
vt. 绑架;诱拐;使外展




来自拉丁语,来自 ab-(away,离开)+ duct-(拉,牵引,引导)→ 其字面意思就是“将…拉走、拐跑”,故引申为“绑架、诱拐”。同源词:conduct(引导、带领),produce(生产),introduce(介绍、引入)。


abduct“(绑架,诱拐)是一个动词,通常用来指非法或强制性地带走他人,尤其是指绑架未成年人。以下是一些包含单词 “abduct” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. abduct a child(绑架一个孩子)
  2. abduct for ransom(绑架以勒索)
  3. abduct a teenager(绑架一个青少年)
  4. abduct a person(绑架一个人)
  5. abduct a victim(绑架一个受害者)
  6. abduct a girl(绑架一个女孩)
  7. abduct a boy(绑架一个男孩)
  8. abduct a student(绑架一个学生)
  9. abduct for money(为了钱绑架)
  10. abduct a minor(绑架未成年人)
  11. abduct a woman(绑架一个女人)
  12. abduct by force(强行绑架)
  13. abduct and ransom(绑架和勒索)
  14. abduct a young child(绑架一个幼儿)
  15. abduct a baby(绑架一个婴儿)
  16. abduct for political reasons(出于政治原因绑架)
  17. abduct and hold captive(绑架并扣押)
  18. abduct with criminal intent(带有犯罪意图的绑架)
  19. abduct a family member(绑架家庭成员)
  20. abduct with the intention to harm(带有伤害意图的绑架)
  21. abduct and demand ransom(绑架并要求赎金)
  22. abduct a tourist(绑架一个游客)
  23. abduct and threaten(绑架并威胁)
  24. abduct for revenge(出于报复绑架)
  25. abduct and transport across borders(绑架并跨境运输)
  26. abduct a businessman(绑架一个商人)
  27. abduct and isolate(绑架并隔离)
  28. abduct for political leverage(出于政治筹码绑架)
  29. abduct and interrogate(绑架并审问)
  30. abduct with criminal motives(带有犯罪动机的绑架)
  31. abduct and intimidate(绑架并恐吓)
  32. abduct during a conflict(在冲突中绑架)
  33. abduct with the intent to harm(带有伤害意图的绑架)
  34. abduct and hold hostage(绑架并扣押为人质)
  35. abduct from a school(从学校绑架)
  36. abduct with the purpose of control(以控制为目的的绑架)
  37. abduct and extort(绑架并勒索)
  38. abduct and exploit(绑架并剥削)
  39. abduct with criminal objectives(带有犯罪目标的绑架)
  40. abduct and manipulate(绑架并操纵)
  41. abduct during a hostage situation(在人质事件中绑架)
  42. abduct with criminal intentions(带有犯罪意图的绑架)
  43. abduct and abuse(绑架并虐待)
  44. abduct for illegal purposes(出于非法目的绑架)
  45. abduct and coerce(绑架并强迫)
  46. abduct with harmful intent(带有有害意图的绑架)
  47. abduct and exploit for profit(绑架并为了利润而剥削)
  48. abduct with malicious motives(带有恶意动机的绑架)
  49. abduct and sell(绑架并出售)
  50. abduct and traumatize(绑架并造成创伤)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
