That dude’s got no brains, anyhow.
Let Captain Oveur’s wife know what’s going on.
This weather bulletin just came off the wire.
– What can you make out of this? – This?
我可以用来做帽子 胸针或无尾飞机…
I can make a hat or a brooch or pterodactyl…
– Hello? – Mrs Oveur?
对 我是奥维尔太太
Yes, this is Mrs Oveur.
我是机场的艾迪·马西亚斯 你丈夫的航机遇上麻烦
This is Ed Macias at the airport. There’s trouble on your husband’s flight.
We don’t know how serious it is,
but Steve McCroskey thought you’d want to come over.
好 我立即来
Yes. I’ll be right down.
我得往机场 你由后门走吧
I’ve got to go to the airport. You can let yourself out the back door.
There’s juice in the refrigerator.
医生说病人情况转坏 我们时间无多了
Doctor says the sick people are getting worse. We’re running out of time.
I’ve got to concentrate.
I’ve got to concentrate.
Pinch hitting for Pedro Bourbone,
Manny Mota.
-老婆 怎么了?u3000-杰克 我很热 像被火烧
– How you doing, honey? – Jack, I’m so hot, I’m burning up.
I’ll turn on some air.
– What’s going on? – Close the window!
乘客开始恐慌 何时可以降落?
Chicago, the passengers are panicking. When do we start down?
还未可以 你该快进入雷达范围了
Not yet. You’ll be in radar range any second now.
They should have been in range 10 minutes ago.
冈德森 再查看雷达 有何发现?
Gunderson, check the radar range. Anything yet?
尚要两分钟 头儿
About two more minutes, chief.
– They could be miles off course. – Impossible! They’re on instruments.
This is going to be a real sweat.
冈德森 有最新消息就通知我
Gunderson, let me know when you get anything.
-有香烟吗 奈尔斯?u3000-我再也受不了
– Got a cigarette, Nels? – I can’t take much more of this.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.
-喝点咖啡吗?u3000-不用 谢谢
– How about some more coffee? – No, thanks.
These reporters want a statement.
– How much longer can they hold out? – 30, 45 minutes.
– Who’s flying the plane? – A passenger.
他是一名富经验的空军机师 不用担心 你来吧
He’s an experienced air-force pilot. No cause for alarm. Take over.
– What kind of plane? – It’s a big, pretty white plane
有红色条子 窗帘 轮子 就像一架大模型
with red stripes, curtains and wheels. It looks like a big Tylenol.
好 拿些照片吧!
OK, boys. Let’s get some pictures.
(男孩被困在冰箱 吃掉自己的脚)
最新消息 那航机飞往芝加哥
This bulletinjust handed to me. Stricken airliner approaching Chicago.
Shana, they bought their tickets.
They knew what they were getting into.
I say, let them crash!
– Would you like some whisky, ma’am? – Certainly not!
How are the passengers?
我不会骗你 我们时间无多了
I won’t deceive you, Mr Striker. We’re running out of time.
– Surely, there’s something you can do. – I’m doing everything I can…
and stop calling me Shirley.
兰迪 你没事吧?
Randy, are you all right?
Oh, Dr Rumack.
我很害怕 从没这般害怕
I’m scared. I’ve never been so scared…
而且我26岁了 还未结婚
And besides, I’m 26 and I’m not married.
我们定会成功的 你定要相信
We’re going to make it. You’ve got to believe that.
雷姆克医生 知否我们何时着陆?
Dr Rumack, do you have any idea when we’ll be landing?
快了 你觉得怎样?
Pretty soon. How are you bearing up?
坦白说 我从来没那么惊慌过
To be honest, I’ve never been so scared,
but at least I have a husband.
保持队形 目标就在前面
Stay in formation. Target’sjust ahead.
若飞得够低 该能看清楚目标
Target should be clear if you go in low enough.
You’ll have to decide. You’ll have to decide.
You’ll have to decide.
保持队形 目标就在前面
Stay in formation. Target’sjust ahead.
若飞得够低 该看清楚目标
Target should be clear if you go in low enough.
You’ll have to decide. You’ll have to decide.
You’ll have to decide.
Oh, rats! Lost number four.
What happened? What went wrong?
I forgot to check the oil pressure.
若给克雷默知道 定给他臭骂
When Kramer hears about this, the shit’s going to hit the fan.
早叫他检查油压 他怎么了?
I told him to watch that oil temperature. What’s he doing?
史泰克 飞机无法自行降落
Stiker, that plane can’t land itself.
这不是他的错 任何机师都可能会这样
Ease off. It’s not his fault. It could happen to any pilot.
It happened to Barbara Stanwyck.
别逼得他太紧 他可能会崩溃
Can’t push him too hard. Might break. Remember who you’re dealing with.
尼克 彼得 谢利 紧急状态
Nick, Pete, Jerry, there’s a fire in the barn.
他说得对 我应付不了压力
He’s right. I can’t take the pressure.
我以为可以令飞机降落 实在妄想
I was crazy to think I could land this plane.
-泰德 只有你…u3000-我不管 我没有这个能力
– But, Ted, you’re the only… – I don’t care. I don’t have what it takes.
They’d be better off with someone who’s never flown before.
坏消息 雾越来越浓
Bad news. Fog’s getting thicker.
And Leon’s getting larger.
我知道你想说什么 省口气吧
I know what you’re going to say, so save your breath.
Well, I don’t have a thing to say.
You’ve done the best you could.
真的 你已尽了力
You really have. The best you could.
We can’t expect to win them all.
I want to tell you something I’ve kept to myself through these years.
I was in the war. Medical corps.
One night, they brought in a badly wounded pilot from a raid.
He could barely talk.
He looked up at me, he said,
“我们形势不利 但还是勇往直前”
“The odds were against us up there, but we went in anyway.
“I’m glad. Captain made the right decision.”
The pilot’s name was George Zip.
George Zip said that?
他最后对我说: “医生…”
The last thing he said to me, “Doc,” he said, “Sometime…
“…the crew is up against it.
“The breaks are beating the boys.
“Tell them to give it all they’ve got
“and win just one for the Zipper.
“I don’t know where I’ll be then,” he said…
“but I won’t smell too good, that’s for sure.”
医生 失陪
Excuse me, Doc.
I’ve got a plane to land.
留在上空 待大雾消散才降落
You’d better stay up there a bit. When the fog lifts, we’ll bring you in.
让我来 伊莱恩
I’ll take it, Elaine.
听着 雷姆克医生说病人情况危殆
Listen, Dr Rumack says the sick people are in critical condition.
每分每秒都很重要 要现在降落了
Every minute counts. We’ve got to land now.
别傻了 你也知道这样降落结果会如何
Don’t be a fool, Striker. You know what a landing like this means.
I’m ordering you to stay up there!
No dice, Chicago.
现在由我话事 我们要降落了
I’m giving the orders, and we’re coming in.
I guess the foot’s on the other hand now.
这样大雾 他是不会成功的
He’ll never make it in this soup.
But it’s his ship now. He’s in charge.
他是老板 上头 首领…
He’s the boss, head man, top dog,
-领袖 老大…u3000-上尉 看!
– big cheese, head honcho… – Captain, look at this!
“Passengers certain to die.”
“Airline negligent.”
There’s a sale at Penny’s!
我要三人往控制塔 你纽鲍尔 你马西亚斯
I’ll need three men up in the tower. You, Neubauer, you, Macias.
还有我 “大树”约翰
Me John. Big tree.
史泰克 我们准备往控制塔 祝你好运
Striker, we’re going to the tower. Good luck.
– We’re going to the tower. – The tower! The tower!
Rapunzel! Rapunzel!
小姐 尚有多久才降落?
Stewardess, how soon till we land?
快了 别担心
