paint can – 把刷子浸入油漆罐中
  29. dip a cloth in bleach – 把布浸入漂白水中
  30. dip your hair in dye – 把头发浸入染料中
  31. dip a pen in ink – 把钢笔浸入墨水中
  32. dip a tortilla in salsa – 把玉米饼浸入莎莎酱中
  33. dip your spoon in soup – 把勺子浸入汤中
  34. dip a paintbrush in water – 把画笔浸入水中
  35. dip your hand in hot wax – 把手浸入热蜡中
  36. dip a towel in hot water – 把毛巾浸入热水中
  37. dip a sponge in vinegar – 把海绵浸入醋中
  38. dip your finger in honey – 把手指浸入蜂蜜中
  39. dip a cotton swab in alcohol – 把棉签浸入酒精中
  40. dip your bread in olive oil – 把面包浸入橄榄油中
  41. dip a brush in varnish – 把刷子浸入清漆中
  42. dip a cookie in chocolate – 把饼干浸入巧克力中
  43. dip your hand in ice water – 把手浸入冰水中
  44. dip a sponge in bubble bath – 把海绵浸入泡泡浴液中
  45. dip a brush in glue – 把刷子浸入胶水中
  46. dip your finger in cream – 把手指浸入奶油中
  47. dip a cloth in fabric softener – 把布浸入柔顺剂中
  48. dip a pen in water – 把笔浸入水中
  49. dip your feet in warm water – 把脚浸入温水中
  50. dip a sponge in dish soap – 把海绵浸入洗涤剂中
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
