


Messianic 是一个形容词,用来描述与弥赛亚有关的事物或人。弥赛亚是犹太教和基督教中的重要概念,指的是被神选中来拯救和拯救世界的救世主。

以下是 messianic 这个词的详细用法:

  1. 宗教意义:在犹太教中,”messianic” 用来描述与弥赛亚有关的预言、教义和信仰。它指的是与弥赛亚到来、复兴和救赎有关的事物。

    示例:The messianic prophecies in the Old Testament foretold the coming of a savior.


  2. 基督教意义:在基督教中,”messianic” 用来描述与耶稣基督有关的事物,尤其是与他的救赎工作和作为救世主的身份相关的事物。

    示例:The messianic nature of Jesus’ teachings and miracles affirmed his divine role as the Savior.


  3. 象征性用法:除了宗教上的意义,”messianic” 还可以用来形容任何追求改变和拯救的人、理念或运动。

    示例:The leader’s messianic vision inspired the people to work towards a better future.


  4. 强调预言性质:有时,”messianic” 还用来强调某人或某事与预言或预示有关,表明符合弥赛亚预言的特征或性质。

    示例:His rise to power was seen by some as a fulfillment of the messianic prophecies.



  1. Messianic figure: 弥赛亚般的人物
  2. Messianic prophecy: 弥赛亚预言
  3. Messianic mission: 弥赛亚使命
  4. Messianic era: 弥赛亚时代
  5. Messianic hope: 弥赛亚的希望
  6. Messianic belief: 弥赛亚信仰
  7. Messianic symbolism: 弥赛亚象征
  8. Messianic movement: 弥赛亚运动
  9. Messianic expectations: 弥赛亚的期望
  10. Messianic message: 弥赛亚的信息
  11. Messianic fulfillment: 弥赛亚的实现
  12. Messianic interpretation: 弥赛亚的解释
  13. Messianic faith: 弥赛亚的信仰
  14. Messianic kingdom: 弥赛亚的王国
  15. Messianic salvation: 弥赛亚的拯救



messianic (MES ee AN ik) Literally, this adjective refers to a Messiah, a figure in the Judeo-Christian tradition that is or will be a savior of the world. By extension it’s often used to refer to zealous or overzealous belief in a cause or a leader. The word comes from the Hebrew for “anointed.”

  • “There’s nothing wrong with green algae,” noted Don, “but when Doug starts talking about it he gets that messianic gleam in his eye as if taking algae could cure all the ills of the world.”
  • Some earlier interpreters of Virgil saw a messianic theme in one of his early poems, but skeptics argue he was merely flattering a Roman leader, suggesting that his child would be remarkable.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


messianic(MES ee AN ik)从字面上看,这个形容词指的是弥赛亚,即犹太-基督教传统中的一个人物,是或将是世界的救主。推而广之,它经常被用来指对某一事业或某一领袖的热心或过度热心的信仰。这个词来自希伯来语的 “受膏者”。



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