
[verb] scold or rebuke
[动词] 责骂或指责


Chide 一词比较简单好记,除了比熟词 hide 前面多了个字母 c 外,同时也与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 tide, abide, glide, subside 等有着相同的结尾,可以一并联想记忆。

从词源上看,该词源自古英语 cidan (争辩、争吵、抱怨),12世纪末起开始用来表示“责备、责怪、责骂”,先是用作不及物动词,指愤怒或生气地大声斥责,比如:

  • 老是唠唠叨叨责骂不休
    be always scolding and chiding

现在则多用作及物动词,并常用搭配 chide sb for (doing) sth 作正式用语使用,侧重指因人做错事而以轻微温和或建设性的方式责备或责骂,以示不快、失望或反对,比如:

  • 她责怪丈夫对孩子太过宽容。
    She chided her husband for being far too lenient with the children.


She held her hand interposed between the furnace-heat and her eyes, and seemed absorbed in her occupation; desisting from it only to chide the servant for covering her with sparks, or to push away a dog, now and then, that snoozled its nose over-forwardly into her face.
出自英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的长篇小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)。


The numbers will have doubtless gratified the limelight-loathing Mr Ortega, who is said in private to chide others to admire his company, not himself.
In his last public appearance, during the 1972 World Series, he chided major league baseball for not having a black manager.


chide” 是指责、责骂、批评的意思。以下是包含单词“chide”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. chide someone gently: 轻声责备某人
  2. chide someone for being late: 因某人迟到而责备
  3. chide someone with a smile: 带着微笑地责备某人
  4. chide someone for their behavior: 因某人的行为责备
  5. chide someone for their mistakes: 因某人的错误责备
  6. chide someone for not listening: 因某人不听而责备
  7. chide someone for forgetfulness: 因某人健忘而责备
  8. chide someone for their laziness: 因某人懒惰而责备
  9. chide someone for their attitude: 因某人的态度责备
  10. chide someone for their lack of effort: 因某人不努力责备
  11. chide someone for being disrespectful: 因某人不尊重而责备
  12. chide someone for their inappropriate comments: 因某人的不当言论责备
  13. chide someone for their untidiness: 因某人的邋遢责备
  14. chide someone for their excessive spending: 因某人过度花费责备
  15. chide someone for their constant complaining: 因某人不停抱怨责备
  16. chide someone for their lack of punctuality: 因某人不守时责备
  17. chide someone for their carelessness: 因某人的粗心责备
  18. chide someone for their lack of responsibility: 因某人不负责任责备
  19. chide someone for their procrastination: 因某人的拖延责备
  20. chide someone for their lack of commitment: 因某人缺乏承诺责备
  21. chide someone for their rudeness: 因某人的粗鲁责备
  22. chide someone for their lack of manners: 因某人的无礼责备
  23. chide someone for their negligence: 因某人的疏忽责备
  24. chide someone for their insensitivity: 因某人的不敏感责备
  25. chide someone for their insubordination: 因某人的不服从责备
  26. chide someone for their lack of cooperation: 因某人缺乏合作责备
  27. chide someone for their unprofessionalism: 因某人的不专业责备
  28. chide someone for their tardiness: 因某人的迟到责备
  29. chide someone for their lack of honesty: 因某人缺乏诚实责备
  30. chide someone for their failure to follow instructions: 因某人未能遵循指示责备
  31. chide someone for their constant excuses: 因某人不断的借口责备
  32. chide someone for their lack of accountability: 因某人缺乏问责责备
  33. chide someone for their careless mistakes: 因某人粗心的错误责备
  34. chide someone for their lack of progress: 因某人的进展不足责备
  35. chide someone for their lack of initiative: 因某人缺乏主动责备
  36. chide someone for their lack of respect: 因某人缺乏尊重责备
  37. chide someone for their excessive talking: 因某人过多言语责备
  38. chide someone for their lack of focus: 因某人缺乏专注责备
  39. chide someone for their constant distractions: 因某人持续的干扰责备
  40. chide someone for their inability to meet deadlines: 因某人未能遵守截止日期责备
  41. chide someone for their impulsive decisions: 因某人的冲动决策责备
  42. chide someone for their lack of communication: 因某人缺乏沟通责备
  43. chide someone for their lack of understanding: 因某人的不理解责备
  44. chide someone for their lack of preparation: 因某人的准备不足责备
  45. chide someone for their lack of empathy: 因某人缺乏同情责备
  46. chide someone for their constant lateness: 因某人持续迟到责备
  47. chide someone for their careless behavior: 因某人的粗心行为责备
  48. chide someone for their reckless actions: 因某人的鲁莽行为责备
  49. chide someone for their excessive demands: 因某人的过度要求责备
  50. chide someone for their lack of courtesy: 因某人缺乏礼貌责备


scold: remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily
rebuke: express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions
reprimand: rebuke (someone), especially officially

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
