你必须得闪躲 不能那么待着
Got to dance. You can’t come out there like that.
-你不能退缩 -你得尊重那个人
-You can’t back up. -You got to respect the man.
你为什么待在台边的绳圈上 你想和我说什么吗
What is with the ropes? Something going on you wanna talk to me about?
告诉我你怎么想的 你怎么回事
Tell me what’s going on with you. What are you doing?
对他用刺拳 然后离开他 不停闪躲
Put the jab on him. You got to let him go and dance.
不能让他把你逼到角落里去 他会把你打出拳台的
Don’t let him get in your corner. He’s tying to cut the ring off you.
他想把你打出拳台 你不能让这发生
He’s tying to cut you off the ring. You can’t let that happen.
Just take care of it!
铃♥声♥响了 拳手们又回到了拳台当中
And there’s the bell. The fighters meet in mid-ring.
Get off the ropes!
Stay off the ropes!
Foreman again pushing him against the ropes.
阿里身体后倾 用体侧承受那些拳头
And Ali laying back, fighting those blows against the sides of his body.
到台中心去 阿里
Get back in the middle of the ring, Ali!
穆♥罕♥默♥德♥ 离开绳圈
Muhammad, get off the ropes!
你打拳像个女人 乔治 你打拳像个女人
You’re punching like a sissy, George. Punching like a sissy.
这到底怎么回事 我说
What the hell’s going on? Come on.
乔治 继续打 怎么回事
George, get him back. What the hell’s going on? Come on.
You got to get off the ropes!
Get off the ropes!
还有八个回合呢 没劲啦 大块头
Eight rounds to go. Running out of gas, big fella?
Let him go.
Can’t let you get that second wind
which you don’t even know is there for you.
你想要冠军的称号♥ 想要戴重量级拳王的王冠
You want the title? Want to wear the heavyweight crown?
鼻子被打破 手被打残 脸被打肿
Nose broke, jaw smashed, face busted in.
这些你都做好准备了 是吗
You ready for that? Is that you?
‘Cause you facing a man who will die before he lets you win.
阿里 你不能让他那么打
Ali, don’t let him beat on you on the inside.
阿里 你不能让他那么打
Don’t let him beat on you on the inside.
加油 阿里
Come on, Ali.
Let’s go, Ali.
上啊 离开绳圈
Let’s go, baby! Stay off the ropes!
Get off the ropes!
就这样 在他面前晃
There it is. Keep ’em in his face.
哦 你没打中他 乔治
Oh, you missed him, George!
你得继续这么干 阿里
You gotta go to work on him, Ali!
我以为你会打拳 乔治 他们也说你会
I thought you could punch, George. They said you could punch.
加油 阿里
Come on, Ali!
离开绳圈 离开绳圈
Get away from the rope! Get off the rope!
He got him!
绕开他 打他
Move him around! Take him!
加油 阿里
Come on, Ali!
离开绳圈 离开绳圈
Get off the ropes! Get off the ropes!
Get off the ropes!
George Foreman is hit by a combination of punches…
and down he goes!
George Foreman is down!
He’s fallen like a tree in the forest!
He is felled by a combination of blows from Muhammad Ali!
好 比赛结束了 结束了
Okay, this fight’s over! This fight’s over!
我告诉过你 我告诉过你
I told you! I told you!
裁判扎克·克雷顿正在计数 七 八
Referee Zack Clayton is counting. Seven, eight!
他还在跪着 结束了
And he’s on his knee. It is over!
结束了 结束了
It is over! It is over!
It is over!
穆♥罕♥默♥德♥·阿里击倒乔治·弗里曼 获得比赛的胜利
George Foreman has been knocked out by Muhammad Ali!
Muhammad Ali has done the impossible!
He has regained the heavyweight crown…
这一称号♥是在1967年从他身上 不公正的夺走的
that was taken unjustly from him in 1967.
What a moment of history in this arena
就在这里 非洲扎伊尔
in Zaire, Africa!
A tremendous, tremendous moment.
阿里和贝琳达于1976年离婚 他随后在1977年维萝妮卡·保时捷结婚
1986年他和早已认识的隆妮·威廉姆丝结婚 他们随后定居于密歇根州
在1978年阿里失去了拳王的称号♥ 但同一年他又夺回了该称号♥
