No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
I’m lost! Where’s the line?
我迷路了 路线呢?
It just went away. What do I do? What do I do?
路线不见了 怎么办…?
Help! We’ll be stuck here forever!
救命啊 我们会永远困在这儿了
Do not panic. Do not panic!
We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm.
我们是受过训的专家 现在保持冷静
We are going around the leaf.
A…Around the leaf? I…I don’t think we can do that.
绕…绕过叶子? 我…我想我们办不到
Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of’93.
哦 胡说八道 这跟93年树枝事件相比根本没什么
That’s it. That’s it. Good!
You’re doing great! There you go. There you go!
很好 你做的很好 就是这样 再继续
Watch my eyes. Don’t look away.
看着我的眼睛 不要看别处
And here’s the line again. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Soil.
路线就在这里了 谢谢 谢谢 索尼先生
Good job, everybody!
哈…大伙儿 干的好
Oh, my. There’s quite a gap, Mr Soil.
天哪 索尼先生 刚刚的缺口可真大
Shouldn’t we tell the queen? I don’t think we need to involve the queen in this.
要不要告诉皇后啊? 我想不必拿这件事情让皇后烦心
She’s got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.
她最近已经够忙的了 训练她的女儿
Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear.
没错 雅婷公主 那可怜的孩子
Oh, wind’s died down. They’ll be here soon.
风变弱了 他们马上就会到了
Just be confident, dear. You’ll be fine. There’s a gap.
亲爱的 要有信心 不会有事的 那里有个缺口
There’s a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?
队伍里有个缺口 我们要怎么办?
It’s okay, Your Highness. Gaps happen. We just lost a few inches, that’s all.
没关系的 公主殿下 缺口常会有 我们只相差几寸而已
Oh. Right.
哦 对…
Your Highness, I can’t count when you hover like that.
公主殿下 你这样盘旋我没办法数数了
Oh, of course. I’m sorry. Go ahead.
哦 对不起 你继续
Guys, go shade someone else for a while.
好了 先去替别人遮阴吧
Okay, Atta. Now what do we do?
雅婷 你说 现在要做什么呢?
Uh… Oh! Don’t tell me. I know it. I know it. What is it?
呃…别告诉我 我知道…是什么呢
We relax. Right.
我们放轻松 对
Oh, it’ll be fine. It’s the same, year after year.
放心吧 每年都是一样的
They come, they eat, they leave. That’s our lot in life.
他们来 他们吃 他们走 这就是我们的命运
It’s not a lot, but it’s our life.
虽然苦 还是得过呀
Isn’t that right, Aphie? Oh, you’re such a cute little aphid.
哈…对不对啊 蚜蚜? 你真是个可爱的小蚜虫
Ditch Dot! Yeah, yeah!
快 甩掉小不点 耶
Hey, come back here!
嘿 你们回来啊
Dot! Yes, Mother.
小不点 什么事 妈妈?
What did I tell you about trying to fly?
Not until my wings grow in.
Right. But, Mom…
对 妈…
Dot, you’re a young queen ant, and your wings are too little to be…
小不点 你还小 而且你的翅膀还没长好啊
I was talking to Mother. You’re not the queen yet, Atta.
我是在跟妈说话 你还不是皇后 雅婷
Now, Dot, be nice to your sister.
小不点 不要跟你姐姐顶嘴哦
It’s not my fault she’s so stressed out.
I know, I know.
I’m always acting like the sky is falling. Look out!
我的表现像是天要塌下来似的 小心啊
Atta! Princess Atta! Princess Atta! Princess Atta!
雅婷 雅婷公主…
Stop that! What do you think you’re doing?
快住手 你在干嘛?
You could have killed somebody over here. I’m sorry!
这样会出人命的 对不起…
I’m sorry! Oh, it’s Flik.
对不起… 哦 是飞力啊
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!
Please forgive me. I’m sorry!
请原谅我 对不起
Princess Atta! Flik, what are you doing?
雅婷公主 飞力 你在干什么啊?
Oh! Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvesting grain.
哦 这个啊 这是我收割谷粒的新点子啊
No more picking individual kernels. You can just cut down the entire stalk!
再也不必采摘一谷一谷的谷子 可以砍断整根茎干
Flik, we don’t have time for this.
飞力 我们没时间听这些
Exactly! We never have time to collect food for ourselves.
没错 我们从来没有时间为自己收集食物
Because we spend all summer harvesting for the offering.
因为整个夏天 都在为贡品做准备
But my invention will speed up production. Oh, another invention?
但是我的发明可以加速生产 噢 又一个新发明?
Yeah, and I’ve got something for you too. Flik!
对 我也有东西要给你 飞力
Since you’re gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production.
既然你很快就会当皇后 你可以用这个来监督进度啊
Dr Flora, if I may. This is all very nice, but… What?
萝拉医生 借用一下 这一切都很好… 好什么?
Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right? Flik, please.
但是…飞力你 只是一根草和一颗小露珠 对吧? 飞力 拜托…
Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope.
错了 其实它是一个望远镜
It’s very clever, Flik, but…
这非常聪明 但是…
Hello, Princess! My, aren’t you looking lovely this morning!
公主 你好 天啊 你今天早上看起来真可爱
Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that.
不过当然啦 不必用望远镜也看得出来
All right, listen! The princess doesn’t have time for this!
好了 听着 公主没时间听这些事情
You wanna help us fill this thing? Then get rid of that machine…
你要帮我们完成这任务 那么就丢掉那机器…
get back in line and pick grain like everybody else!
Like everybody else! Please, Flik. Just go.
像其他蚂蚁一样啊 拜托 飞力 走吧
I’m sorry,I was… I was really just trying…
对不起 我只是想要…
trying to help.
Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa.
什么收割机嘛 从我还是蛹的时候我们就这样收割了
Where were we?
The food pile, Your Highness. Oh, yes, yes.
呃 贡品 公主殿下 哦 对…
Hey, Flik! Flik! Wait up!
嘿 飞力 飞力 等等我
Oh. Hello, Princess. You can call me Dot. Here, you forgot this.
哦 你好 小公主 叫我小不点吧 来 你忘了这个
Thanks. You can keep it. I can make another one.
谢了 你留着吧 我可以再做一个
I like your inventions. Really? Well, you’re the first.
我很喜欢你的发明耶 真的? 你倒还是第一个
I’m beginning to think nothing I do works. This works.
我还以为我做的一切都不管用 这很有用
Great. One success.
好极了 至少有一个成功
I’m never gonna make a difference. Me, neither.
但我永远成不了大事 我也一样
I’m a royal ant, and I can’t even fly yet. I’m too little.
我居然连飞都不会飞耶 我太小了
Oh, being little’s not such a bad thing. Yes, it is.
哦 小并没有那么糟糕 它就有
No, it’s not. Is too!
不 它没有 有…
Is not. Is too. Is not. Is too.
没有… 有…
Is not. Is not. Is not. Oh! Is too. Is too. Is too.
没有… 有…
A seed. I need… I need a seed. Ahh…
种子 我需要一个种子
Ah, here, here.
Pretend… pretend that that’s a seed.
It’s a rock. Oh, I know it’s a rock. I know.
这是石头 这是石头我知道
But let’s just pretend for a minute that it’s a seed, all right? We’ll just use our imaginations.
但是我们先假装一下它是种子好吗? 发挥你的想像力
Now… Now, do you see our tree?
Everything that made that giant tree…
is already contained inside this tiny little seed.
All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and…
它只需要一点点时间 一点点阳光 雨水
This rock will be a tree?
这石头 它会变成大树?
Seed to tree. You’ve gotta work with me, all right? Okay.
种子变成树 你得专心听好吗?
You might not feel like you can do much now…
好 你现在 也许觉得做不了什么
but that’s just because, well, you’re not a tree yet.
那只是因为 你还不是棵大树
You just have to give yourself some time. You’re still a seed.
你必须给自己一点时间 你还是个种子
But it’s a rock. I know it’s a rock!
这是石头 我知道这是石头
Don’t ya think I know a rock when I see a rock?
我看到石头的时候 会不知道它是石头吗?
I’ve spent a lot of time around rocks!
You’re weird, but I like you.
你好奇怪喔 但我喜欢你
They’re here.
They’re here!
Mom! Where are you?
快跑…妈 你在哪?
They’re coming! Run!
他们来了 快跑
Dot! Dot! Mom! Single file!
小不点… 妈 大家快成单线纵队…
Mom! Thank heavens!
妈 谢天谢地
Food to the offering stone. Okay, everyone, single file.
快把食物放在贡品石头上 好 所有人单线纵队
Food to the offering stone and into the anthill. Now let’s go!
把食物送到石头上 然后躲进蚁穴 快一点
Go, go, go, go!
Come on. Keep movin’, keep movin’! Good.
Okay. That’s everyone.
很好 大家都到了
Hey! Hey, wait for me!
嘿 等等我
Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill.
把食物送到贡品石头上 然后躲进蚁穴
No! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh!
Oh, no.
哦 不
Princess Atta! Princess Atta!
Princess Atta!
They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat, they leave.
他们来 他们吃 他们走
Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me.
Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Sorry, sorry. Coming through. Princess Atta, there’s something I need to tell you.
抱歉…借过… 雅婷公主 我必须告诉你一件事情
Not now, Flik. But, Your Highness, it’s about the offering!
等一下 飞力 但是公主 这跟贡品有关啊
Hey, what’s goin’ on? Yeah, where’s the food?
喂 这怎么回事啊? 是啊 食物在哪?
What did you do? It was an accident?
你做了什么好事? 那是个意外
