
[verb] solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim)
[动词] 郑重放弃(某个信仰、事业或主张)


Abjure 是一个容易与 adjure (恳求、祈求;命令;嘱咐)相混淆的单词。

该词由前缀 ab- (离去)+ jur (发誓)+ e 构成,15世纪初经古法语 abjurer 或者直接由拉丁语 abiurare 进入英语,原指“宣誓放弃异端”,随后泛指“声明放弃、郑重放弃、发誓弃绝”某个信仰、行为、事业、主张、国籍等,常作正式用语使用,意味着一种郑重、坚定且最终的拒绝或放弃,通常是经过宣誓而公开作出的,比如:

  • 他们被迫发誓放弃自己的学说。
    They were compelled to abjure their doctrine.
  • 那个酒鬼声明结束放荡的生活。
    The wine fiend abjured his life of dissipation.


Mr Linton had not only abjured his peevishness (though his spirits seemed still subdued by Catherine’s exuberance of vivacity), but he ventured no objection to her taking Isabella with her to Wuthering Heights in the afternoon.
出自英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的长篇小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)


  • Some abjure the daunting unknowns of action and drown in their tailcoats or beds.
  • He was shooting on 35 mm rather than in large formats; he disdained the tripod, abjured conspicuous lighting.


abjure“(发誓放弃,抵制)是一个动词,通常用来表示公开宣布放弃、弃绝或抵制某种信仰、观点、权利或承诺。以下是一些包含单词 “abjure” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. abjure one’s beliefs(放弃信仰)
  2. abjure violence(抵制暴力)
  3. abjure allegiance(宣布放弃忠诚)
  4. abjure one’s past(弃绝过去)
  5. abjure political ties(断绝政治联系)
  6. abjure religious practices(弃绝宗教实践)
  7. abjure extremism(抵制极端主义)
  8. abjure radical views(放弃激进观点)
  9. abjure personal desires(放弃个人欲望)
  10. abjure all forms of discrimination(抵制一切形式的歧视)
  11. abjure public office(宣布放弃公职)
  12. abjure social norms(抵制社会规范)
  13. abjure old habits(放弃旧习惯)
  14. abjure divisive ideologies(弃绝分裂意识形态)
  15. abjure political affiliations(宣布放弃政治从属关系)
  16. abjure materialism(抵制物质主义)
  17. abjure negative influences(抵制负面影响)
  18. abjure destructive behavior(放弃破坏性行为)
  19. abjure harmful practices(弃绝有害的做法)
  20. abjure authoritarianism(抵制专制主义)
  21. abjure oppressive regimes(弃绝压迫政权)
  22. abjure bad influences(放弃不良影响)
  23. abjure unethical actions(抵制不道德行为)
  24. abjure extremist ideologies(弃绝极端主义观点)
  25. abjure radical beliefs(抵制激进信仰)
  26. abjure harmful substances(弃绝有害物质)
  27. abjure old traditions(放弃古老传统)
  28. abjure cultural norms(抵制文化规范)
  29. abjure outdated practices(弃绝过时的做法)
  30. abjure negative influences(放弃负面影响)
  31. abjure divisive attitudes(抵制分裂态度)
  32. abjure harmful behaviors(弃绝有害行为)
  33. abjure negative thoughts(放弃消极思想)
  34. abjure self-destructive tendencies(抵制自毁倾向)
  35. abjure limiting beliefs(弃绝限制性信念)
  36. abjure destructive patterns(抵制破坏性模式)
  37. abjure dangerous ideologies(放弃危险意识形态)
  38. abjure harmful influences(抵制有害影响)
  39. abjure oppressive practices(弃绝压迫性做法)
  40. abjure extremist views(放弃极端观点)
  41. abjure negative behaviors(抵制负面行为)
  42. abjure toxic relationships(弃绝有毒关系)
  43. abjure harmful habits(放弃有害习惯)
  44. abjure unhealthy attachments(抵制不健康依赖)
  45. abjure harmful ideologies(弃绝有害意识形态)
  46. abjure negative patterns(放弃消极模式)
  47. abjure self-sabotage(抵制自我破坏)
  48. abjure detrimental influences(弃绝有害影响)
  49. abjure limiting mindsets(放弃限制性思维)
  50. abjure self-defeating behaviors(抵制自我败北行为)


renounce: formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession)
relinquish: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up
spurn: reject with disdain or contempt

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
