安娜 你真厉害 睡得那么晚居然还可以起的这么早 还这么有精神
Anna,you’re a marvel. Up fresh and early after such a late night.
Don’t know how you manage it.
你就跟初次参加社交活动一样 跳个不停
You dance like a debutante.
你记不记得我们以前 一起伤害的那些人?
Do you remember the hearts we used to break together in the old days?
噢 对了
Oh. Right.
I don’t know what I’m talking about.
东西都装好了吗? -是的
Is everything loaded up? – Yes, Excellency.
好的 那我们该走了 -再见 亲爱的道丽
Good. Then we’d better be going. – Good-bye, Dolly darling.
再见 安娜
Good-bye, Anna.
I shall never forget what you’ve done for me.
Remember that I love you…
而且不管发生什么 我永远都会爱你的
and always will, whatever happens.
Now we must be going.
夫人睡不着吗? -睡得不怎么好
Can’t madame sleep? – Not very well.
What station is this?
柯灵站 夫人 在这里停上几分钟补水
Klin, madame. A few minutes to take in water.
谢谢 我要…我要出去呼吸一下新鲜空气
Thank you. I’m-I’m going out for a breath of air.
我不知道你要去圣彼得堡 你被召回了吗?
I didn’t know you were going to St. Petersburg. Have you been recalled?
You know I’m going there to be where you are–
Because I cannot do otherwise.
要是我刚刚说了冒犯你的话 我很抱歉
I’m sorry if what I’ve just said displeases you.
I hope you will forget it…
as I shall forget it.
Not a word…
或是任何一个动作 我都无法忘记
not a gesture of yours shall I ever forget.
How can I?
Not a word…
或是任何一个动作 我都无法忘记
not a gesture of yours shall I ever forget.
How can I?
早上好 阁下 -早上好 里面
Good morning, Excellency. – Good morning. Inside.
安奴斯卡 我的包
Annushka, my bag.
See what a kind, devoted husband you have…
就像以前一样 时时渴望见到你 我亲爱的
just as in the old days, burning with desire to see you, my dear.
晚上过的还好吧? -谢尔盖还好吗?
Not too bad a night? – How is Sergei?
这就是我的付出得到的回报吗? 他很好
Is that all the reward I get for my devotion? He’s quite well.
我带他来了 他就在马车上
I let him come to see you. He’s in the carriage.
哦 -你晚上过的还好吗 夫人呢?
Oh! – Did you have a good night, madame?
是的 是的 谢谢你 非常好 渥伦斯基伯爵
Yes. Yes, thank you, very good. Count Vronsky.
I believe I have the honor of your acquaintance.
亲爱的 看来你跟母亲一起去…
It seems, my dear, you went with the mother…
and came back with the son.
毫无疑问 你是回来了
You’re back from leave, no doubt.
还好莫斯科没什么事情 让你脱不开身
I’m flattered you found so little in Moscow to detain you.
我希望能有幸去拜访您 -周四吧
I hope to have the honor of calling on you. – We receive on Thursdays.
I was very lucky to be able to come.
I’m snowed under with work at the moment.
安德烈 安德烈 她来了
Andrey! Andrey, here she is.
我亲爱的 你好吗?
My darling, have you been all right?
我怕我再也见不到你了 -噢
I was afraid I’d never see you again. – Aw.
拜托 不至于啦
Come, come. what a fuss.
3天而已 我哭了吗?
Three days. Did I cry?
Poor darling.
她快因屈辱而死了 他一定要这么做吗?
She’s dying of shame. Must he do that?
他坚持要做全身检查 亲爱的
He insists on a complete examination, my dear.
哪有年轻姑娘做全身检查的 真是太不像话了
No young girl should be completely examined. It’s indecent.
我知道她是怎么了 妈妈
I know what’s wrong with her, Mama.
It’s nothing that medicine will cure.
just leave me alone with her for a moment.
怎么样 医生?
Well, Doctor?
Do you think I don’t know?
相信我 这不值得让你心碎
Believe me, it’s not worth breaking your heart about.
We’ve all been through this sort of thing.
噢 看在上帝份上 别同情我 这会让我发疯的
Oh, for heaven’s sake, don’t sympathize with me. It drives me mad.
你以为我是为了一个不爱我的 男人而心碎吗?
You think I’m breaking my heart over a man who doesn’t love me.
你 我的妹妹… -吉提
You, my sister– – Kitty.
I’m not like you–
Swallowing your pride and going back to a man…
回到一个跟其他女人 一起背叛你的男人身边
who’s betrayed you with another woman.
噢 道丽
Oh, Dolly.
I’m so unhappy.
You must tell me everything.
Did Konstantin Levin speak to you?
是的 但是…
Yes, but–
I’m so unhappy.
Where were your thoughts just then?
不好意思 我刚刚还在想工作的事
I confess to my shame, still at the Ministry.
This report worries me.
我强烈的公然抨击 我们行政上的疏忽
I’m playing a strong hand in denouncing the negligence of our administration.
然而 这件事再清楚不过了
Nevertheless, the case is quite clear.
I’ve tabled a motion before the Imperial Council.
当然 这个行动在各个省都将有所不同
This motion, of course, will be different for each province…
and the council–
And you?
What are you thinking of?
没什么 恐怕我是在做白日梦
Nothing. I’m afraid I was daydreaming.
原谅我 我闷到你了
Forgive me. I was beginning to bore you.
I must deal with my tiresome papers.
Oh! You going out this evening?
你忘了吗? 你答应带我去看歌♥剧的
Had you forgotten? You promised to take me to the opera.
当然记得一一 但是我很抱歉 我可能去不了了
Of course– But I’m terribly sorry. I shan’t be able to go.
Nathalia sharing your box?
是的 别担心 我不会孤单的
Yes, don’t worry. I shall not be alone.
Count Vronsky will be there too–
还有亲爱的伊丽莎白 -太好了
and dear Betsy. – That’s splendid.
Then I don’t need to have a bad conscience.
要是你想我留下的话 我就不去了
I could stay if you wished.
嗯? 不 不 亲爱的
Hmm? No, no, my dear.
我不能让俄♥罗♥斯♥的国事闷到 咱们两个人
Russia’s affairs don’t require both of us to be bored.
Go and enjoy your evening.
我一直知道 俄♥罗♥斯♥没了我还是一样运作
I’ve known for some time that Russia can do without me…
but I thought perhaps if you–
Alexey Alexandrovitch.
Come in.
晚上好 阁下 -啊
Good evening, Your Excellency. – Ah.
东西都拿好了吗? -是的 阁下
Have you got everything? – Everything, Excellency.
晚上好 西奥多 -晚上好 夫人
Good evening, Theodore. – Good evening, madame.
安娜? -怎么了?
Anna? – Yes?
Give my love to Nathalia.
还没睡呢 谢尔盖?
Not in bed yet, Sergei?
但是你说我可以的 妈妈
But you said I could, Mother.
是的 但是不是一整晚
Yes, but not all night.
不 妈妈 但是我要赢了 你看 -噢 我知道
No, Mother, but I’m winning now, you see. – Oh, I see.
我要去看歌♥剧 亲爱的 我来跟你说晚安
I’m going to the opera, darling, and I’ve come to kiss you good night.
晚安 妈妈
Good night, Mother.
你不能跳过我的 我没看到我在亲妈妈
You shouldn’t have hopped me. I didn’t see that. I was kissing Mother.
Now I’m going to take you.
Would you like me to stay and play you at draughts?
噢 不 你总是赢我
Oh, no. You always beat me.
I’ve got a king.
到你了 继续
It’s your turn. Go on.
晚安 玛丽埃塔 -晚安 夫人
Good night, Marietta. – Good night, madame.
啊 桌子来了
Ah! Here’s the table.
Now we can indulge in our favorite vice.
Put it here.
不 我是安娜的朋友 是的 是的 所以我想说
No, I am a friend of Anna’s. Yes, yes, so I can say this.
自从她从莫斯科回来 我觉得她变了
Since her return from Moscow, I find her very changed.
There’s something strange about her.
她的变化也许是由于她的身后 一直跟着个影子
The change may be due to the fact that she has a shadow following her.
影子? -渥伦斯基伯爵的影子
A shadow? – The shadow of Count Vronsky.
你说话太尖锐了 亲爱的
Your tongue is too sharp, my dear.
