
[verb] crouch down in fear
[动词] 恐惧地蹲下


Cower 是一个与常见词 cover 十分形似且容易混淆的单词。

该词可能源自中古低地德语 kūren (埋伏等待),最早于14世纪初出现在英语中,原本用来表示“蹲、弯腰曲背地站”,这个含义目前仅在英国部分方言中使用。

等到了14世纪末后, cower 开始发展出现在的主要含义指因恐惧而“蜷缩、畏缩、退缩”,强调一种卑贱或懦弱的恐惧,特别是在那些暴虐或专横的人面前,比如:

  • 那个胆小的女孩蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。
    The timid girl cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.
  • 那条恶狗挨打后缩在桌子底下。
    The vicious dog cowered under the table after being whipped.


Dumbledore began to cower as though invisible torturers surrounded him; his flailing hand almost knocked the refilled goblet from Harry’s trembling hands as he moaned, “Don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them, please, please, it’s my fault, hurt me instead…”
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第六本《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)。


  • Locked in a cellar as his father approaches, Richard resolves not to cower.
  • The key is to stand up and fight it, and not back down, and make it very clear that we will not cower.


cower” 是指因害怕、紧张或威胁而畏缩、蜷缩的动作。以下是包含单词“cower”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. cower in fear: 因恐惧而畏缩
  2. cower from danger: 因危险而退缩
  3. cower in the corner: 在角落里蜷缩
  4. cower under the table: 躲在桌子底下蜷缩
  5. cower from the storm: 因风暴而畏缩
  6. cower in the darkness: 在黑暗中蜷缩
  7. cower at the sound: 因声音而退缩
  8. cower in the presence of authority: 在权威面前畏缩
  9. cower against the wall: 靠在墙边蜷缩
  10. cower from the loud noise: 因大声的噪音而退缩
  11. cower in the face of danger: 在危险面前畏缩
  12. cower in a defensive posture: 采取防御姿势蜷缩
  13. cower under the bed: 躲在床底下蜷缩
  14. cower at the sight of something frightening: 看到可怕的东西时畏缩
  15. cower from the oncoming threat: 因逼近的威胁而退缩
  16. cower in response to aggression: 对攻击做出畏缩反应
  17. cower away from confrontation: 回避冲突而退缩
  18. cower in the shadow: 在阴影中蜷缩
  19. cower from the glare: 因眩光而蜷缩
  20. cower in submission: 屈服时蜷缩
  21. cower from the angry voice: 因愤怒的声音而退缩
  22. cower when faced with a challenge: 面对挑战时蜷缩
  23. cower in response to criticism: 对批评做出畏缩反应
  24. cower at the approach of danger: 因危险的逼近而畏缩
  25. cower in the back of the room: 躲在房间的后面蜷缩
  26. cower from the sudden noise: 因突然的噪音而退缩
  27. cower in the presence of a larger animal: 在大动物面前蜷缩
  28. cower instinctively: 出于本能蜷缩
  29. cower at the threat of punishment: 因惩罚的威胁而退缩
  30. cower from the approaching vehicle: 因逼近的车辆而畏缩
  31. cower in response to a raised hand: 对举起的手做出畏缩反应
  32. cower in the corner of the room: 在房间的角落蜷缩
  33. cower at the sound of thunder: 因雷声而蜷缩
  34. cower in the face of hostility: 面对敌意蜷缩
  35. cower from the potential danger: 因潜在的危险而退缩
  36. cower at the approach of a stranger: 因陌生人的逼近而畏缩
  37. cower in the presence of an aggressive person: 在好斗者面前畏缩
  38. cower from the shouting: 因喊叫声而退缩
  39. cower in the corner of the cage: 蜷缩在笼子的角落
  40. cower instinctively from the sudden movement: 出于本能对突然的动作退缩
  41. cower from the bright light: 因强光而蜷缩
  42. cower at the sudden sound: 因突然的声音而退缩
  43. cower in response to a raised voice: 对抬高的声音做出畏缩反应
  44. cower under the tree branches: 躲在树枝下蜷缩
  45. cower at the sight of a predator: 看到捕食者时蜷缩
  46. cower from the aggressive behavior: 因攻击性行为而退缩
  47. cower in the face of a fierce storm: 在猛烈风暴面前蜷缩
  48. cower from the unknown noise: 因不明噪音而退缩
  49. cower in response to a sudden movement: 对突然动作做出畏缩反应
  50. cower at the threat of violence: 因暴力威胁而畏缩


cringe: bend one’s head and body in fear or in a servile manner
shrink: move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust
flinch: make a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or surprise

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
