

[noun] a difficult or unpleasant situation
[名词] 困难或不快的情况


Adversity 是一个在形式上容易与 diversity (差异、不同点;多样性、多样化)容易混淆的单词,该词与英语单词 adverse (不利的、有害的、反面的)同源,都是源自拉丁语 adversus (反对、敌对)。

13世纪经古法语 adversite, aversite (逆境、灾难、不幸)进入英语后, adversity 也是指“困境、逆境、厄运”以及经济方面的“窘境”,常用作正式用语指一种严峻且持续的不幸状态,语气较强,比如:

  • 身处逆境时,她从不垂头丧气。但她对权力的贪恋使她与同事们疏远了。
    She was always cheerful in adversity. But her lust for power estranged her from her colleagues.
  • 他们的国家正处在内战的边缘。他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。
    Their country was teetering on the brink of civil war. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.

除了表示不幸状态以外, adversity 也可以用来表示具体的不幸事例,这时常用复数 adversities 表达 “灾祸、苦难、不幸经历”,比如:

  • 他情路坎坷,并克服了多次个人不幸。
    He lurched from one bad relationship to another and overcame many personal adversities.


The Chinese nation is a great nation; it has been through hardships and adversity but remains indomitable. The Chinese people are a great people; they are industrious and brave; and they never pause in the pursuit of progress. The Communist Party of China is a great party; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win.



  • It has been a reminder that adversity often forces societies to advance.
  • America has always been at its best when it has had to overcome adversity and prove its mettle on the world stage.


关于 “adversity” 的详细用法。

“Adversity” 是一个名词,通常用来描述困难、挑战或不幸的情况。这个词强调了面临困难时所需的勇气、坚韧和毅力。

例如,”The team faced many adversities during the season, but still managed to win the championship”,意思是这个团队在赛季中面临了许多困难,但仍然成功赢得了冠军。又如,”She has overcome many adversities in her life, including poverty and illness”,意思是她在生活中克服了许多困难,包括贫困和疾病。

“Adversity” 这个词还可以用来表示一种考验或挑战,通常是在困难、危险或压力的情况下。例如,”The team’s loss was an adversity they had to face and overcome”,意思是这个团队的失败是他们必须面对和克服的一种考验。又如,”The pandemic has presented many adversities for people around the world”,意思是全球范围内的疫情给人们带来了许多考验和挑战。

此外,”adversity” 这个词还可以用来描述在逆境中的表现或反应。例如,”Her response to adversity was to work harder and never give up”,意思是她对逆境的反应是更加努力地工作,永不放弃。

总之,”adversity” 这个词通常用来描述困难、挑战或不幸的情况。它强调了面临困难时所需的勇气、坚韧和毅力,并表示一种考验或挑战。它还可以用来描述在逆境中的表现或反应。


关于 “adversity” 的相关短语。以下是一些常见的短语,附上对应的中文解释:

  1. face adversity – 面对逆境
  2. overcome adversity – 克服逆境
  3. rise above adversity – 越过逆境
  4. triumph over adversity – 击败逆境
  5. adversity and challenge – 逆境和挑战
  6. adversity breeds opportunity – 逆境造就机会
  7. adversity brings strength – 逆境带来力量
  8. adversity tests character – 逆境考验品格
  9. bounce back from adversity – 从逆境中弹回
  10. cope with adversity – 应对逆境
  11. endure adversity – 忍受逆境
  12. face adversity with courage – 勇敢地面对逆境
  13. grow through adversity – 从逆境中成长
  14. learn from adversity – 从逆境中汲取教训
  15. overcome adversity through perseverance – 通过坚持克服逆境
  16. overcome adversity with resilience – 坚韧地克服逆境
  17. persevere through adversity – 在逆境中坚持不懈
  18. resilience in adversity – 逆境中的韧性
  19. rise to the challenge of adversity – 应对逆境的挑战
  20. stand strong in adversity – 在逆境中坚强
  21. strength in adversity – 逆境中的力量
  22. struggle with adversity – 与逆境搏斗
  23. survive adversity – 在逆境中生存
  24. thrive in adversity – 在逆境中茁壮成长
  25. turn adversity into opportunity – 将逆境化为机会
  26. weather adversity – 应对逆境
  27. when faced with adversity – 面对逆境时
  28. work through adversity – 在逆境中努力工作
  29. worst adversity – 最严重的逆境
  30. bear adversity with grace – 以优雅的方式承受逆境

总之,”adversity” 这个词通常用来描述困难、挑战或不幸的情况。常见的短语包括 “face adversity”, “overcome adversity”, “rise above adversity”, “triumph over adversity”, “adversity and challenge” 等,这些短语强调了在逆境中如何应对和克服困难。其他短语如 “adversity brings strength”, “adversity tests character”, “bounce back from adversity”, “grow through adversity” 等则强调了逆境如何影响和塑造我们的品格和人生。


distress: difficulty caused by lack of money
misfortune: an unfortunate condition or event
mishap: an unlucky accident

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
