And after it was successful, of course…
…it was a great temptation to reveal all the stories…
而因为我是总统 所以也许还能沾上光
…so maybe l could take a little bit of credit for it, since l was president…
但我们必须保密 而托尼·门德斯在退休之后
…but we had to keep it secret. Tony Mendez has gone down in ClA history…
…after his retirement…
…as one of the 50 most important ClA operatives of all time.
最终 每一名人♥质♥都平安回到祖国
Eventually we got every hostage back home, safe and sound…
我们通过和平手段 维护了祖国的尊严
…and we upheld the integrity of our country, and we did it peacefully.
