
adv. 搁浅地;地面上
adj. 搁浅的;地面上的



aground” 是一个副词,指的是船只或船只的一部分因触及底部而搁浅。它还可以用来描述其他物体接触地面或底部的状态。

  1. Run aground – 搁浅
  2. Ship aground – 船只搁浅
  3. Be aground – 搁浅
  4. Get aground – 搁浅
  5. Vessel aground – 船只搁浅
  6. Boat aground – 船只搁浅
  7. Run the ship aground – 使船只搁浅
  8. Run aground on a sandbar – 在沙洲上搁浅
  9. Run aground on a reef – 在礁石上搁浅
  10. Go aground – 搁浅
  11. Yacht aground – 游艇搁浅
  12. Be aground in shallow water – 在浅水中搁浅
  13. Leave the ship aground – 离开搁浅的船只
  14. Get the boat aground – 使船只搁浅
  15. Ground the vessel – 使船只搁浅
  16. The ship ran aground – 船只搁浅了
  17. The boat is aground – 船只搁浅了
  18. The ship went aground – 船只搁浅了
  19. The yacht got aground – 游艇搁浅了
  20. The vessel was aground – 船只搁浅了
  21. The boat ran aground on a sandbar – 船只在沙洲上搁浅了
  22. The ship hit a reef and went aground – 船只撞到了礁石,搁浅了
  23. The yacht was aground in shallow water – 游艇在浅水中搁浅了
  24. The vessel got aground on a reef – 船只在礁石上搁浅了
  25. The boat ran aground due to low tide – 船只因为低潮而搁浅了
  26. The ship was aground for several hours – 船只搁浅了几个小时
  27. The boat got aground during a storm – 船只在暴风雨中搁浅了
  28. The vessel remained aground until high tide – 船只一直搁浅,直到涨潮
  29. The ship was stuck aground – 船只被困在搁浅的位置
  30. The boat ended up aground on a sandbank – 船只最终搁浅在沙滩上
  31. The yacht got aground in a remote area – 游艇在偏远地区搁浅了
  32. The vessel went aground off the coast – 船只在海岸外搁浅了
  33. The ship got aground in shallow waters – 船只在浅水中搁浅了
  34. The boat became aground on a mudflat – 船只在泥滩上搁浅了
  35. The ship got aground while entering the harbor – 船只在进入港口时搁浅了
  36. The yacht got aground on a hidden rock – 游艇在隐蔽的礁石上搁浅了
  37. The vessel ran aground due to navigational error – 船只因为导航错误搁浅了
  38. The boat was aground on a sandy shore – 船只搁浅在沙滩上
  39. The ship hit the shore and went aground – 船只撞到岸上,搁浅了
  40. The yacht got aground near a small island – 游艇在小岛附近搁浅了
  41. The vessel got aground during a strong current – 船只在强流中搁浅了
  42. The boat was aground in a remote cove – 船只在偏远的海湾搁浅了
  43. The ship ran aground during a heavy fog – 船只在浓雾中搁浅了
  44. The boat got aground on a rocky bottom – 船只在岩石底部搁浅了
  45. The yacht ended up aground on a sand shoal – 游艇最终搁浅在沙洲上
  46. The vessel was aground after losing power – 船只因为失去动力而搁浅了
  47. The ship became aground near a lighthouse – 船只在灯塔附近搁浅了
  48. The boat was aground due to adverse weather – 船只因为恶劣的天气而搁浅了
  49. The yacht got aground on a shallow reef – 游艇在浅礁石上搁浅了
  50. The vessel was aground for a short time – 船只短暂搁浅了
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
