

[verb] (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely
[动词] (指问题或疾病)引起疼痛或麻烦;不利地影响


Afflict 是一个与 inflict (使遭受打击、使吃苦头)容易混淆的单词,两者同词根 flict (打击)。其中前者由前缀 af- (加强)+ 词根 flict 构成,源自拉丁语 afflictare (破坏、骚扰、折磨),14世纪末进入英语后原指“使沮丧”,等到了16世纪30年代后开始演变为今义“折磨、使痛苦”,常作正式用语使用,多指疼痛、疾病、问题、缺陷、麻烦、灾难等严重地影响人,并使之痛苦不堪,比如:

  • 患这种偶发病的女性多于男性。
    The sporadic disease afflicts women more than men.
  • 过去几十年来他们的国家一直饱受政治腐败之苦。但与过去形成鲜明对比的是,现在他们定期举行选举,其中毫无腐败或暴力的成分。
    Their country had been afflicted by political corruption for decades. But in stark contrast to the past, now they regularly hold elections without a whiff of corruption or violence.

与之对应的名词 affliction 也是常作正式用语表示“折磨、痛苦”以及“苦事、苦恼的事由”,强调对人耐力的挑战,比如莎士比亚创作的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)中就有一句名句用到:

Affliction is enamoured of thy parts,
And thou art wedded to calamity.


Gibelotte, tall, delicate, white with a lymphatic pallor, with circles round her eyes, and drooping lids, always languid and weary, afflicted with what may be called chronic lassitude, the first up in the house and the last in bed, waited on every one, even the other maid, silently and gently, smiling through her fatigue with a vague and sleepy smile.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。


  • It is the opposite of the myopic thinking that is often said to afflict politics.
  • The tip-off is Beard, who’s endowed by his creator with precisely the vices — apathy, slothfulness, gluttony and hypocrisy — that afflict the society the book condemns, threatening to cook the human race in the heat-­trapping gases released by its own arrogance.


详细解释关于 “afflict” 的用法。

作为动词,”afflict” 意为使某人遭受痛苦、疾病、不幸或不利的情况。例如,”The region was afflicted by a severe drought”,意思是该地区受到了严重的干旱困扰。

“afflict” 这个词也可以用于形容某种疾病或不适。例如,”The disease is known to afflict the elderly”,意思是这种疾病常见于老年人。

除此之外,”afflict” 这个词也可以用来描述某人的心情或情感状态。例如,”He was afflicted by a sense of guilt”,意思是他感到内疚。

在常用短语方面,”afflict with” 是一个常用短语,意思是使某人遭受某种疾病或痛苦。例如,”The country was afflicted with a severe epidemic”,意思是该国受到了严重的流行病困扰。

总之,”afflict” 这个词可以用作动词,用于描述使某人遭受痛苦、疾病、不幸或不利的情况,或形容某种疾病或不适。此外,”afflict with” 是一个常用短语,表示使某人遭受某种疾病或痛苦。


  1. Afflict with pain – 使痛苦:使某人遭受疼痛或不适。
  2. Afflict with a disease – 患病:使某人患上疾病。
  3. Afflict with sorrow – 使悲伤:使某人陷入悲伤或忧愁之中。
  4. Afflict with poverty – 使贫困:使某人陷入贫困或经济困难。
  5. Afflict with anxiety – 使焦虑:使某人感到焦虑或担忧。
  6. Afflict with guilt – 使感到内疚:使某人感到内疚或自责。
  7. Afflict with insomnia – 使失眠:使某人遭受失眠的困扰。
  8. Afflict with addiction – 使上瘾:使某人陷入成瘾的状态。
  9. Afflict with loneliness – 使孤独:使某人感到孤独或孤立。
  10. Afflict with a curse – 受诅咒:受到某种不幸或诅咒的困扰。
  11. Afflict with disappointment – 使失望:使某人感到失望或沮丧。
  12. Afflict with fear – 使恐惧:使某人感到恐惧或害怕。
  13. Afflict with doubt – 使怀疑:使某人产生怀疑或不确定。
  14. Afflict with shame – 使感到羞耻:使某人感到羞耻或尴尬。
  15. Afflict with a curse – 受咒骂:遭受咒骂或不幸的困扰。
  16. Afflict with a disability – 使残疾:使某人患有残疾或缺陷。
  17. Afflict with a loss – 遭受损失:遭受某种损失或剥夺。
  18. Afflict with a burden – 使负担:使某人承受负担或重压。
  19. Afflict with a curse – 受诅咒:受到某种不幸或诅咒的困扰。
  20. Afflict with a setback – 遭遇挫折:遭受挫折或失败的打击。
  21. Afflict with grief – 使悲伤:使某人陷入悲痛或哀伤之中。
  22. Afflict with a plague – 受瘟疫折磨:遭受瘟疫或流行病的困扰。


beset: (of a problem or difficulty) trouble or threaten persistently
torment: cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering
rack: cause extreme pain, anguish, or distress to

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
