
adj. 陈腐的;平庸的
v. 出租(马匹、马车等);役使(hackney的过去式)


hackneyed 陈腐的


单词解释: “Hackneyed” 是一个形容词,意思是陈词滥调的,过于平凡和缺乏新颖。下面是包含单词 “hackneyed” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Hackneyed phrases: 陈词滥调的短语
  2. Avoid hackneyed expressions: 避免陈词滥调的表达
  3. Hackneyed ideas: 陈腐的观念
  4. Hackneyed concepts: 陈旧的概念
  5. Hackneyed themes: 陈词滥调的主题
  6. Overused and hackneyed words: 过于使用且陈词滥调的词语
  7. Hackneyed storytelling: 陈词滥调的叙述
  8. A hackneyed plot: 一个陈腐的情节
  9. Clichéd and hackneyed dialogue: 陈词滥调和陈腐的对话
  10. A hackneyed script: 一个陈词滥调的剧本
  11. Hackneyed characters: 陈腐的角色
  12. The film’s hackneyed portrayal of love: 电影中陈词滥调的爱情刻画
  13. A hackneyed marketing campaign: 一个陈腐的营销活动
  14. Her speech was full of hackneyed phrases: 她的演讲充斥着陈词滥调的短语
  15. The hackneyed stereotypes in the story: 故事中的陈腐刻板印象
  16. The novel was criticized for its hackneyed plot: 该小说因情节陈词滥调而受到批评
  17. The hackneyed use of clichés: 陈词滥调的陈词滥调用法
  18. His hackneyed jokes: 他陈腐的笑话
  19. The hackneyed lyrics of the song: 这首歌陈腐的歌词
  20. The film’s hackneyed portrayal of good versus evil: 电影中陈腐的善恶对立刻画
  21. A hackneyed and overdone concept: 一个陈腐和过度处理的概念
  22. The movie relied on hackneyed special effects: 这部电影依赖陈腐的特效效果
  23. Hackneyed marketing tactics: 陈词滥调的营销策略
  24. The book’s hackneyed clichés: 该书陈腐的陈词滥调
  25. The hackneyed phrases in the article: 文章中的陈词滥调短语
  26. A hackneyed approach to problem-solving: 解决问题的陈词滥调方法
  27. The speaker’s hackneyed attempts at humor: 演讲者陈腐的幽默尝试
  28. The film’s hackneyed romantic subplot: 电影中陈腐的浪漫情节
  29. A play with a hackneyed ending: 一个以陈词滥调结局为特点的戏剧
  30. The restaurant’s hackneyed menu: 餐厅陈词滥调的菜单
  31. The hackneyed use of symbolism: 符号的陈腐运用
  32. The hackneyed depiction of war: 对战争的陈腐描绘
  33. Hackneyed love songs: 陈词滥调的情歌
  34. The film’s hackneyed portrayal of success: 电影中陈词滥调的成功刻画
  35. The hackneyed style of the painting: 画作的陈腐风格
  36. A hackneyed and unoriginal concept: 一个陈词滥调且不创新的概念
  37. The hackneyed use of nostalgia in advertising: 广告中陈腐的怀旧运用
  38. The play was filled with hackneyed dialogue: 这出戏充满了陈腐的对话
  39. The hackneyed representation of heroes: 对英雄的陈腐刻画
  40. A hackneyed and uninspired performance: 一场陈词滥调且乏味的表演
  41. Hackneyed and predictable storylines: 陈词滥调且可预测的故事情节
  42. The movie’s hackneyed take on life: 电影对生活的陈腐看法
  43. The song’s hackneyed melody: 这首歌陈腐的旋律
  44. The hackneyed use of familiar tropes: 对熟知的陈词滥调运用
  45. The film’s hackneyed depiction of wealth: 电影中对财富的陈腐刻画
  46. The hackneyed use of a damsel in distress: 对女性陷入困境的陈腐运用
  47. The hackneyed portrayal of villains: 对恶棍的陈腐刻画
  48. A hackneyed and tired old formula: 一个陈腐和老套的公式
  49. The book’s hackneyed exploration of the human condition: 该书对人类状况的陈腐探讨
  50. The film’s hackneyed representation of youth: 电影对青春的陈腐刻画

这些短语都围绕 “hackneyed” 这一词汇,用以描述过于陈词滥调、普通或缺乏新意的事物、创意或表达方式。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
