


bribe [braɪb] v. 贿赂,收买  n. 贿赂
bribe 贿赂 ←同首词→ bridge 桥
eg. The villagers have to bribe the officers to get the bridge rebuilt.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



英语单词 bribe 来自古法语,本意是“送给乞丐的小块面包”,因此拼写上与 bread (面包)有关。后来,由于乞丐和小偷往往相伴而生,有些人讨不来钱就小偷小摸,因此, bribe 又衍生出“被小偷偷走的东西、赃物”之意。

再后来,有些人不仅小偷小摸,还公然敲诈勒索,因此, bribe 又可以用来表示被迫送给这些人的礼物或钱财。再往后,人们主动送给权势之人以换取利益的礼物或钱财也被称为 bribe ,即我们中文所谓的“贿赂”。

  • bribe: [braɪb] n. 贿赂 v. 贿赂,收买
  • bribery: [‘braɪbərɪ] n. 贿赂,行贿,受贿


  1. Offer a bribe: 提供贿赂
  2. Take a bribe: 收受贿赂
  3. bribe someone with money: 用钱贿赂某人
  4. Accept a bribe: 接受贿赂
  5. Pay a bribe: 支付贿赂
  6. bribe a public official: 贿赂公务员
  7. bribe for special treatment: 贿赂以获取特殊待遇
  8. bribe a witness: 贿赂证人
  9. bribe someone to remain silent: 贿赂某人保持沉默
  10. Offer a cash bribe: 提供现金贿赂
  11. Political bribery: 政治贿赂
  12. Corporate bribery: 公司贿赂
  13. Fight against bribery: 反对贿赂
  14. Combat corruption and bribery: 打击腐败和贿赂
  15. bribe for personal gain: 为个人利益行贿
  16. Anti-bribery laws: 反贿赂法律
  17. bribery and corruption: 贿赂和腐败
  18. bribe a government official: 贿赂政府官员
  19. Offer a bribe to influence a decision: 提供贿赂以影响决策
  20. Allegations of bribery: 贿赂指控
  21. bribe in exchange for favors: 用贿赂换取恩惠
  22. High-profile bribery case: 备受关注的贿赂案件
  23. bribe for a contract: 为合同行贿
  24. Anti-bribery measures: 反贿赂措施
  25. bribery investigation: 贿赂调查
  26. Campaign against bribery: 反贿赂运动
  27. bribe a foreign official: 贿赂外国官员
  28. bribe for political influence: 为政治影响力行贿
  29. bribe a judge: 贿赂法官
  30. International bribery: 国际贿赂
  31. Anti-corruption and bribery policy: 反腐败和贿赂政策
  32. bribe for a favorable outcome: 为有利结果行贿
  33. bribery in the business sector: 企业界贿赂
  34. bribe a police officer: 贿赂警察
  35. bribe a customs official: 贿赂海关官员
  36. bribery allegations against politicians: 针对政治家的贿赂指控
  37. bribe to secure a contract: 行贿以获得合同
  38. bribe for confidential information: 为机密信息行贿
  39. bribery and ethics: 贿赂和道德
  40. Public outcry against bribery: 公众对贿赂的强烈抗议
  41. bribe a government contractor: 贿赂政府承包商
  42. Offer a bribe to avoid punishment: 提供贿赂以避免惩罚
  43. bribery as a criminal offense: 贿赂作为犯罪行为
  44. bribe a public servant: 贿赂公职人员
  45. bribe for preferential treatment: 为优惠待遇行贿
  46. bribery in sports: 体育界的贿赂行为
  47. bribe a border official: 贿赂边境官员
  48. bribe for a promotion: 为晋升行贿
  49. bribery and economic development: 贿赂和经济发展
  50. bribe a contractor to secure a project: 行贿承包商以获得项目
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