
vt. 授权;信任;委派;归因于




accredit 认可
前缀ac-同ad-. 词根cred,信任,来自于cor,心,-d同词根don, 给予,见donate.


accredit“(授权,认可,信任)是一个动词,常用来表示授予权力、认可、委任或授信等。以下是一些包含单词 “accredit” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. accredit a school(授权学校)
  2. accredit a program(认可项目)
  3. accredit a university(认可大学)
  4. accredit a course(授权课程)
  5. accredit a laboratory(认可实验室)
  6. accredit a certification(授权认证)
  7. accredit a degree(认可学位)
  8. accredit a hospital(授权医院)
  9. accredit a business(授权企业)
  10. accredit a provider(认可提供者)
  11. accredit a vendor(授权供应商)
  12. accredit a journalist(认可记者)
  13. accredit a representative(委派代表)
  14. accredit a delegate(授权代表)
  15. accredit a diplomat(认可外交官)
  16. accredit a delegate to a conference(授权代表参加会议)
  17. accredit a speaker(授权演讲者)
  18. accredit a delegate to negotiations(授权代表进行谈判)
  19. accredit a representative to negotiations(授权代表进行谈判)
  20. accredit a delegate to a committee(授权代表参加委员会)
  21. accredit a diplomat to a mission(认可外交官参加任务)
  22. accredit a school’s accreditation(授权学校的认证)
  23. accredit a degree program(授权学位项目)
  24. accredit a training institution(认可培训机构)
  25. accredit a trade association(认可行业协会)
  26. accredit a research facility(认可研究机构)
  27. accredit a financial institution(授权金融机构)
  28. accredit a charity organization(认可慈善机构)
  29. accredit a testing center(认可测试中心)
  30. accredit a foreign institution(认可外国机构)
  31. accredit a professional body(授权专业机构)
  32. accredit a museum(认可博物馆)
  33. accredit a government agency(认可政府机构)
  34. accredit a certification body(认可认证机构)
  35. accredit a quality control process(认可质量控制过程)
  36. accredit a training program(认可培训计划)
  37. accredit a specific task(授权特定任务)
  38. accredit a representative to attend a meeting(授权代表参加会议)
  39. accredit a representative to sign documents(授权代表签署文件)
  40. accredit a delegate to vote(授权代表投票)
  41. accredit a certification agency(认可认证机构)
  42. accredit a professional association(授权专业协会)
  43. accredit a product testing lab(认可产品测试实验室)
  44. accredit a medical facility(认可医疗机构)
  45. accredit a trade union(认可工会)
  46. accredit a trade school(授权职业学校)
  47. accredit a research institute(认可研究所)
  48. accredit a scientific journal(认可科学期刊)
  49. accredit a study abroad program(授权留学项目)
  50. accredit a workshop(认可研讨会)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
