噢 是的 他们就是这样 然后他们在这些女人和自己的家人中间画了一道界限
Oh, yes, they do. And they draw a line between them and their families.
什么? 但是他亲了她
Yes? But he’s kissed her.
I know. He’s made you suffer horribly…
and yet I can’t help feeling sorry for him too.
道丽 他爱你 真的
Dolly, he loves you, really.
见见他吧 他很难过
Do see him. He’s so unhappy.
你真的认为他很难过吗? -是的
Do you really think that he’s unhappy? – Yes.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
孵着孵着 掉了下来
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses–
去找她 斯蒂芬 -就算聚集了国王所有的臣子
Go to her, Stepan. – And all the king’s men…
couldn’t put Humpty together again.
凯亚 坦亚
Katya, Tanya.
赫尔小姐 我想现在可以带孩子们去睡了
Miss Hull, I think the children can go to bed now.
是的 夫人 -但是安娜姑姑 我们还没好好看看你呢
Yes, Your Ladyship. – But Aunt Anna, we haven’t seen you yet.
怎么样? -一切都会好起来的
Well? – Everything’s going to be all right.
怎么了 吉提? 你看上去真美啊 安娜
What is it, Kitty? – How beautiful you look, Anna.
安娜姑姑 你去参加舞会吗? -噢 给我们看看你的裙子吧
Aunt Anna, are you going to the ball? – Oh, do show us your dress.
我会的 不过你们要先上♥床♥ -保证吗?
I will, as soon as you’re in bed. – Promise?
保证 -保证?
Promise. – Promise?
我保证 舞会是什么时候? -明天 在莫斯科夫
Promise. When is the ball? – Tomorrow, at the Meskovs’.
来吧 孩子们 别打扰她了
Come along, children. Don’t bother her ladyship.
过来 孩子 谢谢 亲爱的 你也是 伊凡
Come here, child. Thank you, darling. – You too, Ivan.
过来 凯亚 -好了
Come along, Katya. – There we are.
吉提 我知道你为什么想让我 参加舞会
Kitty, I know why you want me to go to the ball.
You want everyone to share in your happiness.
你知道 我在火车站遇到了渥伦斯基伯爵
I met Captain Vronsky at the station, you know.
那么 斯蒂芬都跟你说了什么?
well, what has Stepan been telling you?
The whole story.
His mother says he’s quite a hero.
但是当然 妈妈总是会偏心的
But of course, mothers are prejudiced.
What a pity your husband couldn’t come.
我无法想象 亚历克斯·亚力山德洛维奇·卡列♥宁♥ 跳舞的样子
I can’t imagine Alexey Alexandrovitch Karenin dancing.
He’d be quite lost without state papers in his hands.
好了 孩子们 你们现在上♥床♥去吧
All right, children, you can go to bed now.
My wife–
一个男人可以拥有的最好 最温柔 最甜美的妻子
The finest, the sweetest, the kindest wife a man could ever wish for.
安娜 -道丽 亲爱的 我真开心
Anna. – Dolly, dear, I’m so glad.
晚安 妈妈 晚安
Good night, Mother. Good night.
晚安 亲爱的 -晚安 亲爱的
Good night, darling. – Good night, darling.
好了 孩子们 你们现在可以跟爸爸说晚安了
All right, children, you can say good night to your father now.
晚安 小家伙 晚安 晚安 晚安
Good night, little ones. Good night, good night. Good night.
现在做个乖孩子 上♥床♥睡觉吧 好了
Now off to bed like good little children. There we are.
晚安 -别忘了你的承诺 安娜姑姑
Good night. – Don’t forget your promise, Aunt Anna.
我不会的 亲爱的
No, I won’t, my darling.
我现在要赶快了 我还没把行李打开呢
Now I must hurry. I haven’t even unpacked yet.
Tell His Excellency I just want to have a word with him.
I’ll wait here.
晚上好 我打扰你了吗?
Good evening. – Do I disturb you?
I just wanted to know if you’re going to join us…
at the club dinner we’re arranging for Wednesday night.
你真好人 但是你不用专程跑一趟的
It is nice of you, but you shouldn’t have gone out of your way.
我们反正会在莫斯科夫的舞会上见的 -当然
We should have met anyway at the Meskovs’ ball. – Of course!
但是我… 我不确定你会去
But then I– I wasn’t sure you were going.
噢 安娜 真漂亮的裙子
Oh, Anna, what a wonderful dress.
安娜·卡列尼娜 -亲爱的公主
Anna Arkadyevna. – Dear Prince.
噢 是的 太美了 -吉提 你满脸的幸福…
Oh, yes, it’s wonderful. – Kitty, the happiness in your eyes…
is lovelier than any dress.
亲爱的 -安娜 亲爱的
My dear. – Anna, darling.
Will you forgive me?
安娜·卡列尼娜 -晚上好 伯爵
Anna Arkadyevna. – Good evening, Count.
How delightful to see you again in Moscow.
你不能拒绝我的 对吧?
You can’t refuse me this, can you?
我亲爱的科桑斯基 你非常清楚…
My dear Korsunsky, you know very well…
要是可以的话 我从来都不跳舞的
I never dance unless I can help it.
但是你今天一定要跳 你实在是太美了
You can’t today. You’re much too beautiful.
既然这样 那我们跳舞吧
In that case, let us dance.
真是抱歉 吉提 我没看到你
I’m so sorry, Kitty. I hadn’t seen you.
Would you care to dance?
很荣幸 伯爵
With pleasure, Count.
Ladies and gentlemen…
带上您的舞伴 一起跳波洛涅兹舞吧
kindly take your partners for the polonaise.
Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?
对不起 但是我… 我答应渥伦斯基要跟他跳舞了
I’m sorry, but I– I promised it to Count Vronsky.
确定吗? 他不可能会犯这样的错误啊
Are you sure? The mistake couldn’t possibly have been his.
我… 我肯定是把他们搞混了
I– I must have mixed them up.
我多蠢啊 -你想跳舞吗?
How stupid of me. – Would you care to dance?
噢 要是我不跳的话 你会介意吗?
Oh, do you mind if I don’t?
我的鞋… 我的脚疼了整晚
It’s my shoe– It’s been hurting all evening.
噢 真是抱歉 那一定很难受 -是的
Oh, I’m so sorry. It must be torture. – Yes.
My cloak.
别闹了 孩子 你不可能在晚饭前离场的
Don’t be ridiculous, child. You can’t possibly leave before supper.
我累了 妈妈 我想回家
I’m tired, mother. I’d rather go home.
But you’ve scarcely danced at all.
我想渥伦斯基伯爵肯定要带 你跳马祖卡舞曲
I thought Count Vronsky had signed your card for the mazurka.
Gregori will take me home.
别感冒了 回家就睡吧
Don’t catch cold. And go straight to bed.
Is she not feeling well?
She’s upset.
那个年轻人是怎么了? 怎么会做出那样的行为?
What ever came over that young man, behaving like that?
我告诉过你 我一直都比较喜欢另一个人 亲爱的
I told you, I always preferred the other one, my dear.
我们赶紧去晚宴吧 这样人们才不会注意到她离场了
Let’s go into supper so that her departure is not noticed.
I had her sent specially from Ireland.
她的技术不是太娴熟 但是非常勇敢 是个美人
She’s on the small side for a chaser, but very game. A real beauty.
I hope she’ll prove a great success.
除非今年的地面状况不好 我想我今年有个机会
Unless the going’s heavy, I think I have a chance this year.
Will you be there?
我不知道 我们通常都回参加比赛
I don’t know. We often do go to the races.
I haven’t missed a Military Cup meeting since I was a boy.
How beautiful your dress is.
好了 安娜·卡列尼娜 你不来吃晚饭吗?
Well, Anna Arkadyevna, are you not coming in to supper?
不 谢谢 公爵夫人
No, thank you, Countess.
我明早就走了 我想我应该在旅途前好好休息一下
I’m leaving in the morning, and I think I should rest before my journey.
你一定要走吗? -恐怕是的
Must you really go? – I’m afraid so.
但是你知道哦啊 我今晚在这里
But you know, I danced more tonight than I generally do…
比我在圣彼得堡一个冬天跳的舞 还要多
during a whole winter in St. Petersburg.
那么失陪了 今晚真的是很愉快
So will you forgive me? It’s been a charming evening.
You should have stayed a few days more.
The house is not the same without you.
我必须得走了 道丽 真的
I must go, Dolly. I really must.
Kitty is not very well.
她 呃… 她让她的侍女来替她跟你道别
She, uh– She sent her maid to say good-bye for her.
你知道 我离开就是为了吉提
You know, it’s because of Kitty that I’m going.
She was so happy.
她对这个舞会抱了极大的期望 而我…
And she expected so much from this ball, and I–
我毁了这个晚上 -是的
I spoiled the evening for her. – Yes.
Captain Vronsky danced a lot with you.
是的 但是这不怪我啊
Yes, but I’m really not to blame.
或者这的确怪我… 一点点吧
Or perhaps I am… a little.
But it was quite unintentional.
You said that just like Stepan.
噢 不 我跟斯蒂芬不一样
Oh, no. I’m not like Stepan.
噢 亲爱的 我居然跟吉提变成了敌人
Oh, dear. I’m going away having made an enemy of Kitty…
and I’m so fond of her.
你会跟她解释的 对吧 道丽?
You will make it all right with her, won’t you, Dolly?
Tell her that I hope they’ll soon be married…
and that she’ll be very happy.
斯蒂芬呢? 我就快误了火车了
Now where is Stepan? I shall miss my train.
斯蒂芬 -来了 来了
Stepan! – Coming, coming.
