


batter [‘bætə] n. 击球手;糊状物;墙面的倾斜  v. 猛击;打坏;使向上倾斜
batter 打坏 ←形似词→ better 更好
eg. The victim’s face was battered last night, but he feels better now.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Pancake batter – 煎饼面糊
  2. Cake batter – 蛋糕面糊
  3. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  4. batter up! – 准备击球!(棒球用语)
  5. batter mix – 面糊混合物
  6. Waffle batter – 华夫饼面糊
  7. batter and fry – 涂面糊并炸
  8. batter-coated – 涂有面糊的
  9. Biscuit batter – 饼干面糊
  10. Fritter batter – 油炸食品面糊
  11. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  12. Pour batter – 倒入面糊
  13. batter-dipped – 沾有面糊的
  14. batter recipe – 面糊食谱
  15. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  16. batter-coated shrimp – 涂面糊的虾
  17. batter and deep-fry – 涂面糊并油炸
  18. batter-covered fish – 涂面糊的鱼
  19. batter mixture – 面糊混合物
  20. Tempura batter – 天妇罗面糊
  21. batter and bake – 涂面糊并烘烤
  22. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  23. batter-coated chicken – 涂面糊的鸡肉
  24. batter coating – 面糊涂层
  25. batter-dipped onion rings – 沾有面糊的洋葱圈
  26. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  27. Pancake batter – 煎饼面糊
  28. Cake batter – 蛋糕面糊
  29. batter mix – 面糊混合物
  30. Waffle batter – 华夫饼面糊
  31. Pour batter – 倒入面糊
  32. Biscuit batter – 饼干面糊
  33. Fritter batter – 油炸食品面糊
  34. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  35. batter-coated shrimp – 涂面糊的虾
  36. batter and deep-fry – 涂面糊并油炸
  37. batter-covered fish – 涂面糊的鱼
  38. batter mixture – 面糊混合物
  39. Tempura batter – 天妇罗面糊
  40. batter and bake – 涂面糊并烘烤
  41. batter-coated chicken – 涂面糊的鸡肉
  42. batter coating – 面糊涂层
  43. batter-dipped onion rings – 沾有面糊的洋葱圈
  44. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  45. batter-coated vegetables – 涂面糊的蔬菜
  46. batter-fried mushrooms – 油炸的蘑菇
  47. batter and shallow-fry – 涂面糊并浅炸
  48. batter consistency – 面糊的浓稠度
  49. batter-dipped chicken tenders – 沾有面糊的鸡柳
  50. batter recipe – 面糊食谱
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
