


regulation [regjʊ’leɪʃən] n. 管理;规则;校准  adj. 规定的;平常的
regulation 管理 ←同首词→ reduce 减少
eg. Some people in the market now want government regulation in order to reduce costs.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Government regulation – 政府监管
  2. Financial regulation – 金融监管
  3. Environmental regulation – 环境监管
  4. Safety regulations – 安全规定
  5. Labor regulations – 劳动法规
  6. Health regulations – 卫生规定
  7. Regulatory compliance – 合规要求
  8. Regulatory framework – 法规框架
  9. Regulatory agency – 监管机构
  10. Regulatory approval – 监管批准
  11. Regulatory oversight – 监管监督
  12. Regulatory compliance officer – 合规主管
  13. Regulatory standards – 法规标准
  14. Regulatory reform – 法规改革
  15. Regulatory requirements – 法规要求
  16. Regulatory control – 监管控制
  17. Regulatory authority – 监管权力
  18. Regulatory compliance program – 合规计划
  19. Regulatory impact – 监管影响
  20. Regulatory restrictions – 监管限制
  21. Regulatory enforcement – 监管执法
  22. Regulatory violation – 违规行为
  23. Regulatory framework development – 法规框架的制定
  24. Regulatory compliance assessment – 合规评估
  25. Regulatory policy – 监管政策
  26. Regulatory compliance management – 合规管理
  27. Regulatory compliance audit – 合规审计
  28. Regulatory compliance training – 合规培训
  29. Regulatory compliance reporting – 合规报告
  30. Regulatory compliance consulting – 合规咨询
  31. Regulatory impact assessment – 监管影响评估
  32. Regulatory compliance monitoring – 合规监控
  33. Regulatory compliance framework – 合规框架
  34. Regulatory compliance risk – 合规风险
  35. Regulatory compliance process – 合规流程
  36. Regulatory compliance certification – 合规认证
  37. Regulatory compliance investigation – 合规调查
  38. Regulatory compliance officer role – 合规主管角色
  39. Regulatory compliance documentation – 合规文件
  40. Regulatory compliance software – 合规软件
  41. Regulatory compliance strategy – 合规策略
  42. Regulatory compliance review – 合规审查
  43. Regulatory compliance reporting system – 合规报告系统
  44. Regulatory compliance monitoring system – 合规监控系统
  45. Regulatory compliance management system – 合规管理系统
  46. Regulatory compliance audit process – 合规审计过程
  47. Regulatory compliance control measures – 合规控制措施
  48. Regulatory compliance training program – 合规培训计划
  49. Regulatory compliance assessment framework – 合规评估框架
  50. Regulatory compliance enforcement mechanism – 合规执法机制
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
