And please make sure they clean their teeth.
It’s the airport, please.
玛丽亚,叫上孩子,收拾好行李. 我们要带他们去马贝拉.
Maria, get the children up and packed.
We’re taking them to marbella.
玛丽亚,收拾好他们的海滩用具 我一会儿来核对一下,好吗?
Maria, lay out their beach things.
I’ll check it all out in a moment, okay?
-我要去帮玛丽亚. -一会儿就好.
I’ll go help Maria. Just a second.
嗨,罗姆斯小姐,我是布莱克本先生. 我想再要两张票
Hello, iberia? Miss ramos? This is Mr. blackburn again.
I want two more seats…
温德尔 汤普森先生和夫人.
For a Mr. And Mrs. Wendell Thompson.
是的, 罗姆斯小姐,我的岳父岳母.
Yes, my father-in-law and my mother-in-law.
-你在干什么? -马上就好,罗姆斯小姐.
What are you doing?
你不想他们错过一次 疼爱外孙的机会吧?是不是?
You don’t think they came all the way to england
to give up a chance to spoil their grandchildren, do you?
如果他们要买♥♥机票的话 他们可以搭下一班飞机,
They’re going to be down on the next plane.
Oh, god, it’s turning into a pilgrimage.
I know.
You better go down alone.
I think that makes sense, dear.
罗姆斯小姐,我想取消我岳父母, 我妻子和孩子的预约
Miss ramos, cancel my mother-in-law,
my father-in-law, my wife, and my children.
Just you and mother.
You free?
是伊比利亚. 还有很多行李呢,如果你绕过去会好点的
Um, it’s iberia. There’s a lot.
If you went around, it might be easier.
-谢谢.多少钱? -两英镑,夫人.
– How much do I owe you? – Two quid.
-再见. -再见.
Goodbye. Bye.
Thanks very much. Cheers.
嗨, 史蒂夫. 史蒂夫.
Hey, Steve! Steve!
-这里,是沃尔特. -你好,沃尔特.
Over here, it’s Walter.
Steve: Hello, Walter.
How you doing?
-准备去哪里? 马拉加? -是的.
Where you headed? Malaga?
Yeah. So am I.
Who you with?
-太好了.我们可以在飞机上坐在一起了. -很棒.
Good. We’ll sit together on the plane.
– Oh, swell. Walter: That’s terrific.
那太恐怖了. 我讨厌在飞机上和陌生人坐在一起.
I hate to sit with strangers on a plane.
他们总是想给你讲他们自己的故事. 真的很烦.
They try to tell you the story of their life.
They really annoy you.
-格洛里亚还好吧? -好,很好.
Gloria all right?
Fine, great. And the children?
-孩子们呢? -孩子们也很好.
Children are great, great, great.
Say, look, Steve, while I got you here,
there is something I wanted to talk to you about.
我有个电影剧本准备拍摄. 是个西部片
I got this screenplay ready to shoot.
It’s awestern with weirdos.
Got these apaches, see,
and they start sucking this peyote root.
Drives them all out of their gourds,
everyone starts banging everyone else.
引起了打砸,强♥奸♥,屠♥杀♥ 放纵,类似的很多事情
It’s got everything… Pot, sex, massacres, orgies.
You can take the whole family.
It’s going to cost about $600,000.
你认为格洛里亚的老父亲会愿意 出大概200,000美元吗?
Think Gloria’s old man would liketo go in
for acouple hundred thou?
-什么? -影片,我刚才跟你讲了.
The picture… I just told you.
Oh, sorry, Walter, that’s my deaf side.
你认为格洛里亚的父亲 愿意投资$250,000给我拍电影吗?
Do you think Gloria’s father would like
to invest a quarter of a million dollars
-不会. -你确定?
in my new picture? No.
Are you sure?
I’m positive, Walter. He’s been approached before.
你知道什么吗? 你听不见的时候更招人喜欢
You know something?
I liked you better before, when you couldn’t hear me.
Hl. Good evening.
I ordered a car, a seat 124.
布莱克本先生,如果填好这些文件, 我就给你拿钥匙
Oh, yes, senor blackburn.
If you’ll complete the papers, I’ll get the keys.
-124型 是正宗的菲亚特的产品 -是的.
A seat 124 is really a fiat.
很不错的小汽车. 可以容纳你的全部行李.
It’s not a bad car. It will hold
all the luggage that you put into it.
-不要跟我说话,不要看着我. -什么?
Don’t talk to me. What?
Don’t look at me.
-发生什么事了? -史蒂夫,
– What’s the matter? – Walter: Hey, Steve-boy!
-那就是原因. -嗨, 沃尔特.婊♥子♥养♥的♥.
That’s what’s the matter.
Hi, Walter.
Son of a bitch.
Boy, you’d think those customs guys would know me by now.
What a mess. Excuse me, miss.
-请再说一遍. -等着,伙计,我可能需要你.
I beg your pardon.
Stand by, pal. I may need you.
我是蒙克斯电影公♥司♥的沃尔特·蒙克斯 我想要部124型汽车.
I’m Walter menkes of menkes films.
I’d like a seat 124.
Woman: I am very sorry, senor. We have not one car left.
Oh. Oh, you got a car.
– Huh? – A car.
-是的. -好的,我可以搭你的顺风车
Oh, yeah.
Good, you can give me a lift.
你可以给他找一辆车. 他是我的朋友.
Oh, you can find him a car. He’s a friend of mine.
怎么出汗了? 你在Los Monteros让我下去吧.
What’s the sweat? You drop me off at los monteros.
-他们有车. -在路上了.
– They’ve got cars. – Listen, it’s right on your way.
-帕蒂和孩子们还等着我呢 -那些车怎么样?
Patty and the kids are waiting.
What about those cars out there?
-是给别人留的. -你肯定还有别的车
They are all reserved, senor.
But you must have something.
我们还有一辆600型的 刚刚返回来的.
We do have a seat 600 that has just been returned,
but I’m a little bit nervous about the clutch.
给他吧 你是什么意思?
He’ll take it. What do you mean?
你知道600型是什么吗? 是玩具车.这么大
Do you know what a 600 is?
Yeah, I know… =it’s a kiddie car.
– It’s this big. – Oh, Walter.
-哦,伙计. -你出去换一下档试试
You got to step outside to shift gears.
You don’t drive it. You mail it.
You put it in the water, it becomes an outboard motor.
好的, 沃尔特.
All right, Walter. You take my car.
你拿我的车. 我拿这个600型.
I’ll take the 600.
-这很蠢. -并不愚蠢.
This is stupid. =it’s not stupid.
It is stupid. I’ll drop you off.
-我们一起很愉快的搭飞机,很愉快的谈话 -这并不好.
We’ll have a nice ride, pleasant talk.
It’s no good, Walter. “Why not?
我要搭一位漂亮女士回来 如果由其他人开车…
I’ve got a trick back. If someone else drives,
-…会很容易发生痉挛的 – 痉挛?
it could easily go right into spasm.
Spasm? Spasm.
你知道的,你是一个耳朵有毛病, 而且痉挛的病人.
You know, you’re a very sick fellow
with the ear and the spasms.
现在是早上2点了. 我还要开两个小时的车. 请你就开这部车吧
Walter, it’s 2:00 in the morning.
I gotta drive two hours. Please take the car.
-我至少可以请你吃顿饭吧? -当然可以.
Can I at least buy you a meal?
Sure. Tonight?
-好的. -晚餐?
Great. Dinner?
-好. -为什么你一个人?
Fine. Why should you be alone?
我们会有一个美好安静的夜晚. 就只有你、我、帕蒂和孩子们
Just you, me, Patty, and the boys.
We’ll have a fun evening.
-晚餐后,我要你看看我的电影剧本. -我期待着.
After dinner, I will read you the screenplay.
Oh, I look forward to it, Walter.
Uh, miss, can I give you a lift?
-我可以搭你一程吗? -谢谢,有人搭我了.
Thank you. I’m being met.
You should go. It sounds like a lot of fun.
What is this?
-我签在哪里? -这儿.
Where do I sign?
-以前坐过这种车吗? -在意大利,当我还又小又矮的时候.
Ever been in one of these?
In Italy when I was younger…
And shorter.
-你能拿着这个吗? -放在我膝盖上,还有其它什么东西?
Can you manage this?
Yeah, on my knee. Anything else?
Well, there’s this.
-谢谢 -谢谢
如果这个离合器有问题的话, 就到马贝拉去换车.
Now, remember, sir, if the clutch
gives you any trouble, you change in mar villa.
I’ll keep it in mind.
-祝你旅途愉快. -再见.
Have a pleasant trip.
Bye-bye. Adios. Thank you.
-谢谢. -一路平安
That’s second. It’s an Italian gearbox.
-谢谢. -不,那是三档.一档在这边.
Oh. Oh, thanks.
No, no, that’s third. First is up here.
