What does envy mask?
哦 那是赞赏
Oh, that masks admiration.
He may come to the foot of the stairs.
狄金森小姐? – 是的
Miss Dickinson? – Yes.
我看不到您 – 先生 那无关紧要
I cannot see you. – That, sir, is no matter.
It is the first time I’ve conducted a visit in this fashion.
这似乎不太公平 您可以看见我 但我却只能听见您
It seems unfair that you can see me but I can only hear you.
可以不必那么辛苦 先生 接近我的方式最好是听 而不是看
That can be no hardship, sir, for I am best heard and not seen.
呃… 您愿意跟温妮和我驾车出去走走吗?
Er… Will you take a ride with Vinnie and me?
我不会穿越我父亲的土地 去任何屋舍或城镇
I do not cross my father’s ground to any house or town.
那真的非常遗憾 尤其是在这么一个明媚的日子里
That seems such a shame, especially in such lovely weather.
天气总会明媚如常 不管我是否会驾车出游
The weather will remain lovely whether I drive through it or not.
那么我祝您有美好的一天 狄金森小姐
Then I wish you good day, Miss Dickinson.
日安 埃蒙斯先生
Good day, Mr. Emmons.
He will mount the stairs at midnight
The looming man in the night
No ordinary bridegroom he
But I will wait all my days
And he will come before the afterlife
哦 请让他来
Oh, please, let him come
Let him not forget me!
♪ 自从我初见你的面庞 我决定
♪ Since first I saw your face, I resolved
♪ 敬重并让你名扬四方
♪ To honour and renown you
♪ 如果现在我被唾弃 我希望
♪ If now I am disdained, I wish
♪ 我的心从未曾与你相识
♪ My heart had never known you
♪ 哦!我那么地爱你 你那么地喜欢我
♪ What! I that loved, and you that liked
♪ 我们会开始争吵吗?
♪ Shall we begin to wrangle?
♪ 不 不 不 我的心如此忠实
♪ No, no, no, my heart is fast
♪ 不会逃逸
♪ And cannot disentangle
♪ 如果我钦佩 或是赞美你太多
♪ If I admire or praise you too much
♪ 那样的过错 你也许会原谅
♪ That fault you may forgive me
♪ 或者 如果我触摸你的手松开了
♪ Or if my hands had strayed to touch
♪ 那么 完全正当 你可以离开我
♪ Then justly might you leave me
♪ 我请求你离开 你吩咐我去爱
♪ I asked you leave, you bade me love
♪ 现在是规戒我的时候吗?
♪ Is’t now a time to chide me?
♪ 不 不 不 我依然爱你
♪ No, no, no, I love you still
♪ 这是何等的幸运 曾降临于我
♪ What fortune e’er betide me
♪ 如果我伤害了你 告诉我错在哪里
♪ If I have wronged you, tell me wherein
♪ 我会很快纠正
♪ And I will soon amend it
♪ 以补偿如此的罪恶
♪ In recompense of such a sin
♪ 我的心在此 我会将它交付
♪ Here is my heart, I’ll send it
♪ 如果那还不能挽回你的慈悲
♪ If that will not your mercy move
♪ 那么 我也不想再要我的生命
♪ Then, for my life I care not
♪ 那么 哦 那么 愈发折磨我吧
♪ Then, oh, then, torment me still
♪ 取走我的生命 不要将它饶恕
♪ And take my life and spare not ♪
哦 艾米莉 你真应该一起来的 今天的阳光真是灿烂
Oh, Emily, you should have come, it was radiant.
是的 而且我确信您来的话 今天的阳光会更灿烂 狄金森小姐
Yes. And I’m sure you would have made it even more radiant, Miss Emily.
嘲弄不是通往任何一个女人内心的正确方式 尤其不是我的
Ridicule is not the way to any woman’s heart, sir. Least of all mine.
It was meant sincerely.
或者 我是否应该采用常规标准来评判美?
Or should I judge beauty by the common standard?
任何标准都可以是常规的 就象人们常说的 熟稔造成轻忽
Any standard may be common. Familiarity, as they say, breeds contempt.
可能是 轻忽造成熟稔
Perhaps contempt breeds familiarity.
无论如何 美是由旁观者的眼睛判断的
At any rate, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
那不再正确 先生 因为天经地义已经变成了陈词滥调
That is no longer true, sir. For that truism has become a cliché.
狄金森小姐 您有点太尖酸了
Miss Dickinson, you are just a little too sharp.
那么你 先生 有点太快了而扮不成烈士
And you, sir, are a little too quick to play the martyr.
那么 我还是走吧 在任何血溅四射发生之前
Then I’ll take my leave before any blood is spilt.
There are wounds which do not bleed,
but which aggrieve nonetheless.
我只好假设您就是想赶我走 我无意造成伤害
I just assumed that you wanted to be rid of me. I meant no injury.
我也不想 先生 我只不过希望能够坦率而已
Nor did I, sir. I only wish to be honest.
May I call again?
如果它给你带去的不是愉快 那么意义又何在呢?
If it gives you no pleasure, what is the point?
I had hoped that my company wouldn’t be a burden.
一项负担总是可以被舍弃的 先生
A burden can always be laid down, sir.
You are not required to be another Sisyphus.
哦 艾米莉 你为什么会那样?
Oh, Emily, why do you behave like this?
他是个好人 但是他受到了伤害
He is a kind man and he was hurt.
I don’t know.
他们一走得太近 我就感觉好像要窒息了
As soon as they get too close, I feel as if I’m suffocating.
I long for…
But I am afraid of it.
一个男人可以爱 然后归于平静 但这不是我的方式
A man may love and then cool, but it is not that way with me.
But you cannot be equal to a man.
如果我不能获得平等 那么我则对爱无所期待
If I cannot have equality, then I want nothing of love.
I will not be so confined that I cannot breathe.
But a rebellious spirit invites only retribution.
那么 我就会在我的叛逆中保持沉默
Then I will be silent in my rebellion,
那么 就不会有人知道我真实的感受是什么
so that no one will know what my true feelings are.
上帝会知道 – 但是我不会嫁给上帝
God will know. – But I will not be married to God.
但是你被他所拥有 而且对他负有责任
But you are His possession and answerable to Him.
他会知道我的挣扎 所以他会对我施以仁慈的
He will know of my struggle and be merciful.
然后 如果他并不存在
And if He does not exist,
then I will be eternally free.
我们从来不知道我们走了 — 当我们走时
We never know we go, – when we are going
We jest and shut the door;
命运跟在我们后面 把门闩上
Fate following behind us bolts it,
And we accost no more.
他用手指摸索你的灵魂 象琴师抚弄琴键
He fumbles at your spirit As players at the keys
然后 正式奏乐 他使你逐渐晕眩
Before they drop full music on; He stuns you by degrees,
使你脆弱的身体准备好 迎接那神奇的一击
Prepares your brittle substance For the ethereal blow,
以隐约的敲叩 由远而近 然后 十分徐缓 容你
By fainter hammers, further heard, Then nearer, then so slow
有时间舒一口气 你的头脑 泛起清凉的泡 —
Your breath has time to straighten, Your brain to bubble cool, –
再发出 庄严的一声霹雳 把你赤♥裸♥的灵魂的外衣 剥掉
Deals one imperial thunderbolt That scalps your naked soul.
你有没有注意到 你尿中带血?
Have you noticed any blood in your urine?
是的 大夫
Yes, Doctor.
还有背痛? – 是的 大夫
Back pain? – Yes, Doctor.
Very severe.
She’s had a fever and vomiting.
And your breathing?
It’s very restricted.
You have all the common symptoms of Bright’s Disease.
它是一种肾病 – 可以治吗?
It’s a disease of the kidneys. – Is there a cure?
就我所知 没有
Not to my knowledge.
预后的情况怎么样 大夫?
What is the prognosis, Doctor?
Diuretics and laxatives can ease some of the symptoms.
But there is definitely no cure?
谢谢 大夫
Thank you, Doctor.
I’ll see you out.
这个世界并非结论 还有一部续集 超然存在
This world is not conclusion; A sequel stands beyond,
它象音乐一样 无形 却有谱 好比声音
Invisible, as music, But positive, as sound.
似度引 似迎还拒 真知 殊不知
It beckons and it baffles; Philosophies don’t know,
谜团一个 到头来 还得智慧 去收拾
And through a riddle, at the last, Sagacity must go.
为了有据可凭 学者们 伤透脑筋 为了蒙恩 看到了世人
To guess it puzzles scholars; To gain it, men have shown
收获屈辱 一代又一代 遭受众人皆知的磔刑
Contempt of generations, And crucifixion known.
哦 不
Oh, no.
我能听见她叹气 在她每发出一声之前
I can hear her sigh before she makes one.
艾米莉 妈妈已经中风过一次了
Emily, Mother has had a stroke.
我们过来道别 妈妈
We’ve come to say goodnight, Mother.
Father believed…
…and Mother loved…
她在情意上重新收获了 她在体力上失去的东西
She achieved in sweetness what she lost in strength.
♪ Heil’ge Nacht
