It won’t be long now. Try not to worry.
我们准备好了 麦考罗斯基机长 这是罗伯茨机长
We’re all ready, sir. Captain McCroskey, this is Captain Roberts.
克雷默上尉 科洛西莫机长 欣肖机长 冈茨机长
Captain Kramer, Captain Colosimo. Captain Hinshaw, Captain Gantz.
克雷默上尉 冈茨机长 欣肖机长 罗伯茨机长
Captain Kramer, Captain Gantz. Captain Hinshaw, Captain Roberts.
克雷默上尉 科洛西莫机长 欣肖机长 冈茨机长
Captain Kramer, Captain Colosimo. Captain Hinshaw, Captain Gantz.
罗伯茨 看看航♥空♥交通
Roberts, check air traffic.
拿出手指来 很脏的
Get that finger out of your ear. You don’t know where it’s been.
-史蒂夫!u3000-有香烟吗 奈尔斯?
– Steve! – Got a cigarette, Nels?
琳达 你的丈夫和其他人仍活着 但昏迷了
Linda, your husband and the others are alive but unconscious.
Just like Gerald Ford.
我们有机会救他们 如果史泰克及时降落的话
There’s a chance we can save them if Striker lands that plane in time.
– That isn’t much of a chance, is it? – I don’t know.
我们已尽了力 失陪
We’re doing everything we can. Now excuse me.
Where did you get that dress? It’s awful!
还有这对鞋和大衣 天啊!
And those shoes and that coat! Geez!
八哩 转右往044
8 miles. Turn right to heading 044.
我们现在于二千英尺上空 开始降落
We’re now at 2,000 feet beginning our descent.
– Pour every light onto that field. – It’s being done.
Tower to all emergency vehicles, runway is niner.
机场汽车 一 二号♥准备
Airport vehicles, take positions one and two.
平民器材 三号♥
Civilian equipment, number three.
空军 四 五号♥
Air force, positions four and five.
All ambulances go to number three.
以色列航机 请驶离跑道
Air Israel, please clear the runway.
In a moment, we’ll ask you to assume crash positions.
Life jackets are under your seat.
套上去 我一声令下就拉右面的绳子
Place it over your head. When I give the word, pull the cord on the right side flap.
Your seat cushions are also equipped with a flotation device.
WZAZ in Chicago, where disco lives forever.
Your altitude’s too erratic.
不能降落 你尚有两小时的燃料
You can’t come straight in. You’ve got enough fuel for two hours.
让我来 伊莱恩 你听着 克雷默
I’ll take it, Elaine. Listen to me, Kramer.
We have people up here who will die in less than an hour.
我或会令飞机损毁 但我可以成功降落的
I may bend your airplane, but I’ll get it down.
I’m putting the landing gear down.
– The passengers are ready. – Thanks, Randy.
You better leave, sweetheart. You might get hurt up here.
– Ted… – Yes?
I wanted you to know… now…
I’m very proud.
告诉他们降落架已放下 我们准备降落
Tell them the gear is down and we’re ready to land.
降落架已放下 我们准备降落
The gear is down, and we’re ready to land.
好 已进入最后阶段 只亮起九号♥跑道的灯
All right. He’s on final now. Put out all runway lights except niner.
上尉 我们或许该亮起搜索灯
Captain, maybe we ought to turn on the searchlights now.

That’s just what they’ll be expecting us to do.
祝你们好运 我们全看你们了
I want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.
小心听着 在三百英尺高度 你便会见到跑道
Now listen carefully. You’ll see the runway at 300 feet.
在跑道三分一位置时着陆 有微风 准备好
Aim to touch down a third of the way. A slight cross wind, so be ready.
若着陆得太快 用紧急煞掣 即右前方的红色手掣
If you land too fast, use your emergency brakes. Red handle’s right in front.
If that doesn’t stop you…
If that doesn’t stop you, cut the four ignition switches.
Can you see us now? You should be able to see the field.
-外面很平静u3000-对 太平静了
– Sure is quiet out there. – Yeah, too quiet.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
There it is.
There he is!
– You’re coming in too fast. – I know, I know!
He knows, he knows!
现在低于七百英尺 仍在下降
Below 700 now. Still going down.
675英尺 650英尺 625英尺 稳住了
675, 650, 625, he’s holding.
不 正下降
No, he’s down, he’s down.
Sound your alarm now.
Now, everybody, get in crash positions.
Put down 30 degrees of flap.
听着 煞掣 按钮 准备
Listen to me. Remember your brakes and switches. Get ready to flare it out!
他一时在九百英尺 一时在一千三百英尺 真是笨蛋
He’s all over the place. 900 up to 1,300 feet. What an asshole.
靠左 风门翼更加偏侧
More left rudder. Put down more flap.
Just kidding!
史泰克 升起机头 伸直机翼
Striker, lift your nose. Straighten your wings.
太快了 留意速度
Coming in too fast. Watch your speed.
He’s coming right at us!
太快了 减慢速度
Coming in too hot. Ease up on the throttle.
留意风向 左翼倾侧
Watch out for that cross wind. Level it out. Dip your left wing.
你偏离了航道 望着跑道末端
You’re drifting. Keep your eyes on the far end of the runway.
太低了 糟糕!
You’re too low, damn it!
Watch your stall speed.
Flare it out!
慢慢让它着陆 着陆吧!
Ease her down. Down!
The brake! Pull the red handle!
祝你俩好运 我们全看你们了
I want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Flight 209 now arriving at gate eight.
Gate nine.
Gate ten.
Pull out of it! Push that button!
十三号♥闸 十四号♥闸
Gate 13… Gate 14.
Gate 15…
Auntie Em! Toto! It’s a twister!
23号♥闸 24号♥闸 25号♥闸…
Gate 23, 24, 25…
祝你俩好运 我们全看你们了
I want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.
-史泰克 你没事吧?u3000-我们没事
– Striker, are you all right? – Yeah. We’re OK.
That was probably the lousiest landing in the history of this airport.
但我们有好些人 特别是我
But some of us, particularly me,
would like to buy you a drink and shake your hand.
泰德 当遇上困难…
And, Ted, when the going got rough…
Have a nice day. OK.
祝你愉快 多谢乘搭本班航机
Have a nice day and thank you for flying TransAmerican.
寂寞是底线 儿时我从不快乐
Loneliness, that’s the bottom line. I was never happy as a child.
Christmas, what does that mean to you? Mine was a living hell.
你知否掉在泥泞上 被铁靴踢头…
Do you know what it’s like to fall in the mud and get kicked in the head
by an iron boot?
当然不知道 因从没发生 抱歉 这条问题真笨
Of course not. It never happens. Sorry. That’s a dumb question. Skip that.
There you go. Have a nice day.
泰德 你实在很出色
Municipal bonds, Ted. I’m talking double “A” rating.
Best investment in America.

Well, I’ll give him another 20 minutes, but that’s it.
