这些话我只对你一个人说 除了洛伊 我之外
You’re the only one who knows, except Lloyd and me.
– 还有凯伦 – 她并不知情
– And Karen. – She doesn’t know.
– 她就是因为太了解所以才没来 – 但她并不知道
– She knows enough not to be here. – But not all of it.
– 我将与洛伊结婚的事 – 我懂
– Not that Lloyd and I are gonna be married. – I see.
And when was this unholy alliance joined?
前天晚上 我们来这儿之前决定的
We decided night before last, before we came up here.
I trust the setting was properly romantic.
微微的烛光 吉普赛小提琴
Lights on dimmers and gypsy violins offstage.
The setting wasn’t romantic,
but Lloyd was.
He woke me up at three o’clock in the morning, banging on my door.
他说彻夜难眠 他已离开凯伦
He couldn’t sleep, he said. He’d left Karen.
还说除非我答应嫁给他 否则他什么事都做不成
Couldn’t go on with the play or anything else until I promised to marry him.
We sat and talked until it was light.
He never went home.
– 你们一直谈到天明?- 我们坐着谈着 艾迪森
– You sat and talked until it was light? – We sat and talked, Addison.
是的 我要和他结婚
I want a run-of-the-play contract.
There never was, and there never will be, another like you.
说话呀 随便说什么都可以
Well, say something. Anything.
恭喜你了 干得好 夏娃
Congratulations. Skol. Good work, Eve.
What do you take me for?
I don’t know that I “take you” for anything.
Is it possible that you’ve confused me
with those backward children you’ve played tricks on?
你对我有所企图 就像对他们一样?
That you have the same contempt for me as for them?
我相信你这番话有弦外之音 但我听不出来
I’m sure you mean something, but I don’t know what.
仔细听好 夏娃 这一回你非听出来不可
Look closely, Eve. It’s time you did.
I am Addison DeWitt.
I’m nobody’s fool, least of all yours.
I never intended you to be.
你一向如此 现在更是如此
Yes, you did, and you still do.
I don’t know what you mean.
但现在我要睡一会儿了 现在睡一觉对我很重要
But I want to take my nap. It’s important…
我们谈一谈才是当务之急 杀手对杀手
It’s important that we talk, killer to killer.
Champion to champion.
你不配当高手 你还有待琢磨
Not with me, you’re no champion. You’re stepping up.
艾迪森 请你直话直说然后出去
Please say what you have to say, plainly and distinctly,
and then let me take my nap.
行 直话直说 尽管我认为没这个必要
Very well. Although it’s unnecessary,
because you know what I’m going to say.
或许洛伊会离开凯伦 但他绝不会因你而离开她
Lloyd may leave Karen, but he will not leave Karen for you.
– 你这句话是什么意思?- 要我说得更直接了当?
– What do you mean by that? – More plainly and more distinctly?
我并不想到新哈芬看你的新戏 讨论你的梦想
I have not come to New Haven to see the play, discuss your dreams,
or pull the ivy from the walls of Yale.
我是来告诉你 你不可能和洛伊或其他人结婚
I came to tell you that you will not marry Lloyd, or anyone else,
because I will not permit it.
– 我的婚事与你何干?- 一切
– What have you got to do with it? – Everything.
因为今晚起 你是属于我的
Because after tonight you will belong to me.
Belong? To you?
I can’t believe my ears.
A dull cliché.
“Belong” to you?
这好像出自于 古老的情节剧之中的对白
That sounds medieval. Something out of an old melodrama.
So does the history of the world for the past 20 years.
我并不喜欢 如此直接了当告诉你
I don’t enjoy putting it this bluntly.
老实说 我一直希望你早已明白 希望你认为
I’d hoped that you would have taken it for granted that you and I…
“Taken it for granted?”
“That you and I…?”
切记 在你有生之年 绝不能笑我
Now remember, as long as you live, never to laugh at me.
你可以嘲笑其他的一切 但绝不能嘲笑我
At anything or anyone else, but never at me.
– 滚出去 – 真是不懂待客之道
– Get out. – You’re too short for that gesture.
另外 和费丝凯夫人一起出去
Besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske.
如果你不出去 我就叫人把你轰出去
Then if you won’t get out, I’ll have you thrown out.
别拿起电♥话♥ 连碰都不要碰
Don’t pick up that phone. Don’t even touch it.
有股力量叫你乖乖听我的话 对不对?
Something told you to do what I said, didn’t it?
That instinct is worth millions.
是用金钱买♥♥不到的 珍惜它吧 夏娃
You can’t buy it, Eve. Cherish it.
警报响起时 就赶紧就战斗位置吧
When that alarm goes off, go to your battle stations.
To begin with, your name is not Eve Harrington.
It’s Gertrude Slescynski.
What of it?
他们想知道你人在何方 过得好不好
They would like to know how you are.
They haven’t heard from you for three years.
What of it?
我同意这是一个 人之互见的问题
A matter of opinion, granted.
It’s also true you worked in a brewery.
But life there was not as dull as you pictured it.
其实 你的生活愈来愈多采多姿
It got less and less dull,
until your boss’s wife had your boss followed by detectives.
She never proved a thing!
But the $500 you got to get out of town
你直接来到纽约 对不对?
brought you straight to New York, didn’t it?
她给五百元叫你离开后 你直接来到纽约 对不对?
That $500 brought you straight to New York.
她骗人 她是个骗子
She was a liar. She was a liar!
回答我的问题 她是不是拿钱叫你离开?
Answer my question. Weren’t you paid to get out of town?
根本没有艾迪这个人 没有空军飞行员
There was no Eddie, no pilot.
You’ve never been married.
这不只是谎言 更是对死去的英雄
That was not only a lie, it was an insult to dead heroes
and the women who loved them.
San Francisco has no Shubert Theatre.
You’ve never been to San Francisco.
这是个漏洞百出的谎言 不值得你铤而走险
That was a stupid lie, easy to expose, not worthy of you.
I had to get in to meet Margo.
我必须成为大人物 必须让她喜欢我
I had to say something, be somebody. Make her like me!
她的确很喜欢你 她信任你 帮助你
She did like you. She helped and trusted you.
– 而你竟以抢走比尔做为回报 – 这不是真的
– You repaid her by trying to win Bill. – That’s not true!
I was there.
我在更衣室的门外 看见并听见你们的谈话
I saw you and heard you through the dressing-room door.
You used my name to blackmail Karen
into getting you the part of Cora.
– 而你一直对我隐瞒这件事 – 不…
– You lied to me about it. – No!
I had lunch with Karen not three hours ago.
我常跟这种一听到传闻 就想追根究底的女人吃饭
As always with women who try to find out things, she told more than she learnt.
Now do you want to change your story
about Lloyd beating at your door that night?
Please, please.
我竟然在这最不可能的时刻 突然感觉需要你
That I should want you at all suddenly strikes me as the height of improbability.
But that in itself is probably the reason.
你真是个奇人 我也是 这是我们的共通点
You’re an improbable person, Eve, and so am I. We have that in common.
瞧不起芸芸众生 无法爱人与被爱
Also a contempt for humanity, an inability to love and be loved.
填不满的欲望 用不尽的才能
Insatiable ambition and talent.
我们是绝配 你有在听我说吗?
We deserve each other. Are you listening to me?
– 那就说出来 – 我有在听 艾迪森
– Then say so. – Yes, Addison.
你已了解并同意 你完全属于我?
And you realize and you agree how completely you belong to me?
对 艾迪森
Yes, Addison.
去睡吧 祝你今晚好运
Then take your nap, and good luck for tonight.
I won’t play tonight.
不可能的 我无法演了
I couldn’t. Not possibly. I couldn’t go on.
“Couldn’t go on”? You’ll give the performance of your life.
于是她演出了 她这一生中最要的一场戏
And she gave the performance of her life.
And it was a night to remember, that night.
Honored members of the Sarah Siddons Society,
distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
What is there for me to say?
一切的感谢辞 老早以前就都已被比我更成熟
Everything wise and witty has long since been said
更具才华 更杰出的人说尽
by minds more mature and talents far greater than mine.
将各位视为同辈发表感言 无疑是放肆狂妄
For me to thank you as equals would be presumptuous.
I am an apprentice in the theatre,
and have much to learn from all of you.
我只能说 我很荣幸能获得这项荣誉
Let me say only that I am proud and happy,
