
n. 赦免;无罪开释;履行;尽职;(债务等的)清偿



acquittal“(无罪释放,宣告无罪)是一个名词,常用来表示在法律上宣布某人无罪的行为。以下是一些包含单词 “acquittal” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Complete acquittal(完全无罪释放)
  2. Not guilty acquittal(宣告无罪释放)
  3. acquittal of charges(指控的无罪释放)
  4. acquittal due to lack of evidence(因证据不足的无罪释放)
  5. acquittal in a criminal case(刑事案件中的无罪释放)
  6. acquittal by the jury(陪审团宣告的无罪释放)
  7. acquittal after trial(审判后的无罪释放)
  8. acquittal on all counts(所有指控的无罪释放)
  9. acquittal in a high-profile case(备受关注案件中的无罪释放)
  10. acquittal based on reasonable doubt(基于合理怀疑的无罪释放)
  11. acquittal due to lack of witnesses(因证人不足的无罪释放)
  12. acquittal by a unanimous decision(一致决定的无罪释放)
  13. acquittal following an appeal(上诉后的无罪释放)
  14. acquittal in a white-collar crime case(白领犯罪案件中的无罪释放)
  15. acquittal after a retrial(重审后的无罪释放)
  16. acquittal on a technicality(基于技术性问题的无罪释放)
  17. acquittal of high-profile individuals(备受关注人物的无罪释放)
  18. acquittal in a corruption case(腐败案件中的无罪释放)
  19. acquittal following a lengthy trial(经历漫长审判后的无罪释放)
  20. acquittal due to an alibi(因有不在场证明的无罪释放)
  21. acquittal in a self-defense case(正当防卫案件中的无罪释放)
  22. acquittal by a minority decision(少数意见决定的无罪释放)
  23. acquittal of a celebrity defendant(名人被告的无罪释放)
  24. acquittal based on a lack of motive(因缺乏动机的无罪释放)
  25. acquittal of a juvenile offender(未成年犯的无罪释放)
  26. acquittal in a manslaughter case(过失杀人案件中的无罪释放)
  27. acquittal after a mistrial(审判不当后的无罪释放)
  28. acquittal in a drug-related case(毒品相关案件中的无罪释放)
  29. acquittal due to an unreliable witness(因不可靠证人的无罪释放)
  30. acquittal in a sexual assault case(性侵案件中的无罪释放)
  31. acquittal by a judge’s decision(法官决定的无罪释放)
  32. acquittal in a fraud case(欺诈案件中的无罪释放)
  33. acquittal based on mistaken identity(因身份错误的无罪释放)
  34. acquittal of a suspected terrorist(涉嫌恐怖主义者的无罪释放)
  35. acquittal in a domestic violence case(家庭暴力案件中的无罪释放)
  36. acquittal due to improper evidence handling(因证据处理不当的无罪释放)
  37. acquittal in a hate crime case(仇恨犯罪案件中的无罪释放)
  38. acquittal after a thorough investigation(经过彻底调查后的无罪释放)
  39. acquittal in a robbery case(抢劫案件中的无罪释放)
  40. acquittal by a decision of insanity(因精神错乱判决的无罪释放)
  41. acquittal in a kidnapping case(绑架案件中的无罪释放)
  42. acquittal due to a technical error(因技术错误的无罪释放)
  43. acquittal in a child abuse case(虐待儿童案件中的无罪释放)
  44. acquittal following a plea of self-defense(主张正当防卫后的无罪释放)
  45. acquittal in a financial fraud case(金融欺诈案件中的无罪释放)
  46. acquittal after evidence tampering discovered(发现证据篡改后的无罪释放)
  47. acquittal in a public corruption case(公共腐败案件中的无罪释放)
  48. acquittal after a witness recanted testimony(证人撤回证言后的无罪释放)
  49. acquittal in a cybercrime case(网络犯罪案件中的无罪释放)
  50. acquittal due to a lack of proper representation(因缺乏适当代理人的无罪释放)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
