
vt. 歼灭;战胜;废止
vi. 湮灭;湮没



annihilate 消灭
前缀an-同ad-. 词根nil, 零,词源同no,见nihilism, 虚无主义。


annihilate” 是一个动词,意为毁灭,彻底消灭。

  1. annihilate the enemy – 消灭敌人
  2. annihilate all traces – 毁灭一切痕迹
  3. annihilate the opposition – 彻底击败对手
  4. annihilate a threat – 消除威胁
  5. annihilate a target – 消灭目标
  6. annihilate the competition – 打垮竞争对手
  7. annihilate evil – 毁灭邪恶
  8. annihilate a fortress – 摧毁堡垒
  9. annihilate resistance – 消除抵抗
  10. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压叛乱
  11. annihilate a virus – 根除病毒
  12. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭叛乱
  13. annihilate a dictatorship – 推翻独裁政权
  14. annihilate a revolt – 镇压起义
  15. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压反叛
  16. annihilate all opposition – 消灭一切反对派
  17. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭反叛
  18. annihilate a menace – 消除威胁
  19. annihilate a horde – 摧毁一群
  20. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭起义
  21. annihilate a dictatorship – 消灭独裁
  22. annihilate an uprising – 镇压起义
  23. annihilate a revolt – 镇压叛乱
  24. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压反叛
  25. annihilate a virus – 根除病毒
  26. annihilate resistance – 消除抵抗
  27. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭反叛
  28. annihilate a dictatorship – 推翻独裁
  29. annihilate a threat – 消除威胁
  30. annihilate a fortress – 摧毁堡垒
  31. annihilate the opposition – 消灭对手
  32. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压叛乱
  33. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压反叛
  34. annihilate a revolt – 镇压起义
  35. annihilate all traces – 毁灭一切痕迹
  36. annihilate the enemy – 消灭敌人
  37. annihilate resistance – 消除抵抗
  38. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭起义
  39. annihilate the opposition – 打败对手
  40. annihilate evil – 消灭邪恶
  41. annihilate a threat – 消除威胁
  42. annihilate a virus – 根除病毒
  43. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压叛乱
  44. annihilate a menace – 消除威胁
  45. annihilate a fortress – 摧毁堡垒
  46. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压反叛
  47. annihilate the opposition – 彻底击败对手
  48. annihilate a rebellion – 剿灭叛乱
  49. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压反叛
  50. annihilate a rebellion – 镇压起义
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
