


pave [peɪv] v. 铺设;安排;作铺设之用
pave 铺设 ←同首词→ path 小路
eg. My father paved the path before our gate with some bricks.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. pave the way – 铺平道路,为…铺路
  2. pave over – 在…上铺设
  3. pave the road – 铺设道路
  4. pave the path – 铺设路径
  5. pave the street – 铺设街道
  6. pave the driveway – 铺设车道
  7. pave the sidewalk – 铺设人行道
  8. pave the parking lot – 铺设停车场
  9. pave the bridge – 铺设桥梁
  10. pave the way for success – 为成功铺路
  11. pave the foundation – 铺设基础
  12. pave the route – 铺设路线
  13. pave the way for innovation – 为创新铺路
  14. pave the path to victory – 铺设通往胜利的道路
  15. pave the entrance – 铺设入口
  16. pave the walkway – 铺设人行道
  17. pave the trail – 铺设小径
  18. pave the runway – 铺设跑道
  19. pave the cycling lane – 铺设自行车道
  20. pave the pavement – 铺设人行道
  21. pave the highway – 铺设高速公路
  22. pave the road to recovery – 铺设复苏之路
  23. pave the street with bricks – 用砖铺街道
  24. pave the road to success – 铺设通往成功的道路
  25. pave the way for change – 为改变铺路
  26. pave the path to happiness – 铺设通往幸福的路径
  27. pave the driveway with asphalt – 用沥青铺设车道
  28. pave the sidewalk with concrete – 用混凝土铺设人行道
  29. pave the parking lot with gravel – 用碎石铺设停车场
  30. pave the bridge with steel – 用钢铁铺设桥梁
  31. pave the way for a new era – 为新时代铺路
  32. pave the foundation for growth – 铺设增长的基础
  33. pave the route to prosperity – 铺设通往繁荣的路线
  34. pave the way for collaboration – 为合作铺路
  35. pave the path to enlightenment – 铺设通向启蒙的路径
  36. pave the entrance with tiles – 用瓷砖铺设入口
  37. pave the walkway with stones – 用石头铺设人行道
  38. pave the trail with gravel – 用碎石铺设小径
  39. pave the runway with concrete – 用混凝土铺设跑道
  40. pave the cycling lane with asphalt – 用沥青铺设自行车道
  41. pave the pavement with bricks – 用砖铺设人行道
  42. pave the highway with asphalt – 用沥青铺设高速公路
  43. pave the road to recovery with investments – 通过投资铺设复苏之路
  44. pave the way for sustainable development – 为可持续发展铺路
  45. pave the path to financial independence – 铺设通往财务独立的路径
  46. pave the driveway with interlocking pavers – 用交锁砖铺设车道
  47. pave the sidewalk with decorative tiles – 用装饰瓷砖铺设人行道
  48. pave the parking lot with permeable pavement – 用透水铺装铺设停车场
  49. pave the bridge with precast concrete beams – 用预制混凝土梁铺设桥梁
  50. pave the way for technological advancements – 为技术进步铺路
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
