will you consent to a divorce?
I no longer ask for my child.
I beseech you to give me this last chance at happiness.
在我看来 你已经得到了你想要的一切了
It seems to me that you have everything you yourself have desired.
你同意吗? 你显然不能拒绝我
Will you consent? You surely cannot refuse me.
I cannot act against my religious convictions.
I consider the matter closed.
请理解 我做不到
Please understand, I cannot do it.
My daughters are growing up.
看在我丈夫的份上 我必须走入社会
I have to move in society for my husband’s sake.
I cannot ask her to my home.
她跟您接待过的那些人 相比也并无不同
She’s no worse than hundreds of people you do receive.
而且您是第一个觉得她有魅力的 -作为旅行同伴来说 的确
And you were the first to find her charming. – As a traveling companion, yes.
在上帝的眼里 她是我的妻子
– Not as my son’s mistress. – In the eyes of God, she’s my wife.
Let’s call things by their proper names.
对不起 我不知道… -我正准备走
Sorry, I didn’t know– – I was on the point of leaving.
再见 亲爱的儿子
Good-bye, my dear son.
I know the way out.
再见 安娜·卡列尼娜
Good-bye, Anna Arkadyevna.
Did you have a pleasant day? Tell me where you’ve been.
What was your mother doing here…
想要把你从我身边带走吗? -不 安娜 拜托
trying to take you away from me? – No, Anna. Please.
她就跟其他人一样 满手泥泞
She’s like the rest of them with their hands full of mud.
安娜 我求你了 别这么说我的母亲
Anna, I beg you. Don’t speak like that about my mother.
噢 我向你保证 你母亲怎么想
Oh, I assure you, it’s a matter of complete indifference to me…
或是她想你娶谁 对我来说都毫无意义
what your mother thinks, or whom she wants you to marry.
结婚? -我听说小公主索罗提娜的事了
Marry? – I’ve heard about the little Princess Sorokina.
What’s the matter with you?
我觉得我不能再这样生活下去了 一直躲躲藏藏
I feel I cannot go on living like this any longer, hiding from everyone.
亚历克斯 我们今晚去看歌♥剧吧
Alexey, let us go to the opera tonight.
为什么 你知道这是不可能的
Why, you know that’s out of the question.
为什么? -嗯…
Why? – Well…
实际上 我必须去
as a matter of fact, I shall have to go.
My mother has asked me to meet her there.
但是你知道我们为什么不能一起去 -我不想知道
But you know why we cannot go there together. – I don’t want to know.
其他人会怎么说 或是怎么想都不重要
What other people may say or think is unimportant.
我们相爱 其他的一切都不重要
We love each other and nothing else should matter.
我们为什么不能去? -你难道不明白…
Why can’t we go? – Don’t you understand that–
不 我不明白
No, I don’t understand.
好吧 跟你母亲一起去吧 我自己去
All right. Go with your mother. I shall go alone.
不 不是自己去 娜塔莉亚会很高兴陪我一起去的
No, not alone. Nathalia will be delighted to come with me.
如果她去不了的话 我…我肯定还会有其他人陪我的
And if she can’t, I’m– I’m sure there are plenty of people who will.
There’s no one like Madame Patti.
She must have the world’s most beautiful voice.
亚历克斯 我们的小公主索罗提娜 正在跟你说话呢
Alexey, our little Princess Sorokina is talking to you.
噢 不好意思 公主
Oh, I beg your pardon, Princess.
是的 帕蒂夫人的嗓音的确优美动听
Yes, Madame Patti has a very beautiful voice.
亲爱的 恐怕他不是你
My dear, I’m afraid he’s lost to you and–
and lost to me as well.
这是你的错都是你的错 -我告诉过你别来的 我知道会闹得不愉快
It’s your fault, all yours. – I told you not to come. I knew it would be unpleasant.
不愉快?只要我还活着 就不会忘记这句话的
Unpleasant? As long as I live, I shall never forget it.
真是太可怕了 她说坐在我旁边很丢脸
It was hideous. She said it was a disgrace to sit beside me.
这只是一个蠢女人说的话 何必为了这些话而不开心呢
just the words of a stupid woman. Why let them distress you?
It doesn’t work with me in this intolerable position.
是你把我害成这样的 -我知道我们不应该挑起争端的
You’re what brought me to this. – I’ve always known we must never risk insult, never provoke it.
你说我们 但是你指的是我 你随时可以去找你的朋友
You say “we,” but you mean me. You are free to go among your friends.
It is I who must stay in the shadows.
我看上去像是自♥由♥无忧的样子吗? -换句话说 你是囚徒吗?
Do I behave as if I were free? – In other words, you are a prisoner?
You’re doing your best to create a prison for us both.
这么说你认为这是监牢? -是你逼我说狠话的
So you think it is a prison? – You goad me into saying things with this insane desire for strife.
我甚至不知道是怎么回事 但是我觉得你对我充满了敌意
I don’t even know what it is, but I feel you are hostile towards me.
If only you knew how near I am to calamity…
要是你知道我有多害怕 多怕我自己
how afraid I am, afraid of myself.
亚历克斯 你对我的感情没有改变吧?
Alexey, you haven’t changed towards me, have you?
安娜 你知道我对你的情意永远都不会变
Anna, you know my feelings for you can never change.
但是 亲爱的 你必须写信给卡列♥宁♥ 要求离婚
But, my dearest, you must write to Karenin and ask him for a divorce.
What is it?
我…我敢肯定他会拒绝的 -不 他不会拒绝的
I-I am sure that he will refuse. – No, he will not refuse.
他会接受的 然后我们就可以随时一起出现了
He will accept, and then we can go together wherever we please…
我们可以结婚 生活在一起
get married and live.
是的 是的 好吧
Yes. Yes, all right.
好吧 我会写信给他的
All right. I will write to him.
But I would rather not wait for his answer in St. Petersburg.
我们没有继续留在这里的理由了 没有了
There is nothing to keep us here anymore. Nothing.
我们去莫斯科吧 -好的 亲爱的 随你的便
Let us go to Moscow. – All right, my darling. Whenever you please.
那就明天吧 就明天
Tomorrow, then. Tomorrow.
噢 原谅我…
Oh, forgive me…
如此的欠考虑 自私而且可怜
for being so thoughtless, selfish and wretched.
我爱你 亚历克斯
I love you, Alexey.
I love you.
这封电报是给您的 阁下 -谢谢
This telegram came for Your Excellency. – Thank you.
谁发的? -什么?
Who is it from? – What?
电报 -噢 是我母亲发来的
The telegram. – Oh, it’s from my mother.
噢 她说什么?
Oh. What does she say?
她想让我回圣彼得堡 处理地♥产♥的一些事情
She wants me to return to St. Petersburg to settle something about the estate.
But we’ve only just left.
It’s an excuse.
我知道如果你去圣彼得堡的话 就不会回来了
I know that if you go to St. Petersburg, you will not come back.
别不讲理 这只是…
Do be reasonable. It’s–
这只是单纯的生意问题而已 最多几天
It’s purely a business matter, a couple of days at the most.
好吧 丢下我去圣彼得堡吧 要是你想去的话
All right. Leave me. Go to St. Petersburg if you want to.
我们不是被绑在一起 -安娜 这到底是怎么回事?
We are not chained together. – Anna, what’s all this about?
这只是由于你的地位不稳定 才造成你这么多疑
It’s only the uncertainty of your position that makes you suspicious.
不稳定? 你什么意思?
Uncertainty? What do you mean?
我完全在你的掌控之中 还有什么不稳定的?
I am completely in your power. What is uncertain about that?
安娜 亲爱的 你一旦可以离婚了 我们就马上结婚
Anna, darling. As soon as we hear about the divorce, we’ll get married.
And then you won’t have to torture yourself any longer.
Don’t talk to me about the divorce.
我已经决定不再让这件事影响我的生活 你为什么要在意?
I’ve decided not to let it influence my life anymore. Why should you care about it?
Haven’t you written to Karenin?
没有 -没有?
No. – No?
为什么 安娜? -如果他同意离婚 你就会觉得你不得不娶我
Why, Anna? – If he agreed to a divorce, you would feel forced to marry me.
I don’t want to impose that sort of obligation on you…
特别是现在 -现在?
especially now. – Now?
When there is this conspiracy afoot between yourself and your mother.
什么阴谋? -你应该娶索罗提娜公主的阴谋
What conspiracy? – That you should marry the Princess Sorokina.
就算是吵架也好 这也太荒唐了吧 我拒绝跟你争论这个问题
That’s too ridiculous even for argument. I refuse to argue with you.
我们想要你离婚 我们非常需要你离婚
We want a divorce. We need it desperately.
需要? 为什么这个突然变得这么重要了呢?
Need it? Why has it suddenly become so necessary?
安娜 你跟我一样清楚 这件事没完没了
Anna,you know as well as I do. It goes on and on.
我希望你知道 我绝不会再跟你争论这个问题
I want you to know this. I absolutely refuse to take any part in these arguments again.
奥勃朗斯基公主有客人吗? -是的 夫人
Has Princess Oblonsky visitors? – Yes, milady.
史切巴斯基王子和公主 还有列文夫妇来了
Prince and Princess Shcherbatsky and Mr. and Mrs. Levin are here.
噢 那我… -安娜 见到你真开心
Oh, then I had– – Anna, how nice to see you.
对不起我不知道你有客人 我不打扰你了
I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had visitors. I won’t disturb you.
但是只是吉提和家人而已 你当然要留下
But it’s only Kitty and the family. Of course you must stay.
不 我…我现在还是不要 见人比较好
No, I– I’d rather not see anyone just now.
另外 他们也不会想见我的
Besides, they wouldn’t want to see me.
安娜 出什么事了吗?你看起来好奇怪
Anna, is anything wrong? You look so strange.
道丽 我必须找人聊聊 而你是唯一一个我能想到的人了
Dolly, I had to come and see someone, and you were the only person.
你不会也轻视我 谴责我吧?
You don’t despise me and condemn me too, do you?
亲爱的 我爱你 而且会一直爱你
My dear, I love you and I always will.
当然 他也爱你
Surely, he loves you too.
I don’t know.
I worry about it night and day.
Sometimes I think I’m losing him…
that we’re being irresistibly driven apart.
亲爱的 我不敢告诉他我去见过我的丈夫
Darling, I daren’t tell him that I have been to see my husband…
