That’s what I’m afraid of.
想来点咖啡吗 沃兹沃斯太太?
Will you take coffee, Mrs Wadsworth?
呃 那么茶呢?
Er, tea, then?
不 谢谢 沃兹沃斯太太是一个戒制者
No, thank you. Mrs Wadsworth is an abstainer.
I thought abstention was only for alcohol.
对我来说 它也扩展到茶
For me, it extends to tea, also.
听说 中国人饮茶也为了治疗目的
They say the Chinese drink tea for remedial purposes.
我很乐意澄清 我不是中国人
I’m glad to say that I’m not Chinese.
那么 来点柠檬水?
Some lemonade, then?
无疑 上帝不会反对柠檬水?
Surely God would not disapprove of lemonade?
轻率和上帝的意志之间 我以为 是不兼容的 几乎是不妥当的
Levity and the will of God are, I think, incompatible. Almost improper.
Just plain water would be pleasant.
Reverend Wadsworth?
我就来一杯热水 谢谢
Just a cup of hot water for me, thank you.
我从温妮那儿得知 您是一位诗人?
I understand from Vinnie that you are a poet?
我写一些韵文 是的
I write verses, yes.
那么您的同时代作家呢 您怎么看?
And what of your contemporaries?
朗费罗先生 譬如说
Mr. Longfellow, for instance.
His genius lies in stating the obvious.
哦 那也太刻薄了 《海华沙之歌♥》中有很多不错的东西
Oh, that is too harsh. There are many fine things in Hiawatha.
抱歉我太冷酷了 但是 夫人 我必需实话实说
I’m sorry I was cruel. But, madam, I must say in truth,
《海华沙之歌♥》还行 不过太寡淡了 只要读它的一节就能证明这一点
Hiawatha is but gruel. Read just one stanza for the proof.
再给我举些例子 它们的出版理念源于真实 而且得是诗歌♥作品
Give me something pressed from truth, and that is poetry.
I suppose you feel the Brontës do that?
是的 还有其他几位
Yes. And a few others.
What do you find in all that Yorkshire gloom?
真实之美 为已知世界谱写的诗篇
The beauty of truth. The poetry of the known.
但为什么 她们就不能好好写点更健全一些的东西呢?
But why can’t they dwell on something wholesome?
如果她们希望更健全一些 我可以想象她们或许就去织毛衣了
If they wished to be wholesome, I would imagine they would crochet.
Would you like to take a turn in our garden?
不 谢谢
No, thank you.
I find this heat oppressive.
But Charles loves to be out of doors.
I myself prefer the shade.
那样的话 我就冒昧地
In that case, I will take the liberty
of escorting your husband around our modest garden.
And my sister can have you all to herself.
More water?
谢谢您的邀请 狄金森小姐
Thank you for your invitation, Miss Dickinson.
您的讲道深深打动了我 先生 因此非常渴望告诉您
I was very moved by your sermon, sir, and wanted very much to tell you.
这… 是我作为回报能给您的一切
This… is all I have to give in return.
Please say something.
Does my poetry have any worth?
They are remarkable.
它们显得毫不妥协 是的 但却是如此美妙的诗篇
Uncompromising, yes, but this is wonderful poetry.
How many have been published?
I cannot recall.
就这几首? – 就这几首
And no more? – And no more.
How can you be so stoic?
这很容易成为斯多噶派 当你想给予的东西别人根本不想要时
It’s easy to be stoic when no one wants what you have to offer.
这 我想 总是有传人的
There is, I suppose, always posterity.
But posterity is as comfortless as God.
That sounds like despair.
不 是痛苦
No, it’s bitterness.
身后之名是仅仅给予那些 活着时
a posthumous reputation is only for those who, when living,
weren’t worth remembering.
To be racked by success!
但是我仍然希望能在我死之前 得到一些承认
But I would like some approval before I die.
如果你秋天来 我就把夏天掸走
If you were coming in the fall, I’d brush the summer by
浅笑半弃 如同主妇们对 一只苍蝇
With half a smile and half a spurn, As housewives do a fly.
如果我一年后能见你 我就把所有的月份绕成球
If I could see you in a year, I’d wind the months in balls,
一球放一个抽屉 直到它们的时刻降临
And put them each in separate drawers, until their time befalls.
如果只是迟了 几个世纪 我就在我的手上数
If only centuries delayed, I’d count them on my hand,
减啊减 直到我的指头都掉了 落入塔斯马尼亚之土
Subtracting till my fingers dropped Into Van Diemen’s land.
如果肯定 等这一生完结 才是 属于你的和我的
If certain, when this life was out, That yours and mine should be,
我就把这一生远远掷了 如一张果皮 再亲尝永恒的来世
I’d toss it yonder like a rind, And taste eternity.
可眼下 不得而知 时光之翼难以捉摸的长度
But now, all ignorant of the length Of time’s uncertain wing,
这煎熬刺痛着我 就像那妖蜂 不会说出 它的蜇刺
It goads me, like the goblin bee, That will not state its sting.
I must have someone with a sense of humour,
someone who can laugh at the world.
太过正经地对待生活 是通往灾难的最短路径
Taking life seriously is the shortest route to disaster.
And have you found such a one?
Someone has found me.
一位怀尔德先生 一位数学教授
A Mr. Wilder, a Professor of Mathematics.
如果他能从数学分数中 找到喜剧色彩 我就是他的了
And if he can find comedy in a vulgar fraction, I’m his.
可是你爱他吗? – 爱?我说不准
But do you love him? – Love? I cannot say.
爱情是一个非常搞笑的概念 即使他们说它存在
It’s a very beguiling idea. They even say it exists.
But how will you know?
What if you make an error?
如果他是一个坏的选择 我就会悄悄地把他杀掉
If he is a bad choice, I’ll have him killed quietly
然后告诉每个人 他死于某种代数学休克
and tell everyone he died of some sort of algebraic shock.
I hope you will be happy.
那可没法保证 我会同意考虑
That cannot be guaranteed. I’ll settle for consideration.
那听上去像是屈就 – 不 那是务实
That sounds like surrender. – No, it’s practicality.
而且 谁知道呢?也许爱情会随之而来
And who knows? Perhaps love will come in its wake.
那么我就可以怡然自得地沾沾自喜了 – 你可能永远都不会沾沾自喜
Then I can relax into smugness. – You could never be smug.
生活会逼你就范 艾米莉 最终 我们都会活成我们最害怕的样子
Life catches you out, Emily. In the end, we all become the thing we most dread.
那我就会拒绝这个世界 而且也不会去兑现那个预言
Then I will reject the world and not fulfil that prophecy.
Then you will be making the greatest of mistakes,
因为你会相当于 拒绝获得你的精神世界最需要的东西
for you will deny yourself what your spirit needs most.
那是什么? – 真♥相♥ 和经历
And what is that? – Truth. And experience.
否则 你的誓约将会成为一种懦弱的表演
Otherwise, your vow will be an act of cowardice.
那很痛苦 – 却很诚实
That was hurtful. – But honest.
别抗拒你的恶 艾米莉 那是一种你应该慎重对待的善
Don’t resist your vices, Emily. It is your virtues you should be wary of.
奥斯汀有一次对伊丽莎白姑妈说 我们的善只不过是伪装的恶
Austin once told Aunt Elizabeth that our virtues are just vices in disguise.
现在 终于找到一个有幽默感的男人了
Now, there is a man with a sense of humour.
那么 你的怀尔德先生也拥有一种幽默感吗?
And does your Mr. Wilder possess one?
某种程度上吧 他用寄信的方式向我求婚
Of a kind. He proposed to me by letter,
那么 如果我的婚姻不幸福 我就会怪罪到美国邮政头上
so if the marriage is unhappy, I shall blame the US mail.
Always conform.
Keep disobedience secret.
外表上看温顺听话 但在你的内心 你可以放任它的革命性
Be outwardly docile, but in your heart, you can be as revolutionary as you like.
但是那不是很伪善吗? – 本来就是
But isn’t that hypocrisy? – Of course it is.
但在美国 我们对此倍加珍爱
But in America, we cherish it.
我们认为 它让我们不会被收买♥♥
We think it makes us incorruptible.
你绝对不要把外表的 和内心的虔敬相混淆
You must never confuse the outer with the inner piety.
Only Episcopalians do that.
但是我就是那么叛逆 与上帝的恩典毫不沾边
But I am rebellious and far from the grace of God.
其实 你比我知道的任何人都更亲近上帝
You are closer to Him than anyone I know.
永远多留意表面以下的部分 艾米莉 不过 别害怕你在那儿发现的东西
Always look below the surface, Emily, but don’t be afraid of what you find there.
是混乱? – 正是
Chaos? – Yes.
Then I shall confront everything.
别太激进 艾米莉 激进派在这个国家没有前途
Don’t be too radical, Emily. Radicals don’t thrive in this country.
但是你就是个激进派 – 但是我最终将顺从
But you are a radical. – But I’ll eventually conform.
For the sake of peace or a quiet life.
但是我知道你不会 所以我羡慕你的勇气
But I know that you will not, and I envy you your courage.
I suppose you shall carry lovely flowers
and have Mr. Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”.
鲜花 是的 门德尔松 不会
Flowers, yes. Mendelssohn, no.
绝对不要在婚礼上演奏欢快的音乐 艾米莉 这是一种太大的误导
Never play happy music at a wedding, Emily, it’s too misleading.
但是你会永远地离我们而去 – 你这么说听上去像是我快死了
But you shall be forever gone from us. – You make it sound like dying.
难道不是吗? – 不是
Isn’t it? – No.
而且即便是这样 你也要强迫自己朝其它方面想
